The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: AlexanderJesse on July 11, 2021, 11:47:07 PM
Quote from: dannyboy on July 11, 2021, 10:56:58 PM
England Failure

Just watched the penalty shoot out - two ridiculous penalties cost us the result!!!  :veryangry:

Maybe the punishment for the ridiculous bad referee-performance and the even worse laser pointer attack during the Denmark game?

Let's hope that next year at the WC the same final is played again... then there would be a chance for revenge...
have a disney day


Remember: vapour is just water and therefor clean


I was disappointed at the England result this morning, but apart from the penalty disaster, I thought they played ok.

What I am really angry about, though, is our covid situation. There were 77 new cases yesterday, the problem area being SW Sydney.

For those of you who don't live here, this area of Sydney is predominantly a multicultural ethnic community, who are used to living the way they did back home - strong family ties, family get togethers, and so on.

The government are on the TV non-stop, saying that this latest outbreak is being spread at a household family level, and telling everyone to stay home and NOT visit friends and family.

So what happened yesterday? Fifteen 50 year old blokes playing cards in an apartment, because that's their routine. These people use "I no understand English" as an excuse. Bull. They understand alright, they're just breaking the rules that the rest of us are following.

The lockdown is already extended.... don't these clowns realise that their self-centred behaviour is only going to get us a longer lockdown?  :veryangry: >:(
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Just read they're reporting 112 NSW cases today. Seems a big number for Australia...

Here in sunny Tokyo we are now on Day 1 of a six week "state of emergency" (the fourth...) timed to cover the Olympics (probably quite sensible as it pretty much squashes Covid as a spectator sport), but which also covers the school summer holidays and further restricts the range of activities which can be undertaken with a small child.

On the plus side Mrs. Railsquid has now also bagged a vaccination appointment, albeit for the start of September.


Yeah, 112 today. Just about all of them in the same area of Sydney, and most of them in entire families.  :veryangry:

Yes, you're not travelling real well in Tokyo either, by the looks of it. I'm pleased to hear that Mrs R has got a vaccination appointment.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Bealman on July 12, 2021, 01:25:23 AM

So what happened yesterday? Fifteen 50 year old blokes playing cards in an apartment, because that's their routine. These people use "I no understand English" as an excuse. Bull. They understand alright, they're just breaking the rules that the rest of us are following.

Fine them heavily - say the equivalent of £1000 per person and £10,000 for whoever organised it.
That might stop the selfish gits.


Nice to know ignorance and selfishness is universal and not just restricted to our shores.

Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: emjaybee on July 12, 2021, 09:34:51 AM
Nice to know ignorance and selfishness is universal and not just restricted to our shores.


Err didn't we send them there!  ;)


So my gripe for the day! Well the small minority of England fans who seem intent on giving us a bad name!

While I am like many proud of what the England team have achieved under Gareth Southgate over the past 2 tournaments, there is that small minority of fans who seem to think that acting like idiots and savages like in the 70/80s is acceptable.

4 incidents sadly prove how this small group has not buggered off into the past where they belong!

1) Laser pen been aimed a Schemichel in the Denmark game - Thankfully it didn't effect the keeper (his own words) and Denmark didn't raise a case which well they were more than entitled too!

2) Reports of hooliganism around various fan parks last night after the result - Why just why?

3) Idiots trying to break into Wembley during the game injuring 16 police - Well done idiots there goes our next bid to host a tournament and we haven't even began yet!

4) This one really  :censored: me off! Racist abuse directed at Rashford, Sancho and Saka! They have represented their country this whole tournament and honestly they as part of the team have done us proud.
Yes they missed penalties, but so did Kane and he just got lucky it was in normal play so could get the rebound!

I would love to see some of these racist idiots come from behind their keyboards and say some of the vile things to peoples faces, especially those who serve our country in the military or on another sporting note some of our national rugby teams some of whom are of Fijian heritage!
Be interesting to see how many racial slurs they get our before a Fijian heritage rugby player sends them to hospital!
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Countries which succeed tend to have most people pulling on the same end of the rope. Sadly there are always those who want to pull everyone off to the side, and a sad few who want to take away the rope altogether. The latter two categories get the media attention they crave.

Membre AFAN 0196


Quote from: Nbodger on July 12, 2021, 09:42:04 AM
Quote from: emjaybee on July 12, 2021, 09:34:51 AM
Nice to know ignorance and selfishness is universal and not just restricted to our shores.


Err didn't we send them there!  ;)


Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


I get angry when the vast majority of people tend to comment (on all media, not just here) only on the negatives in life, especially football. I'm a positive minded person who always tries to look at the good things. In the football for example, the best placing we've had for 55 years, 2 penalty saves by Pickford, a young team (average age of 24 I think) who can build on this placing, let's mention those instead. The more we report on the negatives the more some of these people will continue to misbehave as they see it as their 15 minutes of fame. A good example was when someone ran on the pitch at last night's game the cameras showed what else was happening and didn't give him the screen time he wanted.
I'm not saying the negative things didn't happen but let's all be a bit more positive about life eh?

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Young Bulla

Errm, does having more overtime available than I could possibly want making breathing circuits, carbon dioxide scrubbers and ventilators count as something positive?
Over 500 cases province-wide today, a bank holiday, one where thousands are on the streets celebrating their 'culture and heritage'.
Just an observation of life here, not meant in any way to be taken personally and I wish you all the best in England when you 're-open next week.


I too wish the best, but fear the worst. Just doesn't seem possible for some folk to take any responsibity in the absence of legislated restrictions. I'll still be minimizing my travel and wearing a mask when in public. And while a drunken minority in England think the world ended at ~10:30 last night, for 26 UK (and 11,550 global) families their world was devasted by Covid yesterday.


Without sticking up for any politician (we don't do that on here) we as a country are in a very difficult position at the moment. We need to open up for some reasons but not for others. I really think it's about time that people actually thought for themselves rather than having to be told what to do. When all this started we were reminded to wash our hands etc. What really concerned me was (and still does) is that I have never needed to be told to wash my hands after going to the toilet but it seems some did, and still do  :(
My big concern recently is when we are told certain restrictions will be lifted in 1 week, 2 weeks or whatever and a certain percentage of the population ignore those restrictions immediately saying, "oh it's only a week or 2, what difference will it make?" Quite a lot actually, compare the number of cases today to what they were 2 weeks ago. I just wish we didn't have to give notice like this and that rules could change at the drop of a hat.
Both myself and my wife will still wear a facemask in shops etc and sometimes outside if we feel it is necessary. We will still test ourselves twice a week and we will avoid busy places for some time yet. I feel sorry for shopworkers etc who have no choice but to face a non mask wearing public all day and believe this will play a major part in any increase in positive cases. I know of a couple of shops here who say customers still won't be allowed in without a mask, good on them. Unfortunately neither of them are supermarkets.
It's a shame we can't all do the above as a minimum.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


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