The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: Newportnobby on December 04, 2018, 04:43:58 PM
You could at least take the smile off your face whilst apologising, David ;)

Okay,  :sorrysign:, suitably chastised and smile gone. 'Course, what I will look like when it is paid on Friday ....................  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


I know it's Pantomime season, but really!


Oh no it isn't!

Trains That Changed The World (S1 E6) The Supertrains at 40 minutes (ish) in.

Yet another flippin' cheeky adAPTation of history! :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:


Quote from: weave on November 26, 2018, 05:52:29 PM
Hi all,

Not been on here before so apologies if been discussed before.

Last week we scrapped an old car that we used for taking the dogs to the common for walks. It was dying and beyond repair but was insured until the end of December.

We have just called the Insurance Company to let them know it was scrapped, possibly hoping for a refund for the next 6 weeks, only to be told that it would be £45 to cancel the policy. So, bit shocked, we said 'well, we'll just keep the policy, that we'd paid up front for a year, until it expires'.

'You can't do that now' it's company policy. 'If you don't pay we'll take you to court'.

'But if we hadn't told you, you would never of known. We were just being honest', we replied. 'Sorry, company policy'.

We spoke to a Manager, same response. Money grabbing  :censored:.


Thanks for letting me get that off my chest and any ideas appreciated.

Cheers weave  :beers:

I feel like going down to the South Coast and sticking one in their eye if that gives you a clue to who they are. (Not sure if you can mention names on here).

Hi all,

Just to say that the Battle of Hastings is over. Credit where credit's due, they backed down and waved the cancellation fee as a gesture of goodwill but lots of phone calls to get there. Must read small print more often, although I know I won't.

Cheers weave.


Glad you got a result in the end, Weave. To my mind that should never have happened in the first place, though :unimpressed:


I love that phrase that companies come out with - "a gesture of goodwill". It implies that they are doing you a huge favour and yes,the small print probably does say that they were in the right all the time, but being 'in the right', does not make it right! Glad it was sorted Weave.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Last weekend my mancave (the conservatory) sprang a leak which causes me concern as that's where the main layout is. Now I don't know what it's like in other areas but I was phoning various roofing/repair companies up from Monday morning onwards, leaving messages on mobiles and landlines but not one called me back. In the end I was put in touch with a roofer on Thursday who came out straight away and spent 3 hours in the cold up on my roof cleaning out the guttering and 'altering' some work next door had had done on their roof by another bunch of liars and which was causing my leak. My chap was 75 years old but was up and down ladders like a youngster (he also replaced 8 broken tiles I had been assured had been done by a previous cowboy and he showed me them as proof). I still am uneasy about the leak but it has been raining here for about 5 hours now and all is dry. Sometimes I feel I ought to be on TwitFace just in order to name and shame the companies who have obviously never heard of 'customer service' but who I'm sure, if I'd wanted a new roof, would have been swarming over me. It's all very well them getting big contracts (and fair play to them) but folks with problems they consider small just can't find anyone to help. I also need a radiator in the bathroom replacing but no one wants such a small job and I can't afford to replace the entire bathroom furniture just to attract 'workers'
Rant over (for now maybe)


Quote from: Newportnobby on December 15, 2018, 04:35:18 PM
Last weekend my mancave (the conservatory) sprang a leak which causes me concern as that's where the main layout is. Now I don't know what it's like in other areas but I was phoning various roofing/repair companies up from Monday morning onwards, leaving messages on mobiles and landlines but not one called me back. In the end I was put in touch with a roofer on Thursday who came out straight away and spent 3 hours in the cold up on my roof cleaning out the guttering and 'altering' some work next door had had done on their roof by another bunch of liars and which was causing my leak. My chap was 75 years old but was up and down ladders like a youngster (he also replaced 8 broken tiles I had been assured had been done by a previous cowboy and he showed me them as proof). I still am uneasy about the leak but it has been raining here for about 5 hours now and all is dry. Sometimes I feel I ought to be on TwitFace just in order to name and shame the companies who have obviously never heard of 'customer service' but who I'm sure, if I'd wanted a new roof, would have been swarming over me. It's all very well them getting big contracts (and fair play to them) but folks with problems they consider small just can't find anyone to help. I also need a radiator in the bathroom replacing but no one wants such a small job and I can't afford to replace the entire bathroom furniture just to attract 'workers'
Rant over (for now maybe)

Nobby, it's not just you.

I have lost count of the tradesman who fail to answer calls or, lord save me, use the dreaded words "I will call you back".

It took three attempts to get our boiler serviced when we first moved in. One fool even turned up "on time" a month late! We now have a chap who doesn't install but specialises in repair. He carries all spares in his van and is brilliant. Once you have a good guy hold on!

We have even had people fail to come back when they were owed money.

Re your small jobs; have you tried "Rated People"? We literally wanted one tile replaced and I put the job on at 10:00 on a Sunday night. Had two e-mails by morning and the job done by Tuesday.

