The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Had to do a shop in tesco myself, queued up to pay, next minute I notice, person on checkouts was not being helpful and on phone, then some person no face mask queue jumped. I said excuse me please  , lady behind said there's a queue. What's that idiot replied. He barged in just to buy a crate of beer. Held back to avoid an argument. Next day same queuing to buy a coffee, waited for an idiot too interested in her chat with a mate, staff asked what my drink was and politely to stand back so I could scan my loyalty card, okay. Both staff and myself shocked as some other bloke, the mate rudely told them no we was first  we wait 2 minutes for our coffee and hate interruptions. I said excuse me I'd like to pay. Told in no uncertain terms where to go. Just did not reply. What this society coming to?


Alan. The tesco incident could have been managed by the assistant inviting the customers forward but too busy chatting to other staff personal issues or on phones and headsets. The coffee shop ...... I did not want to create a scene but the idiot apparently was spoken to by an off duty policeman. He he.


hope he wasn't Met, we all know they don't do anything unless they have to.


No one of the local officers were I live. But really had to keep cool. Bloke was not pleasant smiled sweetly at the young lass in the coffee shop she's under 18 apparently she was not riled either . Her supervisor had a word and PC guy was helpful . What is wrong with society I think.

lil chris

Sick of the local council who are clueless at running local school dinners. The are losing staff hand over fist, people leaving left right and centre so they are short of staff. The reason they treat staff badly, my wife has been ill,  she took a covid test which was negative. Monday morning she rung in sick and told them she was ill with a bad cough but tested negative for covid, they insisted she go and get a a covid test at the centre even though she was bad. This again was negative they tried to get her to go in work on the Tuesday even though she was coughing a the time, she told them she would go in on the Wednesday. Wednesday comes and the school is shut with no hot water or heating the school boiler had failed. They then instructed her to go to another school, fortunately not too far away. Other staff were not so lucky and told to go to schools in the next town. One staff member has children at the school that had closed, she was told she had to work at another school even though she had nobody to look after her children, or not be paid. This is what the world is coming to, terrible no caring for anybody. Rant over.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


I know this is a mainly UK based forum, but I just want to vent a bit.  I am SO FREAKING ANGRY at this idiotic truck convoy and the damage they are doing to Canada and Canadians.  I've just heard that PM Trudeau has just invoked the Emergencies Act (replaced the War Measures act) so the Federal Government can finally deal with them and remove the blockade.  Its late coming, should have happened 2 weeks ago but better late than never.  And the fact that they've co-opted the Canadian flag, and blurt on about 'Freedom' like they know the meaning of the word and we've just found out that over 50% of the donations to this so called cause have come from the US!. We have a vaccination rate of around 90% and this tiny minority of loudmouths with the support of their good old boy friends down south have been trying to hold our democratically elected government (whether I agree with them or not) hostage.  I doubt they've read the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, cause it talks about 'Rights and RESPONSIBILITIES'. They want all the former with none of the later.

Whew I could go on but the temperature would rise and my invective would get waay worse.

Sorry about that.. normal service will resume now


Thanks for listening


No apologies necessary. I get it.

Society is riddled with gits whining about their 'rights', and as you say, no thought about their 'responsibilities'. It makes me mad enough to do harm.

Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


One of the problems with people demanding their rights, is that they take no account of the rights of others. We have become a very selfish race.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Surprise, surprise - I had an e mail from my power supplier telling me prices would be rising.
Gasp. Horror. Shock! Probe!
I've been living under a rock for the past year and didn't know this ::)
I tried to call them but I guess whoever was working from home that day had gone out, so I mailed them a reply today...........

I tried to phone yesterday and that was an exercise in futility as after 21 minutes listening to the twanging music I threw the phone at the wall and retired to a mental institution.
I have changed my monthly DD to £85 as I expected prices to rise and will keep an eye on things.
Please don't bang on to me about smart meters. I have had your smart meters for about 4 years or so now and it was you, E.ON, who informed me they were no longer compatible with your new 'Next' systems. You asked if I wanted smart meters and when I replied "Yes" you told me they were not available yet.
Maybe you'd like to give me an update on that situation.
Yours unhappily


how very restrained, I'd better not give my views  :-[


£85? I would have to turn everything off for 2 weeks each month to get mine down to that  :*(

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Quote from: Trainfish on February 24, 2022, 07:22:33 PM
£85? I would have to turn everything off for 2 weeks each month to get mine down to that  :*(

Yeah, but we've all seen the model of where you live on your layout so I'm surprised it's not £385 per month for you!


Quote from: Newportnobby on February 24, 2022, 07:36:10 PM

Yeah, but we've all seen the model of where you live on your layout so I'm surprised it's not £385 per month for you!

And don't forget all those beer fridges.  :)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quote from: Newportnobby on February 24, 2022, 07:36:10 PM
Quote from: Trainfish on February 24, 2022, 07:22:33 PM
£85? I would have to turn everything off for 2 weeks each month to get mine down to that  :*(

Yeah, but we've all seen the model of where you live on your layout so I'm surprised it's not £385 per month for you!

I don't live there, it's just 1 of my properties as mentioned in another thread somewhere.

Quote from: dannyboy on February 24, 2022, 08:42:39 PM
And don't forget all those beer fridges.  :)

I've only got 2 beer fridges. The other 2 are chillers  :thumbsup: :beers:

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



back where I belong.....
can anyone please explain to me what the  :censored: an inset day is ?????

when I went to school, term started, we went till half term, had half term, went back till the end of term.

nowadays it seems teachers cant start the term, restart after half term, or even finish the term without an inset day, ie apparently a day on full pay with no work.

sod the parents who then have to arrange childcare.

or do our teachers these days need to be retrained every few weeks, certainly ours didn't.

so yet again looking after the grandchildren while teachers drink coffee, do sod all, and get paid.

I take it this is our so called 'progress'  :veryangry:

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