The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Had my foot scanned before Christmas, and saw the specialist last week. Could not find anything wrong in scan, hence no steroid/cortizone injection offered. Will leave it for now (!), but keep file open for 6 months, when I can go back if it gets worse!!!
He did decide (after prompting from me, as he had not read my notes), that the problem stems from 1959, when I was in plaster from waist to left ankle, for 8 months odd, and my leg is slightly twisted. Same reason that I cannot ski, without one ski going in the opposite direction to the other!
Something else to "put up with".


Last week the Dentist surgery cancelled my 6-month checkup appointment - called them to rearrange, thinking a week, possibly two, hence - earliest they could fit me in: 23rd March. THEY cancelled the appointment - THEY should fit me in again quickly...  :veryangry:
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


Hope your foot sorts itself out Kipper. I missed a step once, and damaged my Achilles tendon. After about 2 months, I was back home, so I went to the quack. He said that some ultrasound treatment would fix it and he would make an appointment for me. The appointment came through in April, and this was January. The appointment was just to see the consultant, not for treatment. By the time it came through I was Ok, so cancelled it . The secretary said lots of people seem to cancel. I wonder why?

The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Sorry that there seems to be several of you guys that are not as well as they should.

Particular sympathy for Mick as being a 'cardio patient' myself I am also prone to chest infections that can leave you in a pretty horrible state. I'm instructed that the moment I feel a chest problem coming on, I must hot foot it to the surgery for anti bio's.

I hope everyone gets a lot better soon.

Dave G


 :worried:  Well GP decided that I am still alive but after seeing me for over 20 years he has decided to retire
Was it something I said???
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards

Bob Tidbury

You are very lucky to have seen one Doctor for 20 years ,Every time I go to our surgery I see a diferant Doctor and have To go through my life history and yet still nothing gets done in fact if someone down at the surgery had been kind enough to look at the results of my last blood test in July last year and tell ME then perhaps I wouldn't be Diabetic  now ,I kept going in to ask, I phoned over and over but each time I was told that there wasn't a doctor that knew about my case.Once upon a time as you  say your Doctor knew YOU and actualy had an interest YOU, You weren't just another means to get more money out... of the NHS.
Rant over otherwise my blood pressure will go Sky high.

Bob Wild

Years ago our doctor was so friendly he wrote a poem:

This is the tale of Baby Wild,
Who had become a problem child,

and I can't remember the rest. He even consulted over the phone when I became ill abroad. You'd never get that nowadays!


This is the tale of Baby Wild,
Who had become a problem child,
He used to shout and swear a lot
He still does now and he's not a tot!


To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Quote from: Bob Wild on February 04, 2015, 12:38:23 PM
He even consulted over the phone when I became ill abroad. You'd never get that nowadays!

I can phone my surgery and get a phone call booked for the doctor to call me,this is fine,however I have no idea who I'm talking to because it's never the same doctor as last time I phoned or visited.

On a slightly different note.....I live in Newark and the local hospital was quite capable of dealing with A&E problems and performing operations,however the NHS have decided that anything that wants more than a sticking plaster has to go elsewhere requiring a 40 mile round trip.

Perhaps there wouldn't have been all the recent problems with capacity in A&E departments if it was possible to go to a local one.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


As a five year old (in 1955!), I cut the back of my leg on barbed wire. The wound was wide and deep, and I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I was plonked on the kiddy seat on the crossbar of my Dad's bike, and taken the two miles to the doctor's surgery. This was a Sunday afternoon, but a knock on the door got us into the surgery, where he stitched my leg. No moans or quibbles, just did the job. Today I would have to make my own risk assessment, on how serious the wound was, and decide if I needed a sticking plaster, a trip to the chemist, a trip to the GP surgery to see the nurse, a trip to the walk in centre at the hospital, or get to A&E. Or bleed to death and keep everyone happy!


Quote from: Kipper on February 04, 2015, 05:26:26 PM
Today I would have to make my own risk assessment, on how serious the wound was, and decide if I needed a sticking plaster, a trip to the chemist, a trip to the GP surgery to see the nurse, a trip to the walk in centre at the hospital, or get to A&E. Or bleed to death and keep everyone happy!

