The angry thread

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Quote from: class37025 on September 29, 2019, 01:42:02 PM

am I expecting too much to get a reply,

Not at all. If somebody contacts me, either on the forum or in life in general, I make a point of at the very least, acknowledging that contact. If I have to contact a seller of something I have bought or am thinking of buying and they acknowledge my contact, I then make a point of letting them know that the item has arrived. As I was taught - manners cost nowt.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quote from: class37025 on September 29, 2019, 01:42:02 PM
is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?

I'd like to think not but you and I are are pretty much 'old school' where politeness was a natural response and passed down by family, teachers etc. Even if dirt was being dished out it was done in a certain polite way :)
'Do as you would be done by' is not a bad mantra to live by.


Quote from: class37025 on September 29, 2019, 01:42:02 PMam I expecting too much to get a reply, even if only of 'sorry, changed my mind / too expensive / etc' or is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?
This drives me up the perishing wall, it really does. And it seems to be getting worse. It's happening regularly with business emails - I ask client  contacts for information that they have to supply to me or I can't give them what they are paying me for, and I receive no response. I don't know whether the email is lost in the ether, they are sick or on holiday or just too busy. "Thanks, Nick, I'll get round to that next week" would be fine. I'd know where I was.

Worst of all is asking Americans for something problematic. If they can't answer positively, they just go dark. For weeks sometimes. All I can think is it's a unwillingness in US business culture to admit failure.
Grrr.  :headbutt:

The perfect is the enemy of the good - Voltaire


Quoteam I expecting too much to get a reply, even if only of 'sorry, changed my mind / too expensive / etc' or is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?

I am afraid this is the way of things now.

It's known as "Ghosting" and places like Gumtree are rife with it. Person contacts you asking if the item is still for sale and you answer "yes" and never hear from them again. Sometimes they get as far as asking where you are but then.....

Worst of all is tradesman / women.

I am trying to PAY for a service, but there is no sentence that fills me with dread more than "leave your phone number and we will call back".




Quote from: class37025 on September 29, 2019, 01:42:02 PM

am I expecting too much to get a reply, even if only of 'sorry, changed my mind / too expensive / etc' or is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?


You should expect a reply, but also should not be surprised if you don't get one.

One thing I've noticed is that many (maybe most?) people are using their "phones" to scan emails and other communications.  Once they've done that and unless they reply immediately, the message is lost into the miasma of newer messages and cannot be found ever again.  I suspect this is happening more and more as the (anti)social media trend continues to grow.

Just speculation on my part...



Quote from: Skyline2uk on September 29, 2019, 05:37:36 PM
Quoteam I expecting too much to get a reply, even if only of 'sorry, changed my mind / too expensive / etc' or is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?

I am afraid this is the way of things now.

It's known as "Ghosting" and places like Gumtree are rife with it. Person contacts you asking if the item is still for sale and you answer "yes" and never hear from them again. Sometimes they get as far as asking where you are but then.....

Worst of all is tradesman / women.

I am trying to PAY for a service, but there is no sentence that fills me with dread more than "leave your phone number and we will call back".



On the tradesman front allow me to defend a little.

I used to get calls on the landline, they'd leave a message and I'd respond.

Now, I get calls on the landline and the mobile. Probably 70% are sales/scam calls where they've gleaned my information from the web, but the telephone numbers look like local numbers or mobiles. I used to answer all calls immediately, but found it felt like the phone was never out of my hand, affecting my work rate. So I let the answerphone/s take it. You listen the call and it just says this is 'abc' please call me on '123'. Some of these are sales/scam calls. It gets wearing and time consuming answering these.

If the person has left name, number, brief description of requirements and location they'll get called reasonably promptly.

Then you're getting email enquiries, text enquiries, WhatsApp enquiries. In amongst all this you actually have to find time to call these people, some of whom chat for an hour about nothing, visit people to have a look at jobs, write quotes, eat a meal, breathe and occasionally talk to the wife.

It's a constant battle to sort the wheat from the chaff. I'll be the first to admit I prioritise regular clients and those leads that sound the most promising. I won't call people after 9pm, because they don't answer, inevitably some people don't get called for a few days, sometimes a week or so. People get missed, and some get forgotten. Sorry, I'm only human.

In an ideal world I'd have a secretary, but I can't afford it.

Please don't be too harsh on us.

Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: emjaybee on September 29, 2019, 06:03:02 PM
Quote from: Skyline2uk on September 29, 2019, 05:37:36 PM
Quoteam I expecting too much to get a reply, even if only of 'sorry, changed my mind / too expensive / etc' or is this the general level of manners to be expected these days ?

I am afraid this is the way of things now.

It's known as "Ghosting" and places like Gumtree are rife with it. Person contacts you asking if the item is still for sale and you answer "yes" and never hear from them again. Sometimes they get as far as asking where you are but then.....

Worst of all is tradesman / women.

I am trying to PAY for a service, but there is no sentence that fills me with dread more than "leave your phone number and we will call back".



On the tradesman front allow me to defend a little.

I used to get calls on the landline, they'd leave a message and I'd respond.

