The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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freedom of speech is but a dosnt exist here


3 people, 7 x 10litres = 123 pints = 41 pints each. Yep, should last Friday and Saturday  :beers:

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!




Was that before the operation? :P

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!




what a load of  :poop:

younger daughter was referred there by NHS PRH Haywards heath for an op, went in yesterday, had the op, then today was discharged ..

in spite of this morning having such low blood pressure that they had to adjust her bed to put her feet above her head
and being on Morphine plus two other pain killers, which to me sounded prescription only

so called doctor arrived, couldn't get bloods from her veins so took from her thumb [screams of pain] then said you're being discharged, just take paracetomol when you get home for the pain.

so, chucked out this afternoon, and collapsed on the doorstep when she arrived home, now in A&E at PRH.

phone call to Nuffield 'matrons in a management meeting, she'll phone you tomorrow'
will I hold my breath / nahh
phone call to CEOs office at Brighton & Sussex university NHS trust [who are responsible for the PRH, phone 'answered', then left me for over 5 minutes listening to some woman having a conversation with someone else  :veryangry:
tried again, and got voice mail, of course f/o home at 17:00, message left, not very polite, asking for a call back and explaining why.
contacted PALS at PRH, now just after 17:00 so got voice mail, message left, slightly more polite but still 'forcefull' asking for a call back, and again asking for a call back so a formal complaint can be made.

and please, DO NOT MENTION COVID-19, it is no  :censored: excuse for poor / negligent care.

now waiting to see if daughter will be admitted to PRH.

assume Nuffield want the beds for paying [private] patients who they can earn more from than NHS patients.

needless to say, the 'doctor' who discharged her was one she'd seen at PRH, but presumeably now on a better pay grade.

ACKO12, PLEASE, come out of retirement ....

grid reference is ............


I hope your daughter is okay Alan. Certainly seems to be a suitable case for complaint, if you get no satisfaction tomorrow, you should have a look at,often%20displayed%20on%20its%20website.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quoteam I the only one to note that if several decades of politicians, of all colours, had not been in such a rush to slash the military,
Dont panic they've given the magic money tree, that didn't exist before the last election,   a  good shake  and £16.5 billion has fallen from its branches
freedom of speech is but a dosnt exist here


someone has obviously bought shares in a shipyard  :veryangry:


Quote from: class37025 on November 19, 2020, 06:39:22 PM
someone has obviously bought shares in a shipyard  :veryangry:

The same reason Gordon Brown ordered two aircraft carriers, to buy Scottish votes.  The type 26 and 31 frigates will be substantially Clyde built and that is where the bulk of the extra money will go.


might be better spent building a new Hadrians wall, complete with minefields and barbed wire [made in sheffield ?]


Quotemight be better spent building a new Hadrians wall, complete with minefields and barbed wire
mmm not sure thats enough to keep the english  migrants from trying to cross the boarder
freedom of speech is but a dosnt exist here


would I really risk barbed wire and landmines to get to somewhere with a diet of haggis, whisky, tatties and neeps ?

landscapes like the great glen ?

and railways with class 26 /27 /37/47 and HSTs ?

wheres my ladder, bolt cutters and mine detector  :smiley-laughing:


Quote from: class37025 on November 19, 2020, 07:42:11 PM
would I really risk barbed wire and landmines to get to somewhere with a diet of haggis, whisky, tatties and neeps ?

And deep fried Mars bars  :(

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



and, of course, Rocket's mum [Bluestone 42 reference]  :-[


update :
daughter finally back home from A&E late yesterday evening, doctor said in the end there were no clinical reasons to admit her, but he did have concerns that she had been discharged too soon by the Nuffield.
however, I have spoken to her this morning, and she is feeling slightly better, and is at least at home now.

also, at 09:15 this morning, a phone call from the Matron [ now there is a term from the past ] from the Nuffield to discuss my call yesterday. while she could not, of course, discuss my daughter's case, she did take on board my 'concerns' about her discharge, especially as her documents said 'there were no problems with her recovery', though I would have said that blood pressure so low that she had to have her bed set to have her feet higher than her head, and being put on oxygen would not have been classed as no problems.

anyway. she is contacting my daughter later this morning.

still not heard back yet from PALS or the CEO's office, but I am sure I will in due course.

lastly, apologies to those members I was supposed to be taking photos of locos for last night, but didn't get around to it. I hope you understand. will, once HB exercised, be getting the locos out, test running, and getting the photos done, hopefully by this evening, SWMBO and HB permitting.

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