One small warning; They have to pay for your contact details so you may get the opposite effect of multiple calls!



I sympathise Mick. Early in November, I noticed a hole was appearing in the fireback - we have an open fire in the lounge and it was cracked in a couple of places. I bought some fire cement and filled the hole.  A couple of days later I called at a fireplace company and explained the problem and also stated that we were thinking of getting one of those log burner fires, but I did not what to spend too much, as we intended moving back to the UK within 18 months. To give the fella in the shop his due, he recommended that we did not buy a log burner if we were thinking of moving, he also gave me the number of a bloke who would replace the fireback. I phoned him and he said it would be a straight forward job, but he could not get back to me until the beginning of December - I am still waiting for his phone call! Needless to say, once the holidays are over, I will be ringing some other tradesmen!
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quote from: Newportnobby on December 15, 2018, 04:35:18 PM
Last weekend my mancave (the conservatory) sprang a leak which causes me concern as that's where the main layout is. Now I don't know what it's like in other areas but I was phoning various roofing/repair companies up from Monday morning onwards, leaving messages on mobiles and landlines but not one called me back. In the end I was put in touch with a roofer on Thursday who came out straight away and spent 3 hours in the cold up on my roof cleaning out the guttering and 'altering' some work next door had had done on their roof by another bunch of liars and which was causing my leak. My chap was 75 years old but was up and down ladders like a youngster (he also replaced 8 broken tiles I had been assured had been done by a previous cowboy and he showed me them as proof). I still am uneasy about the leak but it has been raining here for about 5 hours now and all is dry. Sometimes I feel I ought to be on TwitFace just in order to name and shame the companies who have obviously never heard of 'customer service' but who I'm sure, if I'd wanted a new roof, would have been swarming over me. It's all very well them getting big contracts (and fair play to them) but folks with problems they consider small just can't find anyone to help. I also need a radiator in the bathroom replacing but no one wants such a small job and I can't afford to replace the entire bathroom furniture just to attract 'workers'
Rant over (for now maybe)

Hi Mick,

We have a very small leak in our bedroom (no jokes). Apparently the previous owner, who was a builder, bodged the bit of flat roof to sell it.

Thought get 3 quotes as you do. First guys great. On time with ladders.

Second guy said 4.30 pm. We said 'but it'll be dark'. 'No problem, I have powerful torches' he said. Turned up with only the torch on his mobile phone and no ladders. He rearranged the appointment with Mrs weave and came 2 days later in daylight and said that 'he hadn't got a ladder tall enough as didn't realise that the roof was so high'. It wasn't that dark when he came before, we have house lights and Christmas lights as well.

Can't swear, family forum etc. but what a nincompoop.

Third one didn't turn up today.

I like the first guys, obviously, but their quote could be too much.

Hope all gets sorted with you.

Cheers weave  :beers:


Thanks Chaps, although I'm sorry it isn't just me.
Just checked and all is dry still. To be honest, with the 45 or so mph winds and pissistent heavy rain coming down at present, if it's OK in the morning I'll consider the job well done :)


really  :censored: >:( at the idiot who disrupted gatwick airport over the last couple of days with a drone, but 
1. why no system in place to deal with such an occurrence ?
2. the worst ever excuse from the police, "we couldn't shoot at it for the risk of stray bullets"
this from those who ponce around all day in a crowded airport [ie target rich environment] with automatic sub machine guns !

thought they were supposed to be highly trained marksmen.

further comments would probably become political.


In my world, any plane hitting a drone could possibly crash, inevitably with loss of life. Therefore, any scrote flying a drone in such an area should be charged with attempted murder. A '1Km no drone zone' is pathetic. There are electronic gizmos available that 'repel' drones and make them land where they took off (as demonstrated on the morning news yesterday) but the likes of Gatwick would rather create chaos for 1000s than spend money wisely. I love the Dutch who have trained birds of prey to take down drones >:D :D As per @class37025 , further comment from me is likely to incite riot.


I think the point about stray bullets is not them missing so much (though that has to be taken into account) but where do bits of bullet or debris end up?  Or if they do miss (not exactly a static target) where does the bullet drop/hit.

The Q

Quote from: class37025 on December 21, 2018, 11:09:15 AM

2. the worst ever excuse from the police, "we couldn't shoot at it for the risk of stray bullets"
this from those who ponce around all day in a crowded airport [ie target rich environment] with automatic sub machine guns !

thought they were supposed to be highly trained marksmen.

What goes up must come down, live rounds fired at an airport whether or not they hit the target. if they come down and hit an aircraft would cause a catastrophic damage, especially to fully fuelled aircraft.
In the past when rounds fired at a target range have missed people have been killed several miles away.

During WW2 much damage was caused by rounds returning to the ground that had missed their target. (and probably deaths)

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