Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Quote from: joe cassidy on March 21, 2017, 08:04:10 PM
At least you're not allergic to alcohol 

He might be - they just have not tested for it yet  :smiley-laughing:. (Sorry Mike).
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Er.... um.... yep! :(. Alchohol has long been identified as something that causes me real problems. Not the usual ones, but even in very small quantities - one short or half a pint of best - I get lots of unwanted side effects, all of which mean I avoid the stuff. (I only enjoy a pint with others as an emoji.)

Ain't life grand! :D


Sufferin' succotash!


Sorry to hear all that Mike, what a palaver!  :uneasy:, a good friend of mine suffered with his chest a lot and i'm sure that was a lot to do with dust mites, got rid of all his carpets in the end and layed laminate flooring in every room in the house, (With some help of course) and eventually things did improve a fair bit......once the dust settled from all the work!!!  :confused1:, anyway all the best with it and hope something can be done to ease the problem.
'Keep it country!'

'Head in the clouds, feet in the mud!'

joe cassidy

Jon Clox has some new inhalers that  sound like they could be a good substitute for booze ?


So sorry to hear that news, Mike. It must be very debili deebill knackering for you.
I guess the condition precludes you from pets as well?


Oddly not, Mick. Tests came back negative for cat and dog allergens. Go figure. :hmmm:

Glad you managed to choose the right descriptor eventually. ;) :D

Sufferin' succotash!


Daffy, from your signature, I take it that succotash in on your list of no-nos as well?

All seriousness aside, are these allergies something you have developed later in life? Over the last 6 months, my wife has developed something that the doctor thinks is irritable bowel syndrome. Not sure what causes highly adverse and uncomfortable reactions in her digestive system, but wheat products, pulses (peas etc.), oat meal, most cheeses, onions, are some of the identified culprits. The trouble is that leaving these things out of her diet has not fixed the problem so there may be many other foods that should be avoided. This situation is not just a nuisance, but it is an affliction that reduces quality of life as it does yours I'm sure, Mick. And, no more pizza for me.



Daffy -My father suffered from asthma for some years in the 1950's until it was determined that he had an allergy to Penicillium mould growing in our cellar; we moved and, although he was never the same again, he lived to 86. He too could not drink beer without becoming wheezy, presumably due to the yeast mould remnants present. Might be worth mentioning it to your nurse/GP. HTH, Brian
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." Wendell Phillips.

Eternal paranoia is the price of liberty: vigilance is not enough. Len Deighton.


Hi Mick, you will get to the stage when everything is a no no to you, i think will all have something we are allergic to at some point like watching idiots on telly shouting when they are trying to be funny, seriously though i really feel for you, Anne has now been told after a trip to the hospital yesterday to see her consultant that her Broncilitous, how ever you spell it, is getting worse, slowly making her life harder, but she still has the heart of a Lion and she gets on with her life has best has she can.

Really hope you can get something sorted Mick at least you have still got your sense of humour and it doesn't stop you from going on your layout.     :thumbs:

(NPN)         Deliberating  lol      :thumbs:


Thanks all. :thumbsup:

I just reckon I'm allergic to modern living - something that many seem to be experiencing in one way or another. Been ill in odd ways - nothing you would call 'major' thank heavens - for the last 27 years. Asthma is just a recent complication that has hit me harder than I like. Collectively all my problems can be very debilitating a lot of the time, and things occasionally, like when I started this rant, get on top,of me.

Still, I mainly keep cheerful, play the guitar badly and the fool better, and continue to grab what I can out if life. At the moment that's lots of little Swiss trains. :D

Now, if I can just get this darned builder to get a door knocked through to my garage I can get the proper layout built! >:(. All I have to do is avoid the dust! :thumbsup:

Ps - I'll comment on questions asked later - have to go out and get new bedding and stuff to combat the evil dust mite right now.

Sufferin' succotash!


As previously mentioned changing to hard flooring might help, also a hoover with a HEPA filter which catches those excremental blighters would seem a worthy purchase...


