The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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As the Gangmaster said in Aufwiedersehen, Pet third series when the lads complained about the two teams of Serbian and Kosovan workers always fighting, " I can get you British workers for sure - drink tea, scratch balls, cost twice as much"  :smiley-laughing:



just had dataloggers put into fire engine at work. It was sold to us as having a rear camera and satnav, both already supplied on fire truck. The "boss" can now see where we go how fast etc etc. talk about big brother but the best part is logging in. each time you have to drive it on starting engine you have to swipe the card reader that is yours, wait for satnav unit to turn on, agree to conditions(takes a minute or so to read) then click agree then it goes to the screen with the vehicle details height length weight etc and you then have to agree click agree then enter details of travel but you have to choose from the 7 listed(cant find coffee run :smiley-laughing:) then enter some other detail and then we are off. My first message to comms will be now "delayed response due to trying to enter details into datalog", then again the fire will wait for me!


What the...? That is nuts!  My mistake, i was under the mistaken impression that a fire was an emergency.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


i can understand why some companies, like security money trucks need to know where they are and others to reduce private driving on weekends but it is not like i get to take it home. and the truck is pretty easy to find, either at the station or at a job(except the coffee runs, but thats another story my crew get in trouble for)
and to make it more fun, we are getting finger print scanners to sign on and off . again told it is to improve the payroll so we get paid correctly, b****t. it will cost them more as no longer will we jump on the truck when a call comes in at 5mins to finish so the day guys came go home, no they will go and get paid overtime while we sit at station until they get back and then take over


Quote from: 1936ace on June 02, 2012, 01:03:01 PM
agree to conditions(takes a minute or so to read

Do you have authority to enter into binding contracts for your employer ? I think you'll find that most employment contracts and policies require that only your legal department is to do this. It's a fun and innocent enquiry way to turn corporate drones inside out with silly software licensing.


"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden

Pete Mc

This morning I had to go into work for a spot of training(CPC).I.left for work at around 7am and then went to a mates house for a few hours,arriving home at around 7.
After going in the bath and getting changed into my dossing clothes,I decided to have a spot of dinner.
After having dinner I.then went to.the sink to run some water to wash my dinner pots.And thats when I spotted it.
It being a hole through the glass in my back door,with the remainder of the glass in place still but with the distinctive pattern of crazing which happens to toughened glass.
I discovered this at just gone 8:30,so until the morning I cannot get to anywhere to buy wood so I can at least board up the damage.So bang goes going to the DEMU showcase.
P-ed off is not my current state of mind but was when I found it.I also found a pebble sitting on the seat of my currently off of the road Honda CBR600f with small shards of glass next to it.The type usually found next to the item that smashed it in the first place.
So tonight I'm not going to bed,I have a short piece of 2x1 timber on the floor next to me just in case someone has a go at getting in,then I will go out for some plywood in the morning and some beading so I can board it up.
One thing I did notice on looking at the alarm status and events display on my burglar alarm control panel was,there was no alarm activation so I can only assume it was a malicious act.
A couple of weeks ago,some oik in one of the rental properties on our street had his moped seized by the police due to his anti social riding habits,these being that he and his mates like to.ride down the backs of our properties at stupid o'clock in the morning or night,noisy pipes and a tuned 50cc hairdryer engine.
Having had it seized,he went on faceache and thanked us all,us being the residents of iur street for this,for this happening.
Now call me stupid if you like but if someone behaves properly,they don't get their property removed by the police and crushed,do they?
So this unfortunate little creep has a chip on his shoulder.I have a bill to pay for repairing damage to my property and if I find out who did it,well,I'm not sure.Two wrings and all that.
When I saw my neighbour,he said he heard a noice at about 7:20am at the back of our properties but didn't see anything,he had heard numbnut with his new hairdryer fo up the backs at full throttle onlt minutes earlier though.
I know that as a rational human being that I cannot jump to conclusions but that is indeed what has happened.I may even invest in a cheap cctv set up to keep an eye on the rear of my property,horse and stable door,anyone?
So,no DEMU tomorrow for me then.

:Class37: :NGaugersRule:
Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 -


Hi Pete,

Very sorry to hear about some idiot lobbing a stone through your window, and hope you can effect repairs quickly today. I too would have kept a chunky piece of wood next to me but you are quite right in that 2 wrongs do not make a right so please resist the temptation to brain anyone.
Have you contacted the police at all?

Pete Mc

Thanks for the sentiment Mick,it is much appreciated.
The good thing about this thread is that you can get things off your chest,even if no one conments on them.I think,on balance,jumping to conclusions may be the wrong thing to do,however,this doesn't mean I won't obtain info,as I have lived here for 21 years and am a valued part of our small community.After speaking with my next door neighbour whilst boarding the door up,his brother turned up.His brother has a business fairly local to where I live and knows people who may be able provide information as to who did this.
This is not to say that I will take the law into my own hands,although if it is the people I suspect has done it,rest assured,I will go to the police.
I can't remember whether I actually posted on here about an incident regarding my wheelie bin some weeks ago,when I caught three lads nabbing my bin,when I confronted them and told them I wanted it back right that minute,to my surprise they did just that.
And promptly removed their booty,which was scrap wiring,or it was when they'd gotten hold of it.Only thing was,it was high voltage cabling,the type found underground or beside railway lines.It also had a push and twist style connector on one end,and there was a fair length of the stuff too.
So other than the moped and the cabling this is the basis for my assumption.
Anyhow,today I went to Wickes and bought a sheet of 6mm ply of 4ft by 2ft and got busy chopping out the glass which went everywhere due to it being toughened and cleared out all the old hard putty and fitted the plywood in the place of the glass and cleaned up.Job done and all for the principle sum of £16.49.
The good thing is that once I've replaced the glass,the plywood will be used on the layout,proberbly for the base of the town section so if its warped a bit due to being exposed to the weather,it doesn't really matter too much.
After considering things,I didn't call the police due to there being only damage to the door and nothing else,however as previously stated,if more shananigans then I will go to them with a rather short dossier of events that may lead them to potential scrap metal thieves up the road.
So,today was blighted by this situation and prevented me from going to the DEMU Showcase,tomorrow I shall get on with some important layout work and tuesday I'm off to Trainfest or whatever its called at the NRM.Its club night on tuesday night and after work on wednesday I'm off to my uncle's to have a look at his baseboards which he's had built in his garage,only thing is he's not having n gauge on it,only oo.Boo.
Still,an end to end run with a roundy between each terminus is going to be a hell of a layout,set in late steam early diesel era and with dcc sound to boot.
Anyway,I'm no longer angry,what a great forum this is.


