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Started by longbridge, June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM

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I think you need two of the additional four packs but the only problem is they're rarer than hen's teeth and usually go for silly money when they appear on eBay. There are currently a couple for sale with a £100 starting price - I don't think they'll end at that price though.

One four car set has just gone on Ebay for £146!
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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Picked this up from the Post Office today, having been sent from a certain Cornish e-tailer:

Run in on my roundy test track. A bit temperamental on Setrack points, especially running bunker first, but otherwise all good.

In view of the reported lack of haulage power in this model, tried it with the maximum load that I would use it for, and it coped admirably:

One problem is that I wanted it to be my pull-push train loco, but it is an early short frame model; only the later long-frame models were pull-push converted...  >:(

So - Rule 1 beckons...
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Quote from: talisman56 on November 17, 2014, 07:44:01 PM
One problem is that I wanted it to be my pull-push train loco, but it is an early short frame model; only the later long-frame models were pull-push converted...  >:(

I know you've seen it already, Talisman, but DorsetMike covers the basics of converting the Dapol model to a push-pull version here:


Thanks for that, but I may invest in a previously-owned older model to experiment on first...   :goggleeyes: :)
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Dr Al

Quote from: jivebunny on November 17, 2014, 05:40:16 PM
That's interesting, I didn't realise the running number was a rare one. I got it in a job lot with a pair of 3Fs and a 56xx about ten years ago and haven't had them out of their boxes other than for an initial inspection - didn't even notice the rods were upside down! Going to have to fix that! The wheels also seem to have been blackened with a marker pen so it'll be going onto my workbench at some point, once I've given the big 4F a repaint into a BR livery. As with most 80s Lima models, the wheels are terrible and the tender coupling bar is about six scale feet too long, although in contrast with their N and OO models of the same period this one's actually slightly underscale (1:45 rather than 1:43.5)


Yes, it's definitely rare - easily confused with Bachfarish's later release with the same number, but can be told apart as they used a different font for the numbering, and the numbering is also much yellower. Also those had the later blackened low profile wheels etc.

Worth a gentle going over!  :thumbsup:

Quote from: Roy L S
If Dr Al is online he may be able to provide a more comprehensive answer.

"We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."Dr. Carl Sagan


CN Point St Charles Caboose.. From Prairie Shadows, made by Rapido Trains

This cost me an arm and a leg to import from Canada, but well worth it, I just need more of them ack!  Amazing quality can't wait to see it on the end of a train :)

Prairie Shadows Pt. St. Charles CN Caboose by Rapido Trains... Absolutely gorgeous! by Grumbeast-trains, on Flickr

Prairie Shadows Pt. St. Charles CN Caboose by Rapido Trains... Absolutely gorgeous! by Grumbeast-trains, on Flickr

Prairie Shadows Pt. St. Charles CN Caboose by Rapido Trains... Absolutely gorgeous! by Grumbeast-trains, on Flickr


Package from Liverpool arrived safely in Canada today........ :D

If you like it run it......


Now they ARE nice. My favourite era and one of me favourite liveries.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Bealman on November 19, 2014, 02:08:02 AM
Now they ARE nice. My favourite era and one of me favourite liveries.  :thumbsup:

Mine too and by my favourite locomotive engineer.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Never got into Canadian railways,dabbled with US a bit, but can really see the attraction of that caboose, it's really top notch.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Class 86 just arrived direct from the Dapol bargain basement:

Some joker had evidently put toothpaste in the paint machine in place of Rail Blue, but otherwise a decent enough loco. (Though in common with the Dapol 58 it does tend to uncouple at a certain place on the gradient; and in common with the Dapol HST it does like to spring a bogie at certain places. Both of which can be fixed by improving the track, which is admittedly temporary, but not ones I've had with other brands).

Anyway, one step further towards replacing my OO fleet (well almost, I'd need a Class 87 to be accurate), leaving only classes 33 and 50 to collect (which according to the Dapol catalogue which arrived in the same package may actually become available at some point).


Got my Vinyls through the post so here in effect are a brand new 101, 150, 7 mk2 coaches and a change in tomix frack cleaner!!!
that's my sunday taken care of :D

[smg id=18880 type=preview align=center caption="2014 11 23 11 07 08"]


Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


My pre-orders are starting to turn up...


plus one...

equals two!

Quando omni flunkus moritati

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