Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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So you paint and line 3 identical coaches and give them a top coat of varnish. 2 go as planned whilst the third decides that the lining transfers you applied will ruck up in numerous places. I could possibly understand if it was the last one to receive the lining in case they hadn't dried enough but it wasn't.
This hobby loves throwing curve balls.....


Yup, been there. Not with carriage lining, thankfully, but with wagon transfers which was highly annoying, but not on your scale.
Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: talisman56 on March 29, 2020, 02:20:12 PM
About a week before the lockdown muck hit the rotary air movement device, a long-planned and scheculed start was made on replacing our kitchen and converting part of our integral garage into a utility room and downstairs loo.

The work has progressed, to the stage where the floor is ready to receive its layer of tiles - only we can't get any as nobody will deliver them, they're only on shop sale or 'click and collect', neither of which are an option currently, so we are completely stymied.

We're not starving - we have microwave, soup maker and slow cooker available so as long as we can still wander down to the shops occasionally and get food to cook we're OK.

However, this morning, a slow leak in the mixer bar in the shower has got appreciably worse, so I went hunting for a replacement, and found one, and they can deliver - on 9 April!!

Bit of an update.

The builders have been in and out over the past week or so, and a stack of packs of floor tiles has appeared in the garage. All the plastering, and clean water plumbing has been done, and a hole has appeared in the garden ready for the waste water pipes to be plumbed into the sewer system. This morning, received a text from the site foreman saying that their insurance company has notified them that their insurance does not cover them for work in the current climate [referring them to a clause in the small print headed 'Pandemics'] so they are having to shut up shop for the forseeable future - nice!!!  >:(

The local plumbing supplies place has reopened on a limited basis and I was able to get a shower mixer bar to temporarily replace the existing one pro tem the arrival of the proper one this Thursday (hopefully!)...
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=18364.0
My workbench thread: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=19037



Having a small child has its, erm, challenges as I am sure many of you are aware.

The lockdown is starting to bite in terms of "The Gremlin" getting bored. He is just at the age (16 and a bit months) were he notices he can't do things and hates "no".

That all aside yesterday was rough, even before he decided to finish his evening bottle and, well, spectacularly vomit over his room.

So there we were for nearly 2 hours cleaning floors (thank goodness I decided to have laminated flooring in my former train room), walls, door, rug, bookshelf, teddies, chair and books.

To his credit he was actually delighted to be awake and allowed to watch Thunderbirds Are Go (keep him amused with mum whilst I scrubbed) past bedtime.

However, he then decided to get up at 04:00 because he was hungry.

So completely out of sync and very tired today  :'(



Quote from: Skyline2uk on April 26, 2020, 11:54:54 AM

Having a small child has its, erm, challenges as I am sure many of you are aware.

The lockdown is starting to bite in terms of "The Gremlin" getting bored. He is just at the age (16 and a bit months) were he notices he can't do things and hates "no".

That all aside yesterday was rough, even before he decided to finish his evening bottle and, well, spectacularly vomit over his room.

So there we were for nearly 2 hours cleaning floors (thank goodness I decided to have laminated flooring in my former train room), walls, door, rug, bookshelf, teddies, chair and books.

To his credit he was actually delighted to be awake and allowed to watch Thunderbirds Are Go (keep him amused with mum whilst I scrubbed) past bedtime.

However, he then decided to get up at 04:00 because he was hungry.

So completely out of sync and very tired today  :'(


Sounds like a normal Saturday night to me  :doh:

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!




I hope you clean your own vom John  :sick2:



Quote from: Skyline2uk on April 26, 2020, 12:26:17 PM

I hope you clean your own vom John  :sick2:


I'm sick of doing that to be honest  :(

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Well it's going to be a rubbish day today - off to the crematorium for my Mother in Laws funeral - due to the lockdown there's only going to be three people there.


My most sincere condolences.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Always a sad occasion but even worse in these trying times. My condolences.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Well, I've had enough for today, or should that be yesterday.

Sunday evening, Chaos (Daddy's little Princess) the cat had respiratory problems, this involved a late night (10.45pm) trip to the emergency vets, two nights in, blood tests, heart scan, fair bit of prodding.

I picked her up this morning, she has a thickening of one of the walls of her heart, and a Thyroid score of 252! (should be less than 50). They think the respiratory problems, the rate went up to 90/min as oppose to 18/20/min, was caused by her 'throwing a clot' as they put it. She now has another two AM tablets to go with the three steroids she has every day, and one PM tablet. I've spent most of the day trying various concoctions to get her to eat; poached white fish, oven cooked chicken, a bit of Penfolds food in with her raw turkey mince etc. The turkey mince with a little Felix and James Wellbeloved seemed most popular. She's looking a bit perkier this evening thank goodness. She is 16-1/2yrs, so I know she's not immortal, but I could do without this at the moment.

Penfold, our 5 yr old cat, went round and had a smorgasbord of what she didn't fancy.

Penfold decided to then throw this lot back up at about 6pm. All round the lounge.

This evening at a little before 6pm the wife went down stairs, a few minutes later passed out and I found her 10seconds later groaning in a heap against the dishwasher. She came round quickly, 111 was called, the call (after the usual 60 questions) was elevated to an 'out-of-hours' GP who called on the phone a little before 7pm. After quite a long consultation with her, the advice was to ship off to A&E. My wife has a respiratory condition of about 12yrs and we've been self isolating for the last six weeks, with the exception of the elderly dementia lady that my wife provides contact and food for and her elderly aunt who we deliver food to once a week. We were not best pleased with having to negotiate A&E. However, masks on and off we went. Only the casualty is allowed in so I was relegated to the car park. I understand the need for this, but it means I was completely in the dark about proceedings. At 10pm I made a convoluted call through a ridiculous, to the point of hilarious, 'speak your request' telephony system, to get to a long ringing phone, who transferred me to another long ringing phone. who put me through to A&E. Seriously, you couldn't make it up. A very helpful Doc gave me some info, said they were waiting on blood tests and a radiologist to double check a brain scan, "probably be a good half hour yet" he said. So fire up the car, nip home, check the wife's horses (which had been fed by someone else, Debbie you're a hero!, as we were in a blind panic), medicate the cat, feed the poorly cat and make sure Penfold was in one piece, shoot back to Banbury, sit in car for another half hour, phone the Hospital again {"sorry, we didn't get that, please repeat your response", again!} speak to Catherines Aunt and try to explain what I could and wait for the Doc to ring my mobile.

They think the wife had a fit. She can't drive until she's been to a 'First Fit Club' (I kid you not!), so cat among pigeons regarding the elderly lady, although I can deal with her Aunt.

Got home at 1.15am, fed elderly cat, got wife showered, and into bed, showered myself and am currently sitting on sofa writing this, eating cheesy biscuits as I've eaten nothing since 2pm, got Penfold asleep on my lap with Chaos asleep on the back of the sofa.

I'm exhausted. I'm worried about my cat and I'm really worried about the wife.

At the moment, life sucks.
Brookline build thread:


Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Indeed a  :poop: of a day. Right now, I'd say you need to get a good sleep, even if it's short.

Hope Wednesday has good news for you on all fronts. Please keep us informed.

Go easy, mate.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Well, that was a day to forget Mike!  :goggleeyes: I hope your wife is soon back to normal - and the cats. As I say often enough, you have to have lows in life in order to appreciate the highs. Look after your wife and yourself ... and the cats ... and the Aunt ...and the old lady.  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Crikey that was an awful day - I hope things resolve themselves in a positive way.


Not a cat person, but I really feel for you re your better half. A&E not a good place at the best of times and this is far from that. Hope things start to look up for you.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid

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