Covid vaccine

Started by Newportnobby, November 19, 2020, 05:10:01 PM

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The only really bad vaccine I can recall was the thalidomide one (and I could be wrong as to whether that was a vaccine).
I'm sorry, but to my mind if anyone refuses this vaccine then any life insurance policy should be voided. I've been chucking heart meds down my neck for 27 years now. Sure, if you read the literature that comes with each pack you'd be convinced you shouldn't take them but I have to assume the medics know what they're doing, in the same way you assume a bus/train/plane/taxi driver knows their game. The most I've had from flu jabs is either an aching arm for a couple of days or bloody shirt 'cos the practice nurse was rubbish.


Quote from: Newportnobby on November 30, 2020, 10:48:34 AM
The most I've had from flu jabs is either an aching arm for a couple of days or bloody shirt 'cos the practice nurse was rubbish.

That's cutbacks for you. We used to get a little round plaster put on the 'wound'. I didn't get one this year though and yes, I had a sore arm for about 5 days  :'(

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Thalidomide was an anti morning sickness tablet taken by pregnant mothers and was one of the reasons drug testing before approval is so strict today.  I know I was born with fortunately a minor problem with my right thumb, now no longer a problem, due to it.  A lot of people were not so lucky.

I agree that you cannot force people to take Vaccines, but you can also not force the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment if they refuse to take it.  This door swings both ways.

I also believe that children reaching the age of 18 should be notified of the vaccines their parents have refused to let them have and give them the option of taking the vaccines or not have national health cover.


Excellent Huffpost article today from a scientist supporting the vaccine approach to Covid protection and control, and debunking the anti-vax and no-vax claims along the way:


Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: Snowwolflair on November 30, 2020, 11:00:18 AM

I agree that you cannot force people to take Vaccines, but you can also not force the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment if they refuse to take it.  This door swings both ways.

Precisely. Like I say, void any life/travel insurance and refuse cover where necessary although how this is policed without requiring some form of 'I've been vaccinated' certification I wouldn't know.


Quote from: Snowwolflair on November 30, 2020, 11:00:18 AM

I agree that you cannot force people to take Vaccines, but you can also not force the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment if they refuse to take it.  This door swings both ways.

Precisely. Like I say, void any life/travel insurance and refuse cover where necessary although how this is policed without requiring some form of 'I've been vaccinated' certification I wouldn't know.
If some form of ID card was issued then medical treatment, insurance etc could be monitored.
Yes, it really does need something as stringent as that IMO.


Quote from: Newportnobby on November 30, 2020, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: Snowwolflair on November 30, 2020, 11:00:18 AM

I agree that you cannot force people to take Vaccines, but you can also not force the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment if they refuse to take it.  This door swings both ways.

Precisely. Like I say, void any life/travel insurance and refuse cover where necessary although how this is policed without requiring some form of 'I've been vaccinated' certification I wouldn't know.

Red flag on their NHS and NI records.


With insurance it could be simply a case of the onus being on the insured * to prove to the insurer that they were vaccinated against the condition they are making a claim against. In other words, as it is now with travel insurance cover, for example, for covered conditions, situations, activities etc.

No Vax, No Claim. Simples.

(* or their heirs/executors  ;) )

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: Snowwolflair on November 30, 2020, 11:50:40 AM
Quote from: Newportnobby on November 30, 2020, 11:48:08 AM
Quote from: Snowwolflair on November 30, 2020, 11:00:18 AM

I agree that you cannot force people to take Vaccines, but you can also not force the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment if they refuse to take it.  This door swings both ways.

Precisely. Like I say, void any life/travel insurance and refuse cover where necessary although how this is policed without requiring some form of 'I've been vaccinated' certification I wouldn't know.

Red flag on their NHS and NI records.

What have you got against people in Belfast? ;)


Hi Folks,

Not sure draconian measures are necessarily helpful.  Far better to win the argument based on fact and common sense (this is what I did within my own mind).  At a high level, I believe there are three camps with regards to vaccines.

1. Give it to me - I am happy to have the shot as I trust our scientific experts and the alternative is too scary to contemplate.

2. Genuine concern about the rushed nature of this particular vaccine.  Personally, I fall in to this category.  As I stated above, I am not anti-vaccine but on this occasion the drug development and testing has been compressed in to a much shorter timeframe than normal.  No doubt there has also been considerable political pressure (not necessarily from the British Government) to get the vaccine out and this could lead to catastrophic errors/omissions etc.  These people need to be reassured that this really is the best option for them, their loved ones and mankind, not threatened.

3. Anti-vaxers.  It does not matter what you do, these people will NEVER have the injection.  Most of them are convinced that this is some grand conspiracy funded by a new world order headed by Bill Gates, "men in the shadows" and/or aliens.  Threats of insurance etc. are really aimed at these people but are a waste of time.

So really we are talking about groups 1 and 2.  Group 1 is a done deal, so it is down to group 2 and convincing those people that the CV19 vaccine is safe enough and far less dangerous than the alternative.

Kind regards


London Midland Region



There has just been a very sane and sage piece on BBC Radio 4 on "Vaccinating the World". Available on BBC Sounds for anyone with 30 minutes to spare. The scientists there, unconnected with any of the drug trials, said unreservedly they would be happy to take any of the 3 vaccines recently received.

I am happy to receive any of them.

Membre AFAN 0196


A vaccine for a fading form of what is now mild flu? Probably not for me.

Any early licensing of these experimental vaccines can't measure their long term effects, there being no long term data, of course. Nor do we know how long they would be effective for. And probably a good half of the population is immune already. Nor have I read anything about whether they would be compatible with the existing flu viruses.

Obviously I have no specialist knowledge. But there's the possibility that the (supposed) protection might have worse effects than the disease.

Not sure about this, but did I see a suggestion that the Irish government might indemnify pharma against side effects?

I'm watching and waiting.


 I'm quite happy to have any of the vaccines, as I have done for a long while the Flu jab. My concern is over the long term. If it's going to take perhaps until next autumn to get most of the UK done alone, and like the Flu jab you need one each year, how on earth is the world going to cope. For these don't seem, at present anyway, to be long term vaccines, lasting several/many years.

Or is the hope that general resistance then will cause it to fade away to more manageable levels? Certainly it's the highly infectious nature of it that has caught the world out, in comparison to other recent virus problems.



Quote from: Buffin on November 30, 2020, 01:04:06 PM
A vaccine for a fading form of what is now mild flu?

A good friend of mine has just had her gall bladder removed  from your 'mild flu', and a healthy 30something ex-work colleague of my wife's was cremated recently because of your 'mild flu'.

Try reading the 'real' news or the scientific reports rather than the fictional 'moron mags'.

If you don't want the vaccine thats your perogative, but kindly refrain from trying to spread misinformation, false facts and bullcrap.

Have a nice day.
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...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.



Sufferin' succotash!

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