The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: tgv_obsessed on April 12, 2012, 06:26:46 PM
Oh and on a later flight, when they were telling us all about the cost of transfers or mars bars or whatever, even though these people are native english speakers, they didn't pluralise the word Euro. So a coffee was three Euro (or whatever it was) and not Euros.

Sorry to annoy you even further  :evil:, but, being from the only English speaking country that has the Euro as its currency, I would have to say that you can use either Euro or Euros, people here will say either or both, in the same way they will say cent or cents  :smiley-laughing:

If I have a 10 Euro note it is only one note but I can call it 10 Euros if I want (actually if I have 10 Euros then SWMBO has obviously made a mistake with my allowance or she expects change :()
Is féidir tú a choinneáil ar eascainí an madra nó is féidir a lasadh coinneal duit


The following things I find annoying :

People writing should of and could of instead of should have (or should've) and could have (could've)

The term "A big ask" . How can an ask be big?  What is an ask?  It's a big task is surely the correct term.

Also, a bit like the euro thing above people who say "one pence" when it should be "one penny" (Take a look at what is written on a 1p coin!)

Finally why do people have so much trouble spelling the word Definitely?


With you 100% Symon, but best not get me started as far as grammar and spelling goes :computerangry:


And what about the youngsters (and some not quite so youngsters) who ask if they can get something?
"Can I get a Big Mac and fries?" makes my blood boil. No, you can't get a Big Mac but you can have one. If I worked in that McDonalds I would say, "Yes, you can get a Big Mac" and then watch them to see if they actually do what they are asking to do and which I have given permission for them to do. Don't get me started on the fries/chips thing either.

Please note McDonalds has only been used as it's the sort of place this is said. I'm not a frequent customer although I do like their double sausage and muffin breakfast meal  ;)

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



What I take great delight in is when asked "Can I ask you a question?"
I reply "Of course you can, you have the power of speech."

Usually their next utterance is "What?" normally pronouced "Wat?"
I reply "Watt developed the steam engine or it is also a unit of power."

By this time they are baffled so I have to explain why, in the first instance, they should have asked
"May I ask you a question?"


Quote from: scotsoft on April 13, 2012, 12:17:34 AM
What I take great delight in is when asked "Can I ask you a question?"
I reply "Of course you can, you have the power of speech."

Lots of people seem to ask that these days. My response is always "You just did".

Another annoyance along these lines and which I was talking to the wife about a couple of days ago is interviewees asking their own questions. This seems to be a very recent bad habit especially with football managers and MPs. They will quite happily sit there and say, "Did we have the right people out there today? I don't think so. Will there be any changes next week? Yes of course there will be."
I'll let you decide whether that was the football manager or the MP.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



"If I have a 10 Euro note it is only one note but I can call it 10 Euros if I want"

What do you call a three euro note?
In a little world of my own.


Modelling stupid small scale using T gauge track and IDl induction track. Still have  N gauge but not the space( Japanese Trams) Excuse spelling errors please, posting on mobile phone


Like everything else in this crazy world the English language is changing, the dictionary is getting bigger with all the new words that mean virtually nothing.

What bugs me here in Australia is because we have dollars instead of pounds so everyone uses the word "buck",  instead of saying "how are you mate" its now "how you goin buddy" and one of the worst we inherited from New Zealand and that is "G'Day Bro" I get that from young people and I am 69 this year so I hardly think he is my "Brother" unless my Mother gave birth to the little twit in her 80s.
Keep on Smiling


Another one to get up my nostrils is, when asking "How are you?" to be told "I'm good, thanks". It makes no sense ???
Far too much language is coming over from the States and as youngsters these days a surfeit of American tosh broadcast on British TV it can only get worse.

On a separate subject, I went through 3 pages of posts Wednesday night until I thought bed was beckoning, but when I closed down Windows decided I had 7 updates, which took 40 minutes to load. Having already installed the latest Adobe update successfully, the very next day I was informed there was another one. Grrrr >:(


I still get the "have a nice day" from call centres. What a load of bilge. If I was having a nice day I would not need to stay on hold for twenty minutes waiting to speak to a human.

Irish Padre

re the Ryanair stuff, I totally agree with the door thing. I want to agree about the 'euros' but having lived in the Eurozone at the time of the currency change, we were subjected to the barrage of information on the introduction of the euro. As a result I can unfortunately confirm that the official plural of euro is euro, however counter-intuitive it might seem!!


Quote from: Irish Padre on April 13, 2012, 02:28:04 PM
re the Ryanair stuff, I totally agree with the door thing. I want to agree about the 'euros' but having lived in the Eurozone at the time of the currency change, we were subjected to the barrage of information on the introduction of the euro. As a result I can unfortunately confirm that the official plural of euro is euro, however counter-intuitive it might seem!!

Whether the Irish want to say Euro or Euros or whatever is niether here nor there. The aircraft originated in the UK, outside the Eurozone and the announcer was speaking in English. If it was a French aircraft the announcer would still have been speaking in English(as well as French and the language of destination if appropriate), as he/she would have if it were a Japanese or Nepalese airline that hubbed in stanstead.

Announcements are always translated into the languages of origin and destination. If we say that Ryanair is an Irish airline and they wish to make announcements in the Irish version of English with its official idiotic plural of Euro, then that should be an additional announcement.

You can't believe my fury about this, and it is the reason I stopped flying Ryanair.

Having said that I fully accept that the Irish speak a different version of English, but, the Ryanair aircraft are hubbing in a UK airport. If the flight was to Dublin, then maybe my blood would merely be simmering slowly (though I doubt it somehow)

Naturally this is all a bit TONGUE IN CHEEK!!
running in is so you get used to the noise, oops, to bed the gears down properly


Quote from: tgv_obsessed on April 13, 2012, 02:53:42 PM

Naturally this is all a bit TONGUE IN CHEEK!!

Now I see where You get the "Obsessed" from TGV  :smiley-laughing:  :wave:
Cogito Sumere potum alterum

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