Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Our cat Blue is also an early riser - 06:00, which means I am too -no catflap ala Mick.

I'm dreading the clocks going back!  :worried:

Dave G


ca. 00:20 in the morning, and my question "does my new-ish smartphone receive earthquake alerts" has been finally answered (it does). Fortunately I am well practiced in these things and carefully screwed the top back on the wine bottle before establishing whether it was a false alarm (it was).

It sounds like this:


My wife's phone makes a similar sound when it detects I've spent too much on trains. :D

I like the idea of the earthquake alarm. Very neat. Is it an optional or a nation-wide automatic system on all mobiles in Japan.?

Sufferin' succotash!


This isn't on "The Angry Thread"....yet.

I will let the retailer in question try to resolve things before a) Naming and b) going off on said "Angry" thread.

This evening beloved and I set about building the cot for Mini Skyline (for once I am organised enough). We were very methodical and careful in how we opened up the boxes and read the kit list.

Almost immediately it becomes obvious 2x parts (small clip bracket thingys) are missing.

We go through the whole lot again. Nope, not here.


Fortunately these don't stop the cot actually getting built, they just prevent the under-cot storage draw from being fully retained at the end.

So cot is built, and tomorrow help line will be called.

Now I will be my normal polite self (no, really), but I really want a simple swift resolution. Not being funny, it wasn't cheap this cot / bed and the parts really should be all present and correct.

So, we shall see tomorrow, I shall report back after speaking with them!



Let's hope the outcome appears in the Happy Thread.

Tom U

Let's hope they send the missing parts quickly so that the problem can be put to bed.  :sorrysign:


Things might not seem so bad now the problem has been slept on :laugh:

Bob Tidbury

 :claphappy:    :'(


Seems the forum has its fair share of comedians  :D


So after refusing to talk to me, due to something called GDPR and the account being in my wife's name (leave alone the fact that my card paid for the order  :hmmm:), we got a simple explanation.

As I sort of suspected the part has been missed from several orders (found in the wearhouse in a pile!) and will be sent to us immediately.

Not wonderful service but hopefully a simple fix when they arrive.


Bob Tidbury

So we can put that unhappy thread to bed now.


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on October 10, 2018, 03:57:19 PM
So we can put that unhappy thread to bed now.


Taxi for Bob....



Just back from a very relaxing week away (in north Norfolk, since you ask) to find a small disaster. Our 2018 batch of sloe gin is ruined!! :'( The sloe/sugar mixture had started fermenting and smelt foul. With hindsight we should have added the gin before we went away - it seemed to be fine then - although we have left it a lot longer in the past. This has never happened before, but it has been such a strange summer of weather we think that must have affected the sloes. Luckily we still have about 9 bottles left from 2015 and 2016 but we may have to ration it...  :(

Cheers (or not),


joe cassidy

Thank goodness for Marks & Spencers ready-made sloe gin (just in case).

The Q

Drat, fell asleep after a long slow 5 hours out sailing yesterday and forgot to go back to bid for a Loco I wanted off ebay..


Had the 6 monthly visit to the fang doctor last Friday morning and am faced with either 4 veneers or 4 crowns. The cost is pretty much the same but he tells me crowns will be much more permanent so crowns it is. Let's just say that's 10 locos worth! :'( :'( :'(

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