The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Being surly is a pre-requisite for working on a Post Office counter! Also, speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard through the bullet proof glass is discouraged!


Its a well known fact that the most precious thing you can give is time because we don't have much of it to spare.

I would love to have the time I wasted waiting in line at Banks, Post Offices, Supermarkets and a dozen other places.

Customer service is worth nothing these days, staff are there to serve us but the way people have to wait so long for service you would think we were there to serve them.

Another thing I hate is when checkout chicks and other staff are told to say to a customer "Have a Nice Day" when they couldn't give a toss if you got run over by a truck once you leave the building.

I may sound like I am anti this and anti that but I cant stand the false plastic crap world we live in, the brainwashing we get every day and getting ripped off by massive oil companies, Banks, Supermarkets and others.

Oh well thats my gripe for the day now i'm off to work on the layout.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: oldrailbug on October 16, 2012, 10:03:46 AM
Customer service is worth nothing these days.

I don't think that's entirely true. I'm with a small internet provider and their service is fantastic. I've got small local food shops where the same is true.

And recently I ordered some  DCC lighting controllers that can handle the backward to usual arrangements on the signal lights I've got. Coastal DCC the UK stockist didn't have the number I wanted, and it was a discontinued item. He went to the trouble of checking if there was old stock in the USA despite being discontinued, contacting me and then arranging to get them with his next order from the supplier  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

So good customer service isn't dead, it's just hiding.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


 :sorrysign: Alan, you are right of course there are plenty of places where service is great but sadly over here in Oz I get the feeling that people get taken for granted by big organizations, they have an I couldn't care less attitude and don't seem interested in improving their image.
Keep on Smiling


Blimey! When we were in Australia, (Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Newcastle), we were impressed at how good customer service was wherever we went! Things must be worse here that we thought...


The joys of student season. It seems that 'standing in the most stupid place possible while blocking the entire pavement' must now be an examinable subject for university entry.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: EtchedPixels on October 16, 2012, 04:08:25 PM
The joys of student season. It seems that 'standing in the most stupid place possible while blocking the entire pavement' must now be an examinable subject for university entry.

So thats why when I was in Oxford I wasnt able to move more than a few centimetres  :laughabovepost: and I thought they were all studying English Lit and Maths  :doh:
OK who took my cake?


Once went into Boots in Guildford, after a film for my camera. Two "assistants" on the till debating which would go for lunch first, while I stood there like a lemon. They finally (after 5 minutes), decided which would go, but carried on their conversation as one walked away. Finally, the one staying turned to me, with a false smile, and asked me how he could help. I couldn't help myself, and asked for beef stew and dumplings with apple pie to follow. I then turned round and went to Dixons for my film (it was a long time ago!).


Quote from: Kipper on October 16, 2012, 07:32:16 PM
Once went into Boots in Guildford, after a film for my camera. Two "assistants" on the till debating which would go for lunch first, while I stood there like a lemon. They finally (after 5 minutes), decided which would go, but carried on their conversation as one walked away. Finally, the one staying turned to me, with a false smile, and asked me how he could help. I couldn't help myself, and asked for beef stew and dumplings with apple pie to follow. I then turned round and went to Dixons for my film (it was a long time ago!).

:D :D :D :D Love that one Kipper, I have a friend that worked as a carpenter on a new Melbourne skyscraper, he went into a camera shop during his lunch break dressed in his overalls, he stood and waited and waited while the counter staff sold a roll of film and a lens cloth to customer wearing a suit, sick of waiting he walked out and went a few shops away to another camera store where he did get served, he paid cash for a $3,000 Hasselblad camera, he had to walk past the first shop where they wouldn't serve him on his way back to work so he nicked in and asked to speak to the manager, the rest is history but my mate had the last laugh.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: Kipper on October 16, 2012, 07:32:16 PM
Once went into Boots in Guildford, after a film for my camera. Two "assistants" on the till debating which would go for lunch first, while I stood there like a lemon. They finally (after 5 minutes), decided which would go, but carried on their conversation as one walked away. Finally, the one staying turned to me, with a false smile, and asked me how he could help. I couldn't help myself, and asked for beef stew and dumplings with apple pie to follow. I then turned round and went to Dixons for my film (it was a long time ago!).

A long time ago I worked in Dixons at Guildford. We used to get a lot of people come in because they were fed up with waiting in boots. (Didn't seem to mind waiting in slippers though.  :D)
Regards, Ken


If you need to see a doctor at our surgery or Primary Care Trust as it's called now it's necessary to go to the surgery when it opens at 8.00am and book it at the desk.
The phone is always engaged before 8.30am and if you do finally get through there are no appointments left.

Anyway I went there this morning to make a fairly urgent appointment for my wife only to be told that there are no doctors appointments today because all the doctors are in a meeting every wednesday afternoon and all I could get was a telephone appointment. The meetings are probably to discuss how to spend even less on patient care thus leaving a bigger money pot for the staff to get money from.

The local NHS trust refuse me enough of a prescription I need every month because of cost,but are quite happy to award redundancy payments approaching a quarter of a million pounds to management staff.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Quote from: Bikeracer on October 17, 2012, 08:48:43 AM
The meetings are probably to discuss how to spend even less on patient care thus leaving a bigger money pot for the staff to get money from.

Wherever all the NHS money goes, it isn't most of the staff. They get paid peanuts. The English trusts also burned billions trying to build a super whizzo computer system that never worked despite the entire computing industry (except the now very rich NHS IT consultants)  telling them it was a disaster.

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Mindless zombies on mobiles while they are walking or driving.
Old people (bless 'em) who clog up the aisles or doorways of shops to have a natter.
Suicidal maniacs on bicycles who insist on riding erratically in the dark with no lights and in dark coloured clothing.

Why can't we be allowed to run into them/knock them out of the way? It should be considered the new National Sport, and Open Season declared :veryangry2:


Quote from: newportnobby on October 17, 2012, 10:24:38 AM
Mindless zombies on mobiles while they are walking or driving.
Old people (bless 'em) who clog up the aisles or doorways of shops to have a natter.
Suicidal maniacs on bicycles who insist on riding erratically in the dark with no lights and in dark coloured clothing.

Why can't we be allowed to run into them/knock them out of the way? It should be considered the new National Sport, and Open Season declared :veryangry2:

People with baby buggies who chose to have a natter on the narrowest piece of pavement on a sharp bend so that it is quite dangerous to get round them. Sometimes there are very small children with them who need restraining else they run into the road. If they moved a few yards there would be more room for them. I don't know why they congregate on this bend.
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


I can never understand why some mothers with a pushchair or buggy stand at the kerb waiting to cross the road and put the buggy on the road in front of them.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.

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