Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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Got a letter from my bank today saying they had failed to tell me I could make partial repayments on a loan I have. They say they are very sorry and will refund me £794.24 on Monday. Needless to say I have just spent about £100 of it on railway items  :thumbsup:

My wife and I also have a joint loan almost paid off so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they haven't told us about it on that one too. Seems the PPI issue has snowballed into other areas too.

Another happy note is that I bought a Peco subway online on Monday and it also arrived today. Pretty quick considering the Royal Mail is busy for some reason at the moment  :)

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



Had a lovely Xmas lunch with the family yesterday and have just enjoyed another favourite meal, the cold cuts with pickles left over bacon rolls, chipolatas and piece de resistance Bubble and Squeak with lots of Brussel sprouts and Parsnips! which has resulted in me being banished to the Railway room! (don't you just love it when a plan comes together  :thumbsup: ) Whilst I check the dimensions for the scenic boards I'm taking the opportunity to road test a Japanese? malt whisky "Yamazaki" that a good pal of mine bought me for a bit of fun, have to say it's very nice, lovely flavour but I still prefer the scotch.

making use of a Conway scenic railway shot glass.  :thumbsup:  :beers:   David
Cogito Sumere potum alterum


After that diet I hope you've nailed everything down well, David :worried: :D

ozzie Bill.

Hi, well, I am happy for a couple of reasons. A few years ago (10 to be exact) I completed a qualification that allows me to teach at Tech College (Tafe in Aus). I also do some sessional teaching and lecturing at Uni. Recently, I went back to TAFE to do some more teaching, but, guess what, my qualification is no longer current, so I had to go through an upgrade process of $550 (about GBP300) and a 25 page questionnaire. Lost the plot and nearly told them where to shove it, remember, I do some teaching at Uni, so am reasonably well qualified! Wife steps in and helps. The result was they got their answers to their 25 pages in the form of 465 pages!! I guess they didn't plough through it all, as within 36 hours I got a "well done, you have successfully completed" email! Happy 'cos I got my upgrade and happy 'cos I shoved it  right up a truly stupid, jobsworth system. Yay. I know, pathetic, but its a small win against a corrupted system. Cheers, Bill.


Quote from: ozzie Bill. on December 26, 2014, 11:10:53 PM
Wife steps in and helps. The result was they got their answers to their 25 pages in the form of 465 pages!!

Did you use size 36 font, Bill :laugh:
Seriously, a good result of Rage against the Machine :thumbsup:


Wow, Bill, glad I didn't set me sights higher than teaching high school physics!

Well done, bonny lad! ( Ignore NPN's comments about 36 font.. . do they come any bigger?)

:beers: George
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

ozzie Bill.

My wife is a quality auditor and assessor in primary health, so she is very good at research and she found all the totally obscure regulations etc. that were vaguely applicable to their questions, so the 465 pages was all genuine, full on  and relevant BS!!  :D
Cheers, Bill.


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.

ozzie Bill.

BTW George, for what its worth, I reckon high school would be the toughest gig of all  and also the best qualified! Cheers, Bill.

Michael Shillabeer

I've been to see the Paddington film!

It's absolutely brilliant :)

"A bear called Paddington" was the first book I borrowed from a library in 1969 and this film does Paddington proud.

Hopefully a sequel or two will be made.

Happy New Year


Oooh, look what I discovered not all that far away from Squid HQ:


I'll have to pop by and see if they have any N-gauge stuff.


has got an appointment at the Hospital on the 28th of jan for more test's so hopefully  they find out what's wrong this time and put an end to the pain and tiredness i want to do some modeling


Hope you get a happy result and that we see you posting again in this section after the 28th :thumbsup:


After 15 years made the final payment on the mortgage on the 6th January  :claphappy: On Friday 9th got a letter from the Building Society confirming that the account is now cleared and they enclosed a cheque for €40 as I had overpaid! Which all means of course, that I can start spending money on my coffee table layout  :claphappy:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
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