The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: kevin141 on May 15, 2014, 11:55:03 AM
Just got back from vets without my dog had to have him put to sleep he had the big C heart broken

I share your tears, been there far too many times :'(


Quote from: kevin141 on May 15, 2014, 11:55:03 AM
Just got back from vets without my dog had to have him put to sleep he had the big C heart broken

Sorry to hear that Kevin it is so sad when you have to let go of a good old friend.

Jerry Howlett

Lost 2 this time last year still miss them. The large one eyed elderly rescue dog that we adopted afterwards helps a bit.
Dogs are family.

All the best to you kevin.

Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


Quote from: kevin141 on May 15, 2014, 11:55:03 AM
Just got back from vets without my dog had to have him put to sleep he had the big C heart broken

Sorry to hear that. Had one of my two Schipperke's (brothers) die yesterday. He came in from the
garden as usual, curled up under the coffee table for his midday nap and never woke up  :'(

Weird thing is the other one, he's just carrying on as usual and it doesn't seem to bother him that
his brother is no longer around  :confused2:

Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


Sad news for all dog lovers.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


It is a horrible journey when it comes  :sorrysign:

If you can get yourself another as soon as possible, it does help  ;)


silly moo

Sorry to hear about your dog, it's so sad when we lose our animal companions. We don't have any animals at the moment and I miss having an animal round the house.

Changing the subject, I am being driven mad by the UK Passport Office. I'm about to renew my passport and am spending a fortune phoning their helpline and getting very frustrated and worried by the lack of response to my queries. They always promise a reply within 72 hours, I should be so lucky!

The ladies I speak to are very polite but don't have any expert knowledge and can't make any decisions. Oh to be able to speak to someone who could actually help!

I have decided to send them the documents I think they need and hope for the best otherwise I won't get a passport at all.

Everything has become centralised and computerised and it's now taking three months for passports to be processed, so much for progress  :(

Rant over.




Quote from: silly moo on May 15, 2014, 02:23:57 PM

I have decided to send them the documents I think they need and hope for the best otherwise I won't get a passport at all.

Make sure you send them 'registered or recorded delivery' - or your equivalent postal service.


Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


Thanks for the support
Good dinner


Hi Kevin. Sorry to read your news. Always tough when a pet leaves you. When one of my litter-mate cats died, the other one sat in the garden a yowled his head off.

Veronica, the UK post office offer a service for passport applications/renewals. They check the forms and seem to get a faster turnround than if applying direct.

Of course I don't know what might be the problem but perhaps they can help you:

Good luck!

Dave G

silly moo

Thank you for the kind suggestions. My passport application will be sent via DHL, in fact all applications from this part of the world are sent that way due to our abysmal postal service.

My passport problem is a direct result of our postal system, all our mail gets posted to a PO Box or emailed as we have no postal delivery in our area. One of the requirements for the passport renewal is proof of residential address, they need a letter or bill from a local government department that has my name and our residential address on it. I don't have one. I effectively live in a PO Box :(

Try explaining that to someone who has an excellent postal service like Royal Mail. I know lots of you complain about RM but it's fantastic compared to our bunch.



Is there not a British Consulate in SA which can help/advise?  I know my mum had to deal with the consultate in Australia (though she lives in New Zealand!) to get similar advice when her passport ran out a couple of years back.

Cheers, Mike


Re Manston Airport. Just seen the latest news that it is closing permanently as from tonight.
This despite an offer of the 'Full' asking price.

Now what idiot offers to sell something for X £, is offered the same X £ and then refuses to

Not sure who :censored: off the owner but, she is definitely 'throwing her toys out of her pram'  :veryangry:

Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


Quote from: Oldun on May 15, 2014, 06:10:41 PM
Re Manston Airport. Just seen the latest news that it is closing permanently as from tonight.
This despite an offer of the 'Full' asking price.

Now what idiot offers to sell something for X £, is offered the same X £ and then refuses to

Not sure who :censored: off the owner but, she is definitely 'throwing her toys out of her pram'  :veryangry:


Where is it and what's it all about ?
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin

silly moo

We have two consular offices here who are very unhelpful, they just refer everyone to the UK office. I expect they are tired of being bombarded with questions from stressed out ex pats.

Worse case scenario will mean traveling on an emergency passport while the proper one is being processed.

The frustration comes from not being able to communicate with anyone who can be of real assistance. It seems to be standard practice these days to have a helpline/call centre staffed with people who can help with basic problems but who have to refer more complex ones further up the chain to someone who doesn't speak to mere mortals.

I think that some model railway therapy is called for  :D

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