Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Bob Tidbury

 :sorrysign:  My deepest sympathy in your loss ,I really do understand how you feel ,but as you said  No more pain and now at peace .
Bob Tidbury



My deepest sympathy too, John
Best wishes Steve
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


So sorry John.
My deepest sympathy at this sad time.
Take comfort in the knowledge you are in all our thoughts.
Remembering the good times will keep you strong.

She who must be obeyed says I am spending too much time on this forum. I love her dearly but what does she know?


Last night we had a small family get together. The family arrived and we sat in the garden chatting for a while, before two of us went to get a Chinese takeaway for everyone. We got as far as the cash machine, before getting a call that my wife had had an accident, so we rushed back.

She was lying pretty well face down, conscious, bleeding a bit and with her leg at a funny angle in the mangled wreckage of our camping table.

We stopped her moving until an ambulance arrived and miraculously she'd only suffered cuts and bruises - we really couldn't believe that her leg could get in that position without something being broken.

The downside is that we spent the entire night in A&E while our guests looked after our children and after various tests, she was admitted at  7:45 this morning (12 and a 1/4 hours after she fell). She is now in for further tests to determine why she blacked out and fell (for the second time), why her heart rate has been elevated all night and whether it is anything to do with the very nasty meds that she is on for rheumatoid arthritis.

Meanwhile I have returned home to relieve our guests and reassure our children.


Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.


wishing her a speedy recovery, and hopefully a quick identification of the cause, with hopefully a simple resolution.


Very sorry to hear this, Steve, and I hope the medics can get to the bottom of the problem.


Hope your wife is soon okay Steve and the problem is sorted out. You raise the possibility that the problem may be due to her current medication. I work on the theory that we are given a medicine to cure a problem, but that medicine may have side effects, so you are given a medicine to cure the side effects etc etc. I have to take a tablet every day ad infinitum, but that tablet gives me rhinitis. The Doctor said that she could give me something for that, I said, "No thanks". Best wishes to your wife.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

Bob Tidbury

Best wishes to your wife Steve I hope they can sort out her problem soon ,in the meantime look after yourself and your children .
Bob Tidbury


Steve, sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope they get to the bottom of the blackouts and I wish your wife a speedy recovery.
She who must be obeyed says I am spending too much time on this forum. I love her dearly but what does she know?

port perran

I do hope your wife is ok and that the medics are able to get tothe bottom of what's happening.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


I knew there was a reason I shouldn't have reversed those trucks into the sidings ...


Bit of a tight curve to get on that turntable, methinks.


Well the boss and I are part way through a little road trip whereupon last Saturday we knocked on the door of a somewhat startled @Newportnobby and invited ourselves in for coffee  :D we all met up after for some nosh once he had recovered his composure. We headed to Kent the next day to have a couple of days with my brother, but there appears to be no model shops near him. Tuesday saw us head to Peterborough where we did eventually find Trains 4 U, very nice chap, lots of British stock and I asked if he had any American or Japanese stuff. We headed upstairs where he presented us with a box of rather battered stuff that the had/were putting on ebay. Much of it was pretty wrecked but I did spot a Kato Tokkaido E217 4 car set, unboxed, rather scruffy with some detail parts missing, I asked what he wanted for it, "it's on ebay for only£80" he beamed, I explained that I had just purchased a brand new, boxed E217 set from Japan, delivered for £58 and wouldn't be making an offer.
The following morning it was coming down in stair rods so we binned the planned visit to the cathedral and headed for East Yorkshire, en route we visited Melton Mowbry, a fine looking cathedral there too but no model shops and still hissing down so we didn't really stray far from the car, a short stop into Beverly, which we found to be much the same as Melton. We arrived at our final destination in Driffield.  This morning I called 53A models just outside Hull and asked if they had any American or Japanese N gauge, either new or secondhand, to be told there was no call for it around there, so we jumped in the car and nipped along to Croppers in Bridlington, he had about a dozen bits of N gauge (all British) and told me second hand N was like rocking horse droppings, so we got in the car and came back. It's been blowing a gale and hissing it down ever since Liverpool scored their 4th goal the other night and the general lack of model shops has been disappointing hence this is in the unhappy thread.
Della was taken by a class 03 shunter in Trains 4 U, the look on @Newportnobby face was priceless and the RAF Manston museum is well worth a visit, other than that I'm a bit dischuffed. Ah well, home on Saturday and hopefully the Glenrothes show on Sunday if my back can take anymore driving  :'(

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