Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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I seem to be going through one of my phases of Incredible Stupidity.

I've put in a bid for a loco on eBay. It wasn't till after I'd done it that I realised it was an unpowered dummy. I can only hope that I am outbid by somebody even stupider than I am. I am also going to write out 100 times "I will read all eBay descriptions thoroughly."

Drat and double drat.

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:




A bid can be retracted under certain circumstances Chris. I forget exactly how it is done, but have a look at the ebay Help pages. I seem to recall getting the seller to cancel my bid once when I did something similar, (incredibly stupid I know  ;)).

Addit: Have a look here -
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


@dannyboy Thanks, David, I didn't know you could do that. If you weren't so far away I would hug and kiss you...

I have, I hope, successfully retracted the bid. I'm putting it down to today's learning experience.




Quote from: Papyrus on April 02, 2022, 12:26:39 PM
If you weren't so far away I would hug and kiss you...

Err ............. 'thank you' will do!  ;D.

Talking of 'incredibly stupid', my brother got me into online betting with Ladbrokes a few months ago. Long story short, I deposited €20 and I am still playing with their money. However, one day last week, I put a total of 40 cent on a double. It was not until I was checking my balance a bit later, that I realised there was a chunk of money missing. When I looked at the bets placed, I saw that my 40 cent bet was actually €40, the '.' had obviously not registered - and it did not win!  :doh:. Fortunately, as I said, it was their money I 'lost', so not much of a disaster. Moral of the story, as in your case, read everything, (preferably twice), before hitting that 'Enter' button.  :)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Just before April 1st I received a letter from my works pension provider stating in a recent review they'd discovered several folks had been overpaid and I was one of them. They stated this was not legal so would have to be addressed but wouldn't know the outcome until the end of May.
So I phoned them.
"Do you know how long this has been going on for?"......................"No"
"Do you know the amount involved?"......................."No"
"So basically I have to worry about this for another 2 months before you can tell me anything?"....."Yes. I'm sorry"
Having been paid a pension since April 2007 I've no idea how much this is going to cost or how often they review these things. At the moment I'm not using the 'Angry' thread but we'll see what transpires.
It does seem like the Inland Revenue, though. You mess it up, you pay. We mess it up, you pay ::)


 Not a good way for them to deal with it Mick, with so many 'unknowns' for you.

One crumb of comfort may be from a line I've seen in a number of pension advice websites (they all seem to be quoting the same thing):

"It's usually reasonable to allow you to repay an overpayment over the same period it was paid. For example, if you've been overpaid for two years, you should be allowed two years to repay."

Here's hoping it was a small overpayment, and it was over many, many years!

Sufferin' succotash!


I guess the only silver lining in this cloud is that if I've been overpaid pension wise then I've overpaid tax wise so should get a rebate, although who is going to work all this out is beyond me.


Sad news this morning in that my 89 year old mother had a fall and, from what I am now told, has fractured her right hip :( At 08.30 this morning she was putting a sweater on her hall radiator when she tripped and had to drag herself into the lounge to get to her phone. When she did get through to 999 she was told the ambulance could take up to 11½ hours to reach her. She called my eldest sister who then called me, and we got there and made her as comfortable as possible without physically moving her. So she remained prone in the lounge doorway until an ambulance did arrive at 14.00. Two hulking Irish paramedics got her onto a stretcher and thence a trolley and they were great. Wicked humour which alternatively had Mum laughing then moaning in pain and gentle as could be. I admit to being surprised when they asked me where the nearest hospital was but it turned out they'd come from Blackpool, and that Blackpool was covering the whole of the North west, hence the long estimate time. Bear in mind please Chorley Hospital is just 5 miles down the road.
It's pointless me putting this in the Angry Thread as we all know the state of the NHS at present but, should I meet the Health Secretary, I'd have more than a few choice words for them


Sorry to hear about your Mum Mick, hopefully she will be okay. Even though we do not know her, apart from your previous comments, you can tell her that she has a lot of friends on the forum wishing her well. As regards the rest of your post, (apart from the paramedics), absolutely  :censored: ridiculous - and that is putting it mildly!
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Thanks, David. I moved what furniture I needed to allow the trolley to be brought in but when I saw the size of the two blokes I had to move more!! Big beggars, they were :goggleeyes:


We're all thinking of your mum Mick. Hope she receives the best treatment and makes a speedy recovery.


Sorry to hear about your mum Mick, hope she makes a good recovery, take care and look after yourself, she will need you when they discharge her.


From where she fell, I can only surmise she tripped somehow on her slippers. I know a few folks who have had accidents down to slippers and wonder what sort of percentage such falls make up of the total. The clue might be in the name. I do struggle with my own at times but then again my clothes try to kill me every morning and night :uneasy:

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