The Great Model Railway Challenge - Series 2

Started by ScottishModeller, November 05, 2018, 07:45:17 PM

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Hi all,

Well, it's been confirmed that there will be a Series 2 of this popular but controversial tv program from Channel 5.

With that in mind....

Would there be sufficient interest from the forum members to put together a team with the intent of producing an entry in N Gauge?

Thoughts, ideas, etc......

Have your say! Yes/No/Maybe

Phil Holman

port perran

I have to say that I have enjoyed the show so far (warts and all).
I'd tentatively say yes to having a go , it could be great fun as long as you give it your best shot but don't  take it too seriously.
I wouldn't like to commit a definite yes at this stage but it's very much worth considering.
Lets see what others think.
I guess ideally you need a mix of skills electrical,carpentry, track laying, scratchbuilding, scenery etc.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Quote from: port perran on November 05, 2018, 07:57:25 PM
I have to say that I have enjoyed the show so far (warts and all).
I'd tentatively say yes to having a go , it could be great fun as long as you give it your best shot but don't  take it too seriously.
I wouldn't like to commit a definite yes at this stage but it's very much worth considering.
Lets see what others think.
I guess ideally you need a mix of skills electrical,carpentry, track laying, scratchbuilding, scenery etc.
Hi PP,

I have the advantage of having taken part in the first series.

SO - yes, just having a positive mental attitude to agreeing to turn up and take part is the starting point.

First things first - get some people willing to commit to taking part IF the producers agree to a purely N Gauge entry.

Then, get the people who volunteer to list the skill areas they have.

It's a matter of process and progress things steadily.

Phil Holman


But this series ends with 5 layout s joined together!

Would they stand for an all N entry ?  Could we field 10 N gauge teams??

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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Quote from: Railwaygun on November 05, 2018, 08:34:59 PM
But this series ends with 5 layout s joined together!

Would they stand for an all N entry ?  Could we field 10 N gauge teams??
Hi there,

These are questions that have already been submitted to the producers.

Hence why I used the words IF etc....

Only time will tell, but I understand there are several changes to the rules that have yet to be finalised.

You know what they say?

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

So lets not fail at the first hurdle
Phil Holman


Count me in if Channel 5 pays me airline ticket  ;D ;)
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

port perran

Quote from: Bealman on November 05, 2018, 11:55:58 PM
Count me in if Channel 5 pays me airline ticket  ;D ;)
They'd probably love it. "And this chap has flown all the way from Oz just to take part....."
Might not be so keen to cough up for the ticket though.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

port perran

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

Michael Shillabeer


I emailed them on Friday after the show asked for applications for series 2.

I'd be happy to join an NGF team :)

I'm happy working in any scale - currently building O Gauge rolling stock...



Cool! See you on TV here in Australia series two!  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


As soon as I saw they were making a season 2 I had the same thoughts, could we get an N-Gauge Forum team together. I'm sure we all have the skills to model in other scales too if the need arises.

I'm up for it if you are collecting names.

The Q


Quote from: The Q on November 06, 2018, 01:29:07 PM
The TV Production team have just posted on RM web (Post 1689) for invites to the next series..
Yep - knew all about that before it was posted and was told I got to them first!

OK - The idea of having a purely N Gauge layout as an entry has been accepted as a good idea.

Now it's a case of the production company doing the background and potential supplier checks for it to become a definite 'Yes - you can take part' decision.

I've addressed all the initial list of potential hurdles that they threw at me to their satisfaction.

Now - the only hurdle I was unable to address is the On Train Camera situation. Hence my posting elsewhere about it.

Their current set up is too big to either fit in, or ride on top of, any N Gauge van, wagon or carriage.

So - gird your loins, start collecting your thoughts, and post your ideas and suggestions on here.

Time it is flying along! Next May will be here before we know it.


Phil Holman

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