No, what you would have done is, called 111 and as the operator goes through their prepared speech, when they get to the part about bleeding, you'd have bled enough blood for the 111 operator to pass you to the Emergency Ambulance line, who would then have scrambled an RRV (to arrive within the 8 minutes target time), and land ambulance with 2 more paramedics on-board and then the Air Ambulance as you could be a major trauma incident, because you've probably bled out a mug full of blood since the incident occurred. Oh by the way, there is no standard size of mug and yet it's a stock question on the questionnaire.

Oh trust me, this is true  :hmmm: :hmmm:




Not blowing the Trumpet of the Health Service over here, but this is what happened to my Brother-in-Law (Tony) the other year when he was out here on Holiday staying in an Apartment just a few doors away from us.

One morning his female partner of the past 17 years rang us on the internal phone to say Tony seemed to be having a funny turn, and would my wife Maureen pop round to take a look.

On doing so & noticing he was spilling the coffee he was trying to drink, and how one side of his face had sagged, immediately diagnosed a Stroke, and as the nearest A&E (Urgencias) was just a 10 minute drive away we put him in our Car and drove him there where he was seen immediately and the Doctor on Duty confirmed my wife's diagnosis and less than 5 minutes later he was on a bed in the Emergency room with a drip in his arm, and being given the necessary drugs to combat the effects of the Stroke.

As the A&E is only a small place inside a PortoCabin awaiting the building of a new Hospital in the South of Tenerife,  less than an hour later a called for Ambulance was whisking him away to the main Hospital in the Capitol Santa Cruz where he was admitted and put in a Ward and treated for another 5 days until he had recovered and was well enough for us to pick him up and bring him home to Los Cristianos to continue his Holiday.

Tony is now fully recovered but has to take regular medication to prevent him having another Stroke, and spends 6 months of the year in the U.K., in Lancashire, and 6 months in Tenerife in an Apartment close by that we jointly own.

Just wonder if he had had the Stroke (which was a severe one) whilst in the U.K.,
would he have been treated as quickly and effectively as in Tenerife, and it was all done on the National Health here.

By the way my wife is not a Nurse or in the Medical Profession but can recognise the signs of a Stroke or Heart Attack readily enough


Quote from: Kipper on February 04, 2015, 05:26:26 PM
As a five year old (in 1955!), I cut the back of my leg on barbed wire. The wound was wide and deep, and I was bleeding like a stuck pig. I was plonked on the kiddy seat on the crossbar of my Dad's bike, and taken the two miles to the doctor's surgery. This was a Sunday afternoon, but a knock on the door got us into the surgery, where he stitched my leg. No moans or quibbles, just did the job. Today I would have to make my own risk assessment, on how serious the wound was, and decide if I needed a sticking plaster, a trip to the chemist, a trip to the GP surgery to see the nurse, a trip to the walk in centre at the hospital, or get to A&E. Or bleed to death and keep everyone happy!
And don't forget the tetanus injection....

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


.... and while I'm on this thread.....

Members who looked will remember my Happy Thread entry about installing the three bowl Tasmanian urinal fountain last weekend (I'll ignore the comments that followed the post  :D). Well, it's turning up in the Angry Thread now, 'cos it appears the thing is leaking! And no, I did not drop it during installation  8)
[smg id=21136 type=preview align=center width=400]
The store says I can take it back, but it's just the hassle. Why don't they test these things?
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


And again, while I'm here... not such much angry as angry with me own stupidity....

On Monday I mounted two 12V LED lights on an archway at Chez Bealman. Yeah, I know the arch is leaning over, but I reckon the lights look pretty good:
[smg id=21135 type=preview align=center width=400]
Anyway, it involved drilling through the brickwork....
[smg id=21133 type=preview align=center width=400]
[smg id=21134 type=preview align=center width=400]
That hole took 45 minutes to drill! All was going well until, with 3cm to go, it felt as though I'd hit diamond or something! I drilled and drilled with all the force I could muster for the aforesaid 45 minutes, when I noticed I'd inadvertently switched the drill into reverse!!!  :doh: :smackedface: :-[

As soon as I corrected the switch, it cut through the remaining 3cm like butter! The other hole took less than 10 seconds! Bealman, you goose!
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

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