The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: Sprintex on September 27, 2014, 09:30:41 AM
oh no no no, can't say that nowadays :no:

It's 'Native Americans'  ;)


The hell I can't......................
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin

Bob Wild

Quote from: Malc on September 27, 2014, 12:54:25 PM

Sounds like a GRJ holiday. When we did that several years ago, our Tour Manager managed to leave his briefcase with all the money, tickets etc in the hotel in New York. A bridge fire somewhere made our train from Flagstaff 8 hours late.

Yes, it was GRJ - but without those horrible misfortunes that you had. All in all, it was a great trip, but I've now seen enough of America to last me for several years. Mrs W was happy too, as we managed to see Andy Murray at the US Open (but that's another story).

Perhaps the most fascinating was the sight of all those freight trains every few minutes. Several engines towing upwards of a hundred wagons each stacked two high with forty foot containers.


I actually counted the wagons on one in Canada - 208 bolster size, some with 2 containers stacked on and 3 locos in front, one in the middle and one at the end.not going fast, took about 10 mins to go past while we waited in a siding.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


You don't know frustration until you've sat at a grade crossing for 10 minutes waiting for a 100+ wagon train to pass and just when you see the end of it and think you're going to get moving again, one comes from the opposite direction...   :censored: >:(  :veryangry:
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


Quote from: Bob Wild on September 27, 2014, 12:02:58 AM
And another thing - perhaps you American afficianados can explain.

Just back from crossing Coast to Coast in the USA via Amtrak.

New York to Washington - arrive 3 hours late.
Washington to Chicago   - arrive 2 hours late.
Chicago to Denver         - arrive 3 hours late.
Flagstaff to Los Angeles - depart 4 hours late - the only upside of this was that the scheduled time was 10:00 pm, and by the time it got to 2:00 am the whole group was well and truly smashed and didn't really care whether the train even arrived.

Anyway, how can such a lousy scheduling system work at all. And it was nowhere as fast as an Intercity 125. Astonished!!


I remember taking the train from Vancouver to Halifax just after Christmas with Via rail a few years ago, we were caught behind several storm fronts and at one point were 24 hours late.. The catering staff were great, we ran out of food and every time we stopped they'd rush over to the local store and buy everything.  Everyone was fed, but it was like a lottery as to what you get.  To be honest the train had a real spirit of adventure so I'm not sure it qualifies as an angry thread message!



Not so much angry (apart from the overall cost  :veryangry:), but knackered ...

Spent one day each these past 3 week-ends on the flat part of the garage roof, putting on a coating of a bituminous paint / sealer ... two Sundays (as I had other things on the Saturdays) and yesterday ... finally done with a half-tin (say 2 litres) left - so that's 5 tins @ almost £40 a pop ...  Here's hoping I don't get a leak this Winter else I'm be substantially  :censored: off !!!

And spent today sanding down wood boards along the edge of the garage roof, putting on Sandtex One Coat - and finding out after (when I read the small print, trying to see why it was crap) that despite it saying "no undercoat" on the front - it needs an undercoat on bare wood  :veryangry:  Job for next week  :'(

So instead, one of the stretches on the house got sanded, damage found, bad wood removed & the rest around it having hardener applied & left to dry a few hours (need more tins of that now  >:(), top-coated work done earlier on some of the downstairs windows, lots of filler applied once the wood with the hardener had hardened off (with 20 min breaks between to allow a double application to set), and then sanded smooth-ish & undercoated with Sandtex ...  Still a fair bit of work to do before Winter gets in  :help:



Quote from: grumbeast on September 28, 2014, 07:18:58 AM
Quote from: Bob Wild on September 27, 2014, 12:02:58 AM
And another thing - perhaps you American afficianados can explain.

Just back from crossing Coast to Coast in the USA via Amtrak.

New York to Washington - arrive 3 hours late.
Washington to Chicago   - arrive 2 hours late.
Chicago to Denver         - arrive 3 hours late.
Flagstaff to Los Angeles - depart 4 hours late - the only upside of this was that the scheduled time was 10:00 pm, and by the time it got to 2:00 am the whole group was well and truly smashed and didn't really care whether the train even arrived.

Anyway, how can such a lousy scheduling system work at all. And it was nowhere as fast as an Intercity 125. Astonished!!


I remember taking the train from Vancouver to Halifax just after Christmas with Via rail a few years ago, we were caught behind several storm fronts and at one point were 24 hours late.. The catering staff were great, we ran out of food and every time we stopped they'd rush over to the local store and buy everything.  Everyone was fed, but it was like a lottery as to what you get.  To be honest the train had a real spirit of adventure so I'm not sure it qualifies as an angry thread message!


Grumbeast, I thoroughly approve of your use of the word "Pshaw!". It is a wonderful retort and I intend to use it more in conversation. Thank you. :)
"Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!"

Bob Wild

Quote from: Ozymandias on September 29, 2014, 09:49:29 AM
Grumbeast, I thoroughly approve of your use of the word "Pshaw!". It is a wonderful retort and I intend to use it more in conversation. Thank you. :)

and who would have thought that this little forum could educate one in the use of the English language!

Jerry Howlett




Grumbeast, I thoroughly approve of your use of the word "Pshaw!". It is a wonderful retort and I intend to use it more in conversation. Thank you. :)

Just read this post to Mrs "H" she insists that the word must be used in conjunction with GADZOOKS!!

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


Quote from: Jerry Howlett on September 29, 2014, 02:20:42 PM



Grumbeast, I thoroughly approve of your use of the word "Pshaw!". It is a wonderful retort and I intend to use it more in conversation. Thank you. :)

Just read this post to Mrs "H" she insists that the word must be used in conjunction with GADZOOKS!!


We'll be onto "Zounds!" and "Odds-boddikins!" before the day is out... ;)
"Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!"


Or even piffle, balderdash, blackguard and mountebank.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


Washing machine door seal is worn out, just been told cost to replace it £189  :veryangry:
just bought bran new washing machine £159 where's the sense in replacing seal when you can replace machine with a better energy rating for £30 less


Quote from: Agrippa on September 29, 2014, 02:48:23 PM
Or even piffle, balderdash, blackguard and mountebank.

If we're getting personal, how about 'Scurvy Knave!'? .

Our next-door neighbour's cat's called Piffle.

Funny old world, innit?  :wave:

Dave G

Bob Tidbury

I can now put photos into Albums on the Forum ,don't know how you link to posts yet that I Wil have to learn when someone shows me.
What's made me Angry is that when I upgraded to Ios8 on my IPad .  Apple screwed up and instead of making things easier to manage photos I couldn't,  just kept getting error 500 I lost my password and couldn't remember  the security questions ,MY FAULT tried on line several times Apple said Email sent, but the Idiots sent it to my ICloud account which I couldn't access because Ipad was locked for security reasons phoned the idiots they sent Email to my Orange account but we were out so when we read it the time limit which they never mentioned had expired ,Phoned again this time the guy was very helpful very sorry they cocked up verified my security questions told me the new Email would be 24 hrs and also told me it was time sensitive BUT WHY DID THEY SEND THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO AN ACCOUNT THAT WAS LOCKED .?????


Simple answer? Because they are Apple ;)


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