Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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hadn't thought of that  :-[

still, when we got married in 1969, I sort of entered a contract which included the phase 'in sickness and in health', ....

though she seems to have forgotten the bit about 'obeying'  :'(


Hmmm. When we got married, "Obey" wasn't even in the vows and the Priest ended the ceremony with a speech stating that if anything was wrong, it was my fault; even if I was in the right, it was my fault for not following her rules; and if I ever got to know the rules, she could change them without notice!


Totally changing the subject - we have an arrangement where I buy what I want for Christmas and she puts it away until then. Having finally found someone with stock, I am now lined up to receive a Digitrax DT602 for Christmas  :)


as long as she is not like my gran....

decided when I was about 9 years old that the draughtsman instrument set I'd been given for christmas was too advanced for me, and she'd put it in a safe place for when I was old enough to appreciate and use it properly....

she found it again when I was 24 years old  :'(


At least it wasn't knitted socks like I used to get every year.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Well today a rare visit to post in the Happy Thread.

Why am I here, you may well ask

Today I am celebrating the 5th anniversary of attending St James's hospital in Leeds for a organ transplant.

For the first two years after the transplant I was quite poorly at times with a nasty virus, which became partially drug resistant and thought at times I wasn't going to survive but here I am today annoying you all.

You see another thing I bodged

So a big thank you to all the staff at St James's for their hard work and putting up with me for just over two weeks and the renal team at Hull Royal Infirmary for their continual aftercare.

Mike H


Good on ya Mike.  Here's to you "totally annoying" us for a good while longer. :thumbsup:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Great new Mike @Nbodger,  Just try not to go anywhere near HRI A&E after dark, it's a warzone. (It's not the staff, but the customers)
Cheers, Trev.

Time flys like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana!

port perran

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Happy Anniversary! Sounds like the transplant has been a huge success.

Talking of anniversaries, and veering off at a tangent, Mrs Papyrus and I finally got to celebrate our last year's wedding anniversary! We had booked a Pullman breakfast on the Bluebell Railway but that was just at the start of the first lockdown, so we were given a credit note. Rather than wait until next March, we decided to grab a trip while we could so we went for their Christmas dinner train. It was really good - the weather was cold but sunny, so the S15 was looking splendid:

And that means we can still do another one next March if we like!  :claphappy:



The Q

Quote from: Nbodger on December 02, 2021, 12:01:48 PM
Well today a rare visit to post in the Happy Thread.

Why am I here, you may well ask

Today I am celebrating the 5th anniversary of attending St James's hospital in Leeds for a organ transplant.

For the first two years after the transplant I was quite poorly at times with a nasty virus, which became partially drug resistant and thought at times I wasn't going to survive but here I am today annoying you all.

You see another thing I bodged

So a big thank you to all the staff at St James's for their hard work and putting up with me for just over two weeks and the renal team at Hull Royal Infirmary for their continual aftercare.

Mike H
It's a good hospital, my parents sisters brother and me have all at different times walked in there and limped out....

The hospital is the centre for malignant hyperthermia under anaesthesia.. and the test used to be a slice of muscle taken from the thigh. Then taken away to be tested.. my little sister was upset she's so small they took two slices.. especially as she proved not to have MH.
Now the test is a blood test you don't even have to attend the hospital...


The power of complaining.

Last week, I received the house insurance renewal quote.  A bit of research on t'internet and one telephone call later, I was offered a lower quote which is slightly less than what I had been paying for the last year.  :).  Then, come Monday, I received the latest electricity bill. It was an estimated bill, over estimated by about 80 units, so the company decided that they would increase my monthly payment by nearly €20! Oh no you don't thinks I. So a bit more research and I am on the telephone again. I was promised a call back, but because of the storm, the line kept breaking up but a very nice young lady rang me a short while ago. The upshot of the call is that they will put my monthly payment back to what it was and, as of now, instead of getting a 15% discount, I will be getting a 25% discount.  :). The new price means I will be only paying 0.02cent per unit more than the cheapest I could find on the net - and then I had to sign up to a two year contract!  :no:. So, all in all, quite a productive few days. Roll on the car renewal quote, which is due in the next week or two.  ;D
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


If I send you my details, will you do my energy bills? I had an estimated reading in May. They obviously thought I was smelting aluminium in the back garden.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


I think this should be in the happy thread, but then I could be wrong.

just been checking my bank account, and see that I have received my state Xmas Bonus

a whole, whopping £10 just the same as when my father-in-law first got it in the late 1970s  :hmmm:

nice to know that nothing has changed since then.....

costs of heating and fuel
MPs expenses

so in 1970s  £10 would get him something

in 2021 £10 will get you  :censored:  all.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone actually thought about this sort of thing ?

winter fuel allowance, been £200 since first paid, no adjustment depending on the annual prices.

this insulting 'Xmas Bonus'.

and on top of everything, each year the pensions rise for the next year is calculated on the same month ...
which turns out to be the month with the lowest figures for inflation  :hmmm:
until last year when we pensioners would at long last have had a decent rise... :thumbsup:

but the goal posts were moved so we basically got  :censored: all again. :thumbsdown:

I will stop now, before I over step the mark, but will fill my thermos, and pack some Jaffa cakes, just in case I once again get sentanced for political comment.

now, what shall I spend my ill gotten bonus of £10 on ?  :hmmm:

might manage a bunch of flowers for SWMBO, if I don't go mad  :'(


Last night Mrs Papyrus and I ticked something off our bucket list - we finally got to see Riverdance! We saw the 25th anniversary show at the Brighton Centre and it was well worth waiting all those years. Blanche reckons it was the best show she has ever seen; she's been complaining today about sore hands from all the clapping! The music and the dancing were absolutely stunning and the staging and backdrop were very imaginative. Our only slight disappointment was that our seats weren't all that great. Not having been to a show at the Brighton Centre before I didn't know how the seating was arranged and we found ourselves right off to one side. If there's another tour we will go again, and get better seats next time even if we have to pay through the nose for them.

If you get the chance, go and see it. Even if you don't think it is your sort of thing, give it a try anyway - you may surprise yourself.



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