The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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That sucks mate. Cheeky scumbag. Let's hope Plod manages to find him, hopefully the dog'll misbehave and maul the S.O.A.B.

You have my sympathy.
Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


Forgot what a stress and pita buying a house can be. Found somewhere that looked brilliant, spent a few days checking and double checking the pics and street view and as much other info as possible.
Contacted agents to get additional information with a view to makeing an offer to be told it had an offer accepted a month ago but the vendor didn't want them to mark it under offer or SSTC.
Thereby circumventing my searches that exclude such properties.
Very, very annoyed tonight.


My experiences of house hunting have not been good in the main as some seem to have no 'manners' when it comes to how to act.
I'm quite sure they'd be screaming blue murder on Farcebook etc if it was them on the receiving end.


Quote from: Fardap on April 06, 2021, 10:05:26 PM
Forgot what a stress and pita buying a house can be. Found somewhere that looked brilliant, spent a few days checking and double checking the pics and street view and as much other info as possible.
Contacted agents to get additional information with a view to makeing an offer to be told it had an offer accepted a month ago but the vendor didn't want them to mark it under offer or SSTC.
Thereby circumventing my searches that exclude such properties.
Very, very annoyed tonight.

Something similar happened to us over the weekend. As much as I loath the stress of moving, even I had to admit a house we found online seemed a good one.

However further enquires revealed it was under offer and had been for over a week.

My question would be....why? If it's under negotiation take it down from the website and stop wasting people's time.

Add to that the interminable hold music at the estate agent in question and all the horrible memories of buying my current house came back.

My apologies to any decent agents out there, but do some of their colleagues go through special training to make the process so flipping awful?



Quote from: emjaybee on April 05, 2021, 11:41:08 PM
That sucks mate. Cheeky scumbag. Let's hope Plod manages to find him, hopefully the dog'll misbehave and maul the S.O.A.B.

You have my sympathy.

There is a video going around of a New York police dog arrest.  the arrest was a running take down and then the dog stepped back and let the officers cuff the suspect.

Once he was restrained the dog has the last word, he goes up to the suspect and pees on him like a tree.  Who says they are not intelligent animals.


Quote from: Newportnobby on April 07, 2021, 10:53:41 AM
My experiences of house hunting have not been good in the main as some seem to have no 'manners' when it comes to how to act.
I'm quite sure they'd be screaming blue murder on Farcebook etc if it was them on the receiving end.

not so much a response, but I do love your new AVTUR  :)


Thanks. Sadly I had to have Hookey put to sleep yesterday after he'd battled with liver disease for 13 months so being reminded of him is too raw at present.


Sorry to hear that Mick. PM sent.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Sad news Mick. It's only people who do not have pets that don't realise how much part of the family they become. We were distraught each time we lost one of our cats.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


I finished work at 1, nipped into town to buy bread, a takeaway coffee. Read this on the train and came to conclusion after watching people looking at their phones, eyes superglued to their screens, not socially distancing , I passed 4 parents in the path too busy talking and not caring for any body but themselves .... the safest place at home


Quote from: Newportnobby on April 07, 2021, 12:30:55 PM
Thanks. Sadly I had to have Hookey put to sleep yesterday after he'd battled with liver disease for 13 months so being reminded of him is too raw at present.

when I lost Coco, the last intelligent beast I had, another member kindly sent me this.
being a soppy old git, it helped, but of course I will deny it, I have a reputation to uphold.
hopefully it may help you in this sad time.

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. 

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. 
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. 
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. 

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. 
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. 

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. 

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. 

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... "

but hopefully, not to soon  >:D


I know just how you feel Chris. :thumbsup:

Monday, 12th April. England.

The day when I will continue to stay at home most of the time, maintain proper respect for social distancing, continue to shop online for most things, and otherwise try to avoid as many people as possible.

Not sure whether I'm okay with the new freedoms, but I'm certainly feeling that this pandemic is far from over.

So maybe not so much as angry, rather more concerned for my - and our future.

Sufferin' succotash!


Mike.totally agree with every word


you never forget them.

from Bruce, my first shepherd, through too many who have lightened / brightened my/our lives, via Simba a real alpha male who would Never accept me as his boss, to Coco, the sweetest, most gentle animal you could have hoped to meet, and now - him - HB - I will not comment .....

they all enrich our lives, giving us their love and trust, and asking so little in return - ok HB excepted  >:D

never been a cat person, always canines, but I can understand your loss, and the emptiness in your life.

it will pass, usually after a new animal joins you, but you will always hold a special place in your heart for those that have gone before.

if only humans were so loyal and loving.

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