:Class37: :NGaugersRule:
Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 -


Hi Pete,

Glad you're feeling more chipper today - it's worth remembering that oiks like them usually get what's coming to them in one form or another ;)
Your mission, Pete, should you decide to accept to convince your uncle that he can get twice as much N gauge in the space he has available for that other stuff :smiley-laughing:


My Rant for this thread:

I turn a Quarter Century tommorow ( :thumbsup: ), my birthday present is to take my Ford Mondeo down to the Garage to replace the Clutch (slipping on hills, my last car did this too), and replace the right front bearing - which is rough ( I know not about cars so that means nout to me) and subsiquently the car failed its WOF. ( :thumbsdown: ). Looking to be around NZD1100!

Happy Birthday to me...  >:(
:Class414:  :NGaugersRule: :Class37:

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Quote from: kaiwhara on June 04, 2012, 11:11:21 AM
My Rant for this thread:

I turn a Quarter Century tommorow ( :thumbsup: ), my birthday present is to take my Ford Mondeo down to the Garage to replace the Clutch (slipping on hills, my last car did this too), and replace the right front bearing - which is rough ( I know not about cars so that means nout to me) and subsiquently the car failed its WOF. ( :thumbsdown: ). Looking to be around NZD1100!

Happy Birthday to me...  >:(

Well happy birthday  :beers: its a very long time since I had my quarter century (more than double now!)

Cars can be a nightmare I now buy a car every two years for about 1500 euros do 90000km then scrap and get about 400 euros and start again this works out at about 12 euros a week, my petrol bill is nearer 70 euros a week  :thumbsdown:

Is féidir tú a choinneáil ar eascainí an madra nó is féidir a lasadh coinneal duit


Quote from: galway on June 04, 2012, 11:21:02 AM
Quote from: kaiwhara on June 04, 2012, 11:11:21 AM
My Rant for this thread:

I turn a Quarter Century tommorow ( :thumbsup: ), my birthday present is to take my Ford Mondeo down to the Garage to replace the Clutch (slipping on hills, my last car did this too), and replace the right front bearing - which is rough ( I know not about cars so that means nout to me) and subsiquently the car failed its WOF. ( :thumbsdown: ). Looking to be around NZD1100!

Happy Birthday to me...  >:(

Well happy birthday  :beers: its a very long time since I had my quarter century (more than double now!)

Cars can be a nightmare I now buy a car every two years for about 1500 euros do 90000km then scrap and get about 400 euros and start again this works out at about 12 euros a week, my petrol bill is nearer 70 euros a week  :thumbsdown:


Happy Birthday Kaiwhara  :beers:
Sorry to hear about the car, they always go wrong when you can't afford them and new cars just aren't built to last anymore.

My last car, which was my 1st, developed gearbox problems.
It would cost more to fix than I paid for the car (£500) so it went to meet its maker.  :(
So my 20 year old 190E is now up there in Mercedes heaven!  :angel:
So Galway, I can understand why you do that.

Personally, when I can afford another car I will try to get something from the 1950's.  :o
No tax or mot needed and cheap insurance so the money you save can go towards the car, not to the taxman or anyone else who wants to rip you off.
They were built to last and maintain/fix yourself. No laptop needed to be plugged in to find out what's wrong!  :thumbsup:
OK, they don't do 60 mpg like modern stuff, about half that usually, but then I don't do long distances very much.
As I'm trying to get work thats local within a 10 mile radius, so the mpg would be fine.
They don't generally have great acceleration, think 0-60 in 30 secs, or a high top speed, but I'm not a speed merchant so again its fine.
All I need now is a pigging job! Aaarrgh! The dole queue's driving me insane!  >:(

Mini rant over.  ;D  :)
Personal motto: You don't have to be mad to be a modeller, but I find it helps!

My Irish layout here

My Edwardian Seaside Layout here

My Backscene painting tutorial here


Look on the bright side. In 25 years time you'll be celebrating your birthday by taking the car down the garage except you'll no longer remember where you put the keys, your back will ache if you spend ages looking under the bonnet and when you'll have to remember to go to the loo before you leave in case the garage is slow. Meanwhile the kids will be phoning you from university asking for an extra loan...

Emjoy the moments 8)

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: EtchedPixels on June 04, 2012, 05:45:47 PM
Look on the bright side. In 25 years time you'll be celebrating your birthday by taking the car down the garage except you'll no longer remember where you put the keys, your back will ache if you spend ages looking under the bonnet and when you'll have to remember to go to the loo before you leave in case the garage is slow. Meanwhile the kids will be phoning you from university asking for an extra loan...

Emjoy the moments 8)


Spot on! :smiley-laughing: Thanks for putting a smile on my face EP.
Today's Experts were yesterday's Beginners :)


Yeah thanks EP you just reminded me of how I am today, yikes.
Keep on Smiling

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