Show your Latest GB Loco and Rolling Stock Purchase.

Started by longbridge, June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM

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not very big purchases... but i added a few more to my wagon fleet...

2x second hand dapol 21 ton coal hoppers
1x second hand dapol grain hopper
1x new graham farish mea wagon


Two of the "new" additions to the rosters for Hawthorn Dene and its successor Croft Spa.

60907 is a recent purchase from Dr Al via eBay.  It WAS a Green Arrow.  Since acquisition I've tested its pulling power (10 coaches forwards, 9 tender-first), first restoring the front coupling.  It then went to DCC Supplies for fitting with a decoder in the tender as they can't get hold of any very small decoders at the moment so couldn't put the chip inside the cab roof.  I may add a storm sheet to cover the wires.  Renumbered as 60907, which was a York loco that retained its inside steampipes.  York V2s were heavily used on relief passenger along the whole of the East Coast Main Line, plus workings that took them on to the Great Central and London Midland regions. It still needs coal, crew and weathering.

This one will make its debut on passenger (probably) at Warley at the end of this month.  Hawthorn Dene is stand C31, two places along from the N Gauge Society stand.  60907's eventual duty is the King's Cross to  Catterick Camp troop train on Croft Spa, a signature train as it was an eight-coach rake hauled by a tender-first V2. It had worked chimney-first North to Darlington where it reversed, hauling the train tender-first to Catterick Bridge where it reversed again to take the steep branch to Catterick Camp.  the train passed through Croft Spa twice, once with the loco chimney first and once tender-first.  A train that has been waiting for me to find a strong V2...

One of three recently purchased Dapol B1s, all via eBay. This one had hardly any track time and runs perfectly- one of the others had a circuit board issue and the third had been dropped.  All are now renumbered, DCC fitted, and available for front line service.  The one with the circuit board issue I hard wired a chip into. This one will share the explosives train on both Hawthorn Dene and Croft Spa.  Again it still needs weathering, coal and crew.

Why Dapol rather than Farish B1s?  Quite simply there are two duties (a coal train run tender-first and a big fast goods) that the Farish B1 I had wouldn't look at pulling.  As it wasn't up to the job I sold the Farish one on.



The V2 is a beauty, Les, and being in possession of one of Dr Al's locos I know just how good they are.


The new locos which I've got recently, on my very much unfinished layout.
A Farish 3MT (slightly damaged valve gear, but still runs fine, will need to get it fixed at some point)
A Dapol Class 33
and also...
Farish 5MT Standard Arthur "Camelot" Which is sadly, only a model...
Which I might get renamed/numbered at some point, will be after the new years anyway.

As for rolling stock, managed to get an older Farish BR(S) Green Bulleid three pack coaches, a 50' Bogie B (slightly damaged but bodged fixed it) and also another BR Mk.1 BSK in BR(S) Green.
There might of been other rolling stock recently bought, though I can't remember which ones at the moment.
Bosnport - A Fictional P'Mouth and S'Sea based Layout upon a Bunk Bed
Gosport Railworks - My Youtube Channel
3D Printing Services

Primary Modelling eras/region: Era 3 '30s Southern, Era 4-5 BR(S) and Era 8 Network Southeast


After years of looking for one at a reasonable price, I found a BR160 in pristine condition for a very reasonable price at Central Hobbies in Vancouver
Very very happy 😃


My latest purchase all the way from Spain, a Cross Country class 170 and a Cross Country Voyager, the 220 arrived with Split gears, I was already aware of that and had a replacement lined up in the form of a non running virgin power car, simple straight swap of the bogies, put the replacement in and click click click, yep it also had split gears, the bogie from the other end however was good so for now it's running with the incorrect bogie in the rear of the power car.


Ebay turned up trumps and I've just received this, after paying just £36. Conveniently it even has a Rapido coupling fitted to one end already.


Model railways should be about fun and enjoying yourself and I think every layout should have at least one element of silliness about it. Here's my contribution.

Completed about 20 minutes ago.
In Memoriam:

Latest project: San Pablo - Rural Spain in miniature (HOe ish)

Jerry Howlett

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


Quote from: Vigo on November 15, 2018, 01:51:07 PM
Model railways should be about fun and enjoying yourself and I think every layout should have at least one element of silliness about it. Here's my contribution.

Completed about 20 minutes ago.

Nothing silly about Hobgoblin - seriously good ales. :beers: Mind you after a few I can get a bit silly. :D

Nice modelling Vigo. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Dapol ND-087C Cross Country Extra Car, a good as new bargain from eBay.

Images © Mark Adedeji, on Flickr

I dithered over buying one for too long when they were first released. All sold-out by the time I decided I wanted one. So now the Virgin liveried one I bought new intending to repaint, can go for sale to offset the modest amount I paid for this.


Just got a Farish Class 40, couldn't resist. Used to see these thundering around Manchester when I was a youngster :)


aaahh 40s used to love seeing them, huge brutes


Well I am happy that my parcel from Colin at Union Mills arrived last week, in it were City of Truro and a Dukedog, these go nicely with the Dean Goods.
Quickly posed the 3 together on the viaduct outside Truro.
I have started to paint the overly bright rods, wheels and buffers, first coat just to dull it down.
I think they will look good with some extra detailing, and a bit of weathering.

All have been fitted with wired DCC chips, this required a bit of Dremel work inside the tender, about 3mm removed
I fitted 2 with the NCE Z14SR chips and a Digitraz DZ126 in the other, that what i had spare.
The Z14SR is slightly bigger. The DCC black power wire replaces the thick wire that is originally fitted between tender and loco.

I did all the milling in a bin to contain the swarf, otherwise its a quick death for pcb's and motors!
They all got thoroughly cleaned before assembly and testing.


Quote from: Quicknick on December 02, 2018, 01:01:36 AM
Well I am happy that my parcel from Colin at Union Mills arrived last week, in it were City of Truro and a Dukedog, these go nicely with the Dean Goods.
Quickly posed the 3 together on the viaduct outside Truro.
I have started to paint the overly bright rods, wheels and buffers, first coat just to dull it down.
I think they will look good with some extra detailing, and a bit of weathering.

All have been fitted with wired DCC chips, this required a bit of Dremel work inside the tender, about 3mm removed
I fitted 2 with the NCE Z14SR chips and a Digitraz DZ126 in the other, that what i had spare.
The Z14SR is slightly bigger. The DCC black power wire replaces the thick wire that is originally fitted between tender and loco.

I did all the milling in a bin to contain the swarf, otherwise its a quick death for pcb's and motors!
They all got thoroughly cleaned before assembly and testing.

I'm impressed you found a bit hard enough to mill out the inside of the tender.  When I tried I wore away all the bits I had available (three) and made almost no impression on the inside of the tender.  I resorted to putting decoders in the cabs and using storm sheets to hide them - easier when the NER gave their enginemen decent cabs to start with...


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