Now, I get calls on the landline and the mobile. Probably 70% are sales/scam calls where they've gleaned my information from the web, but the telephone numbers look like local numbers or mobiles. I used to answer all calls immediately, but found it felt like the phone was never out of my hand, affecting my work rate. So I let the answerphone/s take it. You listen the call and it just says this is 'abc' please call me on '123'. Some of these are sales/scam calls. It gets wearing and time consuming answering these.

If the person has left name, number, brief description of requirements and location they'll get called reasonably promptly.

Then you're getting email enquiries, text enquiries, WhatsApp enquiries. In amongst all this you actually have to find time to call these people, some of whom chat for an hour about nothing, visit people to have a look at jobs, write quotes, eat a meal, breathe and occasionally talk to the wife.

It's a constant battle to sort the wheat from the chaff. I'll be the first to admit I prioritise regular clients and those leads that sound the most promising. I won't call people after 9pm, because they don't answer, inevitably some people don't get called for a few days, sometimes a week or so. People get missed, and some get forgotten. Sorry, I'm only human.

In an ideal world I'd have a secretary, but I can't afford it.

Please don't be too harsh on us.



That's all very understandable.

But what I was referring to was when I actually speak to a person, not a machine.

That person then promises to call back by x time.

9/10 that never happens and I give them 1 extra day and then ring somebody else.

I am sorry but why commit if you can do it?



Quote from: Jon898 on September 29, 2019, 05:40:12 PMOne thing I've noticed is that many (maybe most?) people are using their "phones" to scan emails and other communications.  Once they've done that and unless they reply immediately, the message is lost into the miasma of newer messages and cannot be found ever again.  I suspect this is happening more and more as the (anti)social media trend continues to grow.
It is. Another side effect of people checking emails on their phones that I've noticed is that many don't read beyond the first screen. They never read what scrolls off the bottom. You have to write emails as though they were tweets to get through to these people.

Which is a slight problem as not every idea fits in 280 characters... :headbutt:


The perfect is the enemy of the good - Voltaire


 :censored: Met Office .................

had no.3 grandson with us this afternoon, thought I'd stick him in his buggy and walk him down to Tescos to get a few supplies  :beers:

so checked the Met office forecast for here, and less than 5% chance of rain ...... :thumbsup:

came out of Tescos and it was sheeting down .... :help:

do these idiots not look out of their windows ?

first job when I left school in '62 was as a TSA at what was then the Air Ministry Met Office.....
RAF Upavon for my interview, and a few days later letter to say I had been accepted and to report to RAF Lyneham on such and such date  :bounce:

there I was shown how to plot maps for the forecasters, and how to take, and send, observations.

ok the water babies [rock apes in big red things that squirted water and foam] played a few tricks on the new boy..

next was a course at Stanmore where I was taught what was needed to build on what I had been shown at Lyneham, and on passing the course posted to Central Forecasting Office, at Bracknell.

there I spent my life plotting maps, which were then used by the forcasters .

after a few months I was transferred to the Long Range Forecast dept, where our forecasters produced 5 day and 30 day forecasts.

think I must be looking through rose coloured specs, cause I remember them being pretty accurate ...

but of course we had ex corvettes out in the Atlantic taking obs, and Hastings a/c flying Met Recce flights, and the computer took up a whole floor, and was fed info on punched tape ..... not satellites and laptops

now it seems it's, and they can't even say what the weather is now, let alone tomorrow.

but no doubt they make a profit.

just hope the forces don't have to rely on them  :veryangry:


I am speaking to you now from my in laws house.

Skyline family temporarily re-located as chez skyline is without a functioning boiler.

Said boiler was given a clean bill of health a couple of weeks back by our trusted heating engineer during its annual service.

Said boiler was working perfectly this morning when I woke up.

This afternoon an "expert" (according the the leaflet he left behind) fitted a smart meter.

Said boiler is now broken.


Our engineer very kindly has arranged to be at ours first thing tomorrow, and I will be sending his bill directly to our energy supplier. I won't name them as I have until now been happy with them and will give them the chance to make things right. Having had a brief look I suspect the "expert" (Ape) has broken the on/off knob.

Such is modern life.



That sucks mate.

I'm afraid I've flatly refused to have a smart meter fitted. I'm a qualified electrician with a three year apprenticeship, an HNC in electrical engineering, and thirty years of experience. I am NOT legally allowed to do anything to do with the meter.


... they (the energy companies) are allowed to stick some person on a two week course and then let them loose interfering with everybody's meters. Fine if there's absolutely no problems, but they have no knowledge to deal with problems.

I've told our energy supplier they can fit a meter when they send out a fully qualified electrical engineer.

I hope they get it sorted soon bloke.
Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


QuoteI'm afraid I've flatly refused to have a smart meter fitted.
same here, ive  similar  bits of paper as you,but my  reason is  more to do with them being able to measure the power factor of your load and charge accordingly, suddenly that LED lamp with a capacitor dropper that claims to draw 10w of power is being charged as  20w.
freedom of speech is but a dosnt exist here



Our engineer is on site and has diagnosed what I suspected: Broken power switch on the boiler.

So in conclusion: Meter "expert" cannot work an on / off switch  :doh:



I won't have a smart meter until they stop rolling out the Mk1s. They don't always work if you swap suppliers. Mk2s do.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Oh my word.

I think I must have smuggled the same issues with me when I came here!

Good to know these problems are global, well, makes me feel a bit better, anyway  :worried:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

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