The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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The National Trust have posted on social media to tell people not to visit Glynde Gap or Devils Dyke down in Sussex as today saw a record number of visitors. With these levels of shear stupidity or total disregard for anyone else we don't stand a chance. It's embarrassing being being part of the human race at the moment.


I can't really express just how incensed I am by this selfish, stupid and unforgivable behaviour.
Up to now I have been able to assimilate the spread of this virus through our World in a rational and considered manner. I have absorbed and understood it's effects and implications, and I have known for weeks that the only way for me and my family and friends to survive is to take heed of the advice given by those who know far more than I about how to manage, as best we can, the pestilence.

This morning I was acutely aware that the daily World death toll was inexorably rising, and at an ever faster rate. A few days ago there were, for the first time, just over 1000 deaths in a 24 hour period. The next day it was higher. The day after that higher still. With a few hours (GMT) left to this day, there have already been just over 1600 deaths, almost half of them in one country, Italy, alone.

This afternoon I read the news that I have given a link to above. It is not the only example of what is described that can be found.

Now I have a new perspective upon the World situation.

Yes, the virus is the agent that continues to scour the population, but the principle method of its transmission is through human to human contact.

By the action of those who evidently wish to ignore informed wisdom and flout the request to minimise that contact, through social distancing (or as the WHO now prefer to call it, physical distancing) it is now quite reasonable for me to say.....

People are killing people.


Sufferin' succotash!


I'm sick of hearing people say "I'm healthy, I have a strong immune system, I won't let this change my behaviour, I'll judge what's best" because it's not just about you (the person saying that) but the people you can unwittingly infect.


Quote from: dannyboy on March 21, 2020, 06:47:12 PM
The only snag is that, unless/until the necessary laws are passed, business - and the general population - can not be prosecuted for failing to heed advice. If I had my way, all this advice would be mandatory, with heavy fines, (and no government handouts), for people who selfishly disregard the advice given.

There will be some law that they can get them on - endangering members of the public, causing a public nuisance,  or something along those lines. Withdrawal of or refusal to renew their licence should follow.


And just as I awake this morning I find the President of the US is strongly urging folks to take a two-drug cocktail that will cure them of Covid-19.

Only one problem - the drug combination will probably kill them in the process!


Sufferin' succotash!


Good grief, and supplies of facepalm are running critically low as it is.

In other news, I've had two second-hand reports that UK television has been reporting that life in Japan is somehow running as normal - rest assured it isn't, schools as well as "public gathering places" have been closed since the start of March, tourism is dead, restaurants etc. are very empty and people are being very circumspect. The cherry blossom season (basically a massive excuse to hang out in dense throngs in parks) is verboten.


Don't worry, mate.... big meeting tonight in NSW. By Tuesday, schools, pubs, etc here will be closed, for sure.

Interstate travel is already kaput. I scraped back home!!
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Suppliers aren't helping much. As I am 73 with COPD (mild I admit) and having missed most of last summer due to complications following a cancer op.,we have decided to avoid all face to face contact, only to find we cannot book a slot for home delivery. Three nights on the trot I waited up till midnight (the time when a new day should become available) but although the new day appeared it still said no slots were available.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid

joe cassidy

Here in France there is a €135 fine if the cops catch you in the street without a valid reason.


Quote from: steve836 on March 22, 2020, 09:36:38 AM
Suppliers aren't helping much. As I am 73 with COPD (mild I admit) and having missed most of last summer due to complications following a cancer op.,we have decided to avoid all face to face contact, only to find we cannot book a slot for home delivery. Three nights on the trot I waited up till midnight (the time when a new day should become available) but although the new day appeared it still said no slots were available.

Ditto here. Tesco and Waitrose have no slots available for either home delivery or Click&Collect between now and 8th April, the latest date supposedly available. Even then, despite our nearest Tesco Superstore being 12 miles away, the store selection on their webpage gives Lincoln, 28 miles away as the only store with the service nearest us.
Waitrose too is in Lincoln.

Though I do have asthma and have been keeping myself out of as much human contact as possible, I still have to do the shopping once a week or so.

Hopefully as Tesco take on more staff, and Waitrose staff are boosted by the redirected staff members from the John Lewis stores that will all close after business on Monday, things might improve.

Or not.

PS - my wife has just checked Asda using her account - like wise fully booked up, this time to 11th April.

Ah well, probably need to go on a diet anyway. :(

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: stevewalker on March 22, 2020, 12:52:09 AM
Quote from: dannyboy on March 21, 2020, 06:47:12 PM
The only snag is that, unless/until the necessary laws are passed, business - and the general population - can not be prosecuted for failing to heed advice. If I had my way, all this advice would be mandatory, with heavy fines, (and no government handouts), for people who selfishly disregard the advice given.

There will be some law that they can get them on - endangering members of the public, causing a public nuisance,  or something along those lines. Withdrawal of or refusal to renew their licence should follow.

I'm sure I read somewhere a bloke in the Isle of Man had been arrested for refusing to self isolate and was facing a fine of up to £10,000


Like many of you, my mum is in a similar position, 81 with asthma and angina. I have encouraged her to try online delivery with the expectation of booking 4 weeks in advance.
I don't blame the supermarkets at all, they are recruiting like crazy and many people who would otherwise be out of work do at least have an income, albeit temporary, for how long no one knows.
I blame the greedy, selfish people who still go and panic buy and also ignore the requests to leave various times free for the elderly and vulnerable or for our NHS and blue light workers.
Please be kind to the folks in store and on the till, especially when they tell you you can only have 2 or 3 of an item, they are just applying the guidelines, they didn't make them and they, like the rest of us, are working lots of extra hours to make up for colleagues who are self isolating or cannot come in to work.
I have no connection with any supermarket but would advocate sensible and reasonable purchasing and a kind word to staff, it will go a long way at the moment.
Stay safe folks

Young Bulla


I'm sure I read somewhere a bloke in the Isle of Man had been arrested for refusing to self isolate and was facing a fine of up to £10,000
Not entirely certain of this, but afaik this chap is of no fixed abode and the island has no homeless shelters - local jungle drums quote him as handing himself in and not arrested on the street.
I am in a rather odd situation myself as my employer let me go in January due to B®€×|¥ uncertainties (and a big factory in Penang making the same thing only cheaper) so claiming JSA at the mo'.  Thing is, I am still expected to be pounding the streets, asking in every shop, cafe ,factory etc for a minimum of 35 hours a week seeking employment, but not allowed into the benefit office to report on progress!  (Couple of interviews done that sounded positive and two for next week, will let you know how I get on.)
All the best
Edit to add


Thanks for the link, Stan. Glad to see sense prevailed all round.
Very best wishes in the job hunt.

Quote from: Young Bulla on March 22, 2020, 01:14:43 PM
Thing is, I am still expected to be pounding the streets, asking in every shop, cafe ,factory etc for a minimum of 35 hours a week seeking employment, but not allowed into the benefit office to report on progress!

I'm quite sure those who make the rules would soon change them if they had to abide by them.


Good luck with the interviews Stan.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

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