The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: newportnobby on September 19, 2011, 03:11:07 AM
Quote from: oldrailbug on September 18, 2011, 08:57:12 PM
Here in Oz we have critters that eat your model railway, number one is the Gheko Lizards that have been eating my trees, number two is the Cockroaches that eat any card kits, I think its the glue they enjoy.
The Gheko's are worst because they poo on your tracks and look like Godzilla as they tramp around the layout, this is because the layout is in an outside shed.
I do lay Cockroach baits to kill the roaches but the lizards live above the ceiling as I can hear then scurrying around while working on the layout, to hard to catch and kill.

Shame you can't train the Geckos to eat Cockroaches, but then again roaches are almost indestructible. I'll probably have nightmares now about roaches on glue :o

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: elmo on September 18, 2011, 09:07:27 PM
The bit that gets right up my nose is that the letters were addressed to me. I tell them (again) that I have no TV and they send the letters addressed to 'the current occupier'. Tell them yet again and the same letters are sent 'to the legal occupier'. Roll on the threatened court summons, go on TV make my day.

When I was a student we used to bait them (things like using a different version of names/addresses when renewing) quite deliberately as they were so unpleasant and obnoxious that they seemed like good sport. The highlight was the day they came to see one student and the conversation went

"I'm from TV licensing"
"I don't have a TV"
"So why didn't you reply to our letter"
"I don't reply to rude mail"

Priceless.. they'd sent some muppet all the way around Aberystwyth simply because they wouldn't send polite letters.

A good place to send their rude an inaccurate demands is their data protection officer, with a small note reminding him of his/her legal duty to keep data correct and up to date. In their own freepost envelopes of course, with FAO Data Protection Officer, written in pen on the top 8)

"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: poliss on September 19, 2011, 12:05:14 AM
I get the Welsh rugby on freeview but no commentary, just those two yakking in the alternative audio stream!  >:(

The red button should also get you welsh language commentary which is much better than the yacking, even if you don't speak a word of it. Although I now speak a bit it's still the case that my rugby Welsh is better than most other bits ;)

Also check for radio commentary to match. Many of the games have a suitable matching local radio commentary and some, particularly the Irish ones are wonderfully biased and excitable...
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Tried the red button. The match commentary isn't on it. Not sure if it's all in Welsh as you do get a snippet of interviews at half time. I think they only do it to annoy.  >:(


I thought it was a good idea to save into a pension for my retirement,now I wish I'd never bothered.

If you don't have any savings much or any extra pension when you retire you can claim council tax relief,basically no tax to pay.
If you've saved in a private pension,when you get it you're penalised because you've got some income and cannot get much, if any, council tax rebate.
So basically my small pension that I paid into for years is just going to pay my council tax and I'm not really any better off.

Just wish I'd never bothered.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Yep. I know what you mean. I have pensions that are actually worth less than if i'd stuffed the money under my mattress. Over the years the pension funds have taken my money and made big fees and bonuses off it and left me worse off. I think that is a good definition of organized crime!
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


My suspicions on this matter were first aroused in the early 1970s when they scrapped the graduated pension scheme.


I think it was later than the early 70s for scrapping of Graduated Pension Scheme (a very poor system) - I'm pretty sure Margaret Thatcher was on the throne.  The Tories of the day did bring in SERPS which was a much fairer pension system if more expensive.  Of course anyone with private pension arrangements could "pension out".

The Labour party did not like the SERPS as they didn't think of it, so at the earliest opertunity they scrapped it but kept the NI contributions the same as before, effectively increasing all NI contributions by some 25%.  They tried a very wishy washy system called Stakeholders Pension Scheme which was not compulsory, it really has died a death as NI payers would have to make more contributions !!

The current lot are in the process of suggesting another system!!  I'm sure it will increase the cost to NI payers.

A jaundiced view from a pensioner of some years - If I havn't got all the facts right then blame my age.  There are lots of other ways successive governments(or non-governments) have screwed pensioners over the past years but they are for another angry thread topic.   


Replaced by SERPS in April 1975, but I'm sure they mentioned it was being scrapped a year earlier. I have no idea of what's happened to the contributions I made into the scheme.


Just looked it up on Wikipedia - Serps was from April 6th 1978 to April 5th 2002.

As far as your previous contributions are cocerned you will receive the accumulated weekly pension on retirement. Don't spend it all at once!!!

Wikipedia has lots of info on Serps, so you may be able to work out "how much" for your circumstances.


Quote from: Crackerbill on September 21, 2011, 05:34:36 PM

As far as your previous contributions are cocerned you will receive the accumulated weekly pension on retirement. Don't spend it all at once!!!

IIRC the last pension increase left the Serps part out,in other words another way to screw anybody on a pension that paid into serps.

All the civil servant/local authority type people moaning about their gold plated pension changes don't realise what a good deal they've got IMO.
Anyone that has a private pension doesn't have any chance of saving enough to get a pension like they've got.
I might be wrong,but I believe a good proportion of the council tax goes to paying for the pension pot available to council employees.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


I've just received a questionaire about my recent hospital stay for a hip replacement.Just boxes to tick.

So I go through it ticking boxes and get ready to put it in the pre paid envelope.
Then I realised that there is no signature required,or any reference to the hospital or operation.So they won't know who it's from or what hospital it refers to.It's now in the recycle bin.

What is the point of sending a form out which is totally anonymous about the information required apart from providing a job for someone to collate the information.

What a waste of resources.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Oi, being ex-local government I retired on a tin plated pension - the gold plated ones are for chief officers and civil service mandarins. LA pensioners have had to pay for their pensions too. I now live in a street where I own my house (almost), and pay tax on a small pension to support my workshy neighbours who have lived on benefits all their lives. And they laugh at me for not doing what they did.


People who spell 'does' 'd o s e'. Dose is the measure of medicine you should take.


I'd just like to share with you all that I'm having a bad day.
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