The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Dock Shunter

One time when i was 14 or 15 i was making some toast.Instead of popping out of the toaster the bread had got stuck and started to burn. :o
Without thinking i stuck a fork into the toaster to leaver it out. :dunce:
The next thing i remember was lying on the floor on the other side of the kitchen. :confused1:
My Dad,who was an Electrician and TV Engineer just laughed at me and said "You won't do that again will you".....  :no:



Quote from: Bealman on March 21, 2014, 09:18:16 AM
240 Volts can kill. Don't mess with it unless you know your stuff.
Actually George, 48volts between your finger tip on each hand generates enough current across the heart to stop it.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


I work with electrickery every day and I hate the stuff, nearly bloody killed myself when I was wiring into my house fuse board,  but hey I got up shook my head and carried on to finish the task, Electricity is a killer and you really need to let the experts do the work if your not qualified, as for sticking a fork into the toaster its not recommended, I try not to do anything live now if I can get away with it but sometimes one has to.

stay safe folks. stick to 12 volts.


Quote from: Bealman on March 21, 2014, 09:18:16 AM
240 Volts can kill. Don't mess with it unless you know your stuff.

We ought to say for our American and Japanese readers that 110v can kill, too. It's not the voltage that gets you, but the current.
Best wishes



Shows how lucky i am at the moment i suppose if the worst i can moan about is this:

Bin men / recycling men leaving a note to say they didn't take our paper recycling bag because some of it was shredded. Now aside from the fact it all gets pulped, what in the heck am i supposed to do with my confidential waste?! If i shred it there is a reason. If i put it in the black bin it goes to landfill which surely must be the point of this recycling business?!



A 'don't shred' policy is irritating!

I now have an incinerator, which could be thought of as far from green, but what's the alternative when the council won't accept shredded paper?

Dave G


We take our shredded paper to the local cat sanctuary where they use it for bedding. They are always grateful. We do the same with newspapers which they use in the litter trays. It's nice to see the Daily Mail being put to good use.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


 :thumbsup: :laughabovepost:

Just like our local rag
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I am staggered at the amount of stuff we recycle, it seems everything we buy is packaged in something that can be recycled, I guess its the sign of the times when people find it easier to open a bag or carton than peel a few spuds or shell a few peas, convenience is all very well but the rubbish dumps are overflowing and the recyclers are getting choosy.
Keep on Smiling


A good thing is that if you peel spuds or shell peas, the debris left goes in the composter, not land fill.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Quote from: Skyline2uk on March 22, 2014, 10:43:32 PM
Bin men / recycling men leaving a note to say they didn't take our paper recycling bag because some of it was shredded.

Our bin/recycle men will take shredded paper as long as its bagged up separately.
They say the main problem if its in with the normal recycling is when, the bags are
'opened' the shredded stuff goes everywhere (you know what its like at home if you
happen to drop some).
Try as we do, put it out with your other bags but, in separate bags.
We use tightly tied/knotted carrier bags.

Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


Our council happily take shredded paper in the recycling bin (paper/card/cans), but ask that it is in the middle of the bin - so timing is everything!!! Also have a brown bin, for garden waste - lawn mowings, dead plants, etc, but not kitchen waste. Had an interesting conversation with council employee, over things like cabbage trimmings or leek leaves. If bought in shop,  cabbage/leek trimmings are kitchen waste, but if grown in garden, garden waste. Now, unless shop bought is marked with something that shows up with ultra violet light, how can they tell - and what is the difference anyway???


It never ceases to amaze me how neighbouring local councils have such different rules about what residents can dispose of in their recycling bins at home, and how's that arranged and collected, also what materials have to be personally transported to a recycling centre.
"I believe in positive, timely solutions, not vague, future promises"


We only have three types where we Live.
Black bags for household rubbish, clear bags for recycling and brown bin for garden and food
waste. They gave us a 4ltr silver bin/bucket with a lid and some biodegradable bags. These
bags with the scrap food in are then placed in the brown garden bin (All goes to composting)

We get invaded on Wednesday mornings between 06-40 & 07-00hrs by an armada of three bin
wagons (one for each type of rubbish) closely followed up by the powered street sweeper.

Never take Life too serious, we are never going to make it out alive

Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!


Wales, my area in particular, have really piled on the recycling pressure. Food waste has to go in a caddy in a blue bucket with a lock over handle. Cardboard and paper have to go in reddish pink transparent sack. Tin cans and recyclable plastic like bottles have to go in purple transparent sack. Other refuse that is not recyclable goes in a tiny transparent white sack that is only collected once per fortnight. Green waste collection is no longer included in the council tax bill which for a Band F property increased 5.1% starting 1st April - we have to pay £10 per year per tiny reusable bag (up 25% this year) for a licence to put in a pocket on the bags - and our garden needs 4 bags = £40 per year just for grass cuttings.

This assortment of bags have to be put out on different days of the week - three days of the week need a trip out to put something out. We have to remember which weeks are for collection of non-recyclable waste - and which weeks are not.

We are waiting to be told when the tin cans and the plastic will have to be segregated into two different bags rather than into the red bag.

Oh - and every single plastic bag in our shops is charged at 10p. The 20p "bags for life" became "bags until we withdraw the scheme after 6 months"

Fortunately our refuse collectors are decent guys and don't scrutinise what is in the see through bags.


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