Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Quote from: Calnefoxile on February 27, 2017, 11:59:45 AM
Quote from: jonclox on February 24, 2017, 08:59:22 PM
Thanks Malc but as even getting in and out of a car is agony  Driving or even being a passenger in a car  is not going to be easy.
Ive just found one within 2 miles of us and will contact them on Monday


I suspect she may have damaged her Coccyx, right at the base of her spine, it's the remnants of 'our' tails.

My missus did pretty much the same and she was in agony for weeks, as they reckoned that she'd fractured it. There really is not much that can be done except strong painkillers and tea & sympathy.



I fractured my coccyx around a decade ago. Now (still) need my orthopaedic cushion when sitting anywhere for more than an hour, car, sofa, work. I have this cushion:


The pain has now shifted down to her ankle area but anti inflamitary  tablets are at last seeming to be taking effect.
She is still waiting to see  what the  oesteopath has to say about things :doh:................(and you think that I am stubbon)  :doh:
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Hope she gets some relief soon Jon, she must be in a lot of pain, it's not easy sitting when you have hurt the bottom of your spine and it seems now it has travelled down to her ankles, i suspect it is hard for her to walk now .

Hope you wife gets better soon, take care Jon.


Well i have tried to be positive this week but it doesn't seem to be working, had these little pains most of the week and feeling tired a lot, Anne bless her has tried very hard to get me going but the work situation is really getting me down, hopefully seeing the Grandsons this weekend at the Preston show will bring me back to my normal self, in fact i know i will. Not sleeping much at all, getting up every hour to go to the loo, i do get back to sleep almost straight away, but no energy for anything. Got at least another week and a half to go before i find out if they what me to work another 10 weeks or let me go on the 15th March.

Come on the weekend and the kids will make me smile they always do.     :)


Quote from: Steamie+ on March 02, 2017, 07:43:07 AM
Well i have tried to be positive this week but it doesn't seem to be working, had these little pains most of the week and feeling tired a lot, Anne bless her has tried very hard to get me going but the work situation is really getting me down, hopefully seeing the Grandsons this weekend at the Preston show will bring me back to my normal self, in fact i know i will. Not sleeping much at all, getting up every hour to go to the loo, i do get back to sleep almost straight away, but no energy for anything. Got at least another week and a half to go before i find out if they what me to work another 10 weeks or let me go on the 15th March.

Come on the weekend and the kids will make me smile they always do.     :)
A good model railway show followed by a couple of pints of non track cleaning IPA might help you feel better.
Hope things get resolved soon. There's nothing worse than uncertainty about important matters.
:sorrysign: :beers:
Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


I'm sure the Preston Show will cheer you up, Steamie, but I'm not sure about the couple of pints of non track cleaning IPA.
That might increase the loo visits to every ½ hour! :worried:


Quote from: newportnobby on March 02, 2017, 09:42:46 AM
I'm sure the Preston Show will cheer you up, Steamie, but I'm not sure about the couple of pints of non track cleaning IPA.
That might increase the loo visits to every ½ hour! :worried:

I am sure the show will Mick, the Daughter will be there to stop me spending to much too, though i may get something for the boys..lol.    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Rob H

I really feel for you having to go through this trauma, but have you sought out any professional help yet ?
It seems to me that you're putting yourself through a lot of pain and anguish, perhaps unnecessarily, seeking advice could pay great dividends in the future.
If you've already sought advice and it hasn't helped, I'm sorry and really hope things work out for you,
They say that love is more important than money but have you ever tried to pay a bill with a hug ?


Quote from: jonclox on February 24, 2017, 08:59:22 PM
Quote from: Malc on February 24, 2017, 05:50:27 PM

Worth trying an osteopath, Jon. I've not had much luck with GPs with my back. The osteopath has sorted me out a few times.
Thanks Malc but as even getting in and out of a car is agony  Driving or even being a passenger in a car  is not going to be easy.
Ive just found one within 2 miles of us and will contact them on Monday
Things are finally improving and Ann was able to drive a couple of miles today......still in miscomfort but the pain is far less as long as she takes things slowely
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Glad to hear she is improving, Jon. I found sitting down a problem, so I invested in one of these...
Beurer HK35 Electronic Heat Pad . It did help me. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001KPMN1I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_OcSVybC7THAN8
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Really glad to hear that Jon.


It's getting weird this, tried to modify post and the error came up again.


That's good to know Jon.....let's hope things improve further.
'Keep it country!'

'Head in the clouds, feet in the mud!'


Life's getting to be a struggle lately, particularly with my asthma, which first appeared this time last year, still proving difficult to get under control. >:(

I've lost count of the drugs that the Docs have tried so far, but after a visit to hospital yesterday I'm on an increased dose of the latest one, with a new prescription for another to add to it if it proves troublesome.

Well, after another bad nights sleep and a day feeling like something you're supposed to scoop and bag, I'm pretty sure Plan B (or is it Plan 276?) will soon see the light of day.

Funny thing is I got some blood test results yesterday that the Respiratory Nurse introduced with a lovely long laugh: seems I'm a bit allergic/intolerant of a lot of things. They measure this by what are known as IgE levels, and the bottom line is that the Reference Range for these in your average normal person is between zero and 120. Mine comes in at a supreme 1648! :goggleeyes:

Top of the allergen culprits so far is the little arachnid known as the House Dust Mite, the particular allergen being........ its poop and pee!   :worried: Seems on that score alone I am over 270 times more sensitive to the little blighters than most folks. :o. Shrimps and Prawns are now a no-no, and long grass (the stuff with the long seed heads like silky smooth ears of corn - aka Timothy grass) is a problem for me.

Of course, they didn't test everything - "thousands of possibles" said the nurse - so I think I'll start living in a plastic bubble like Michael Jackson once did. :(  Now we have just another 1230 of those IgE thingummybobs to identify.

But at least I have a good idea where the asthma is coming from. :). As to where it's going to.............. :hmmm:

Sufferin' succotash!

joe cassidy

At least you're not allergic to alcohol  :beers:

Best regards,

P.S. John Travolta was "the boy in the bubble"

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