Evening all - well, we spent a bit of money today on new bedding, including anti-allergy pillows, and protective bug-proof covers for pillows and mattress. Also looking into room/house humidity and the merits or otherwise of air purifiers.
All sorts of info in the www, but a lot of it is sales hype, but when filtered out and proper research looked at (as a scientist I always look to The Cochran Collaboration for the real gen), there is consensus on the mite problem associated with bedding and carpets.
My wife exhausted herself yesterday throughly cleaning my bedroom, and we shall establish a strict and very frequent cleaning regime there, and in the rest of the house.  Thankfully we already use a HEPA rated vacuum, as Fardap suggested.
Now working out the cost of carpet changing to wood floor or some such - bit annoying as we recaroeted with top quality when we moved in just I er 3 years ago. But health is more important than wealth.

The allergens that dont affect me asthma-wise are lots of the usual suspects: moulds, fungi, animal dander, weed spores and pollens...... it's a long list. I'm hoping to get tested for as many things as I do find troublesome in other ways, most of which are foodstuffs, and these have been bothersome for decades: pure sugar, peppers, vinegar and other acidics, onions, most spices and herbs, yeast extract, malt extract, white flour,  cornflour, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrite, most chocolate, coffee, ...... the list goes on, and jeez, ain't eating boring these days!

@Webbo , your wife has my empathy and sympathy, cos finding out what mucks us up is a painstaking business, and finding your favourite foods are the things that cause you harm is just not funny or welcome. And sometimes you start to wonder if you're imagining it all! Sadly, you're not. My own journey has been a long one and started more than 30 years ago, though I only know that with hindsight. I've been aware however now for over 20 years. I have found the 'no' list getting longer, and occasionally something's get back on the 'yes' list for a while, only to return to the 'no' list at some indeterminate point. But at least my diet is one of the healthiest on the planet, even if I continue to feel like the proverbial pile.  I do hope your wife gets to the root of what is causing her the greatest problems. Professional help via proper allergy tests - bloods and skin-prick testing, is something I heartily recommend, but the old adage (well, it's my old adage anyway) is 'If what you just ate makes you feel lousy just like the last time(s) you ate it, STOP EATING IT cos your body is telling you it don't like it.'

As for alchohol, it does affect asthma, and mucks up the drugs, but I have a long-standing problem that means low dose alcohol just makes me ill. I often call it 'alchohol poisoning' just cos the term seems to fit the headaches, yucky feeling, and overall debility it engenders. And with half a pint inside me I know I would not be capable of driving a car, the effect is that strong. And to think that back in my twenties I used to think I was an alchoholic cos I was always the 'last man standing' at beer and spirit based parties. How things change.

Right, that enough from me - if I tell you any more about myself I could be subject to identity theft!  ;) Time to let other unhappy folks get a look in on this thread. :D

Sufferin' succotash!


Thank you Daffy for your supportive words. And, I hope that your new bedding makes a big improvement for you.

Since I've known my wife she has been somewhat lactose intolerant and intolerant to MSG and something in white wine that sets off migraines. If you know what the enemy is, you can deal with it. What has happened lately is that the list of foods that are causing severe digestive problems has expanded greatly and is only imperfectly known. She will be getting allergy tests done as you suggest.



As your wife's symptoms are this troublesome I would recommend more than allergy testing. I'm sure you are arware of the many digestive tract conditions that can cause discomfort, but all can be ruled in or out with testing, and it may be that a simple lifestyle change is all that is needed, such as (for example only) a need to avoid gluten to alleviate Celiac Disease, or avoiding the foods that cause IBS.

I've had all sorts of tests in my life, and all kinds of worries of what it might or might not be that affects me.  I have therefore had cameras sent where cameras shouldn't go, and samples of this that and the other sent to all manner of labs. Thankfully the photographic survey was just a pleasant  ;) excursion to visit uncharted and uncorrupted territory, but the others gave answers and assurances. All I wish is that I'd asked for it to be done earlier to save all the worry I went through, which is a waste of energy and makes you ill!

Once again, all the best for you wife's recovery from whatever ails her. :thumbsup:

Sufferin' succotash!


Thank you Daffy

I'm a scientist too (retired) and believe that there is a rational explanation to what's happening to Judy. There still has to be a reason for IBS and why it has happened all of a sudden. Now I'm thinking antibiotics and mucking up of the bacterial systems in the digestive tract. There is an enormous amount to know in medicine which is ever increasing and I sometimes think that our overworked GPs are not keeping pace despite their best intentions.


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