Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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port perran

Great news that all went according to plan Mick.
You seem to have been well looked after.
Let's hope that after a few days rest you'll be back to normal.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


good to hear all went well,

lil chris

Pleased everything went well for you Mick, will see you at the Wigan show. I was getting worried ordered my ticket and still not received it, apparently they send them out in batches nearer to the time.

Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


Well, we've had some entertainment here.

At about 17:30, we had an ASDA delivery. The driver has since told me that their company rules are that the van must remain fully in sight at all times, except when delivering to flats and if it must be parked facing the wrong way, it should be parked so that no cars can pass to avoid them being hit by a passing car when accessing the side doors.

Anyway, he delivered two crates and went back for the other two, when a large, black, 4x4 appeared and the driver started telling him to move. We are on a residential road, not a main road and he only needed to get the two crates together. He tried to explain that he'd only be two minutes and she started shouting. Then her daughter appeared and started having a go. I went to the end of the drive to suggest that she either wait a couple of minutes or go through the next road. At that point her male passenger jumped out and tried to assault the delivery driver, but thought better of it when the driver took a swing at him in self-defence (and missed) and the woman started turning her car around and shouting that the van had CCTV (whereupon the passenger put his hood up) and for them to get back in the car.

In the midst of turning, she jumped out to shout again, leaving her car in drive and having it hit my car! I tried to get my camera on on my phone, but was too slow. Then she drove off, but I had memorised her registration.

About 90 minutes later, I saw her outside and went out. She was very apologetic and had already left her phone number under my wiper, but too late, the ASDA driver had reported them to the police for assault and I'd spoken to them on the same call about her leaving the scene of an accident.

The insurance company can chase her about the repairs.


What entertainment steve


Just caught up with this, Mick. Glad it all went well!  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: stevewalker on July 22, 2022, 07:58:36 PM
Well, we've had some entertainment here.

At about 17:30, we had an ASDA delivery. The driver has since told me that their company rules are that the van must remain fully in sight at all times, except when delivering to flats and if it must be parked facing the wrong way, it should be parked so that no cars can pass to avoid them being hit by a passing car when accessing the side doors.

Anyway, he delivered two crates and went back for the other two, when a large, black, 4x4 appeared and the driver started telling him to move. We are on a residential road, not a main road and he only needed to get the two crates together. He tried to explain that he'd only be two minutes and she started shouting. Then her daughter appeared and started having a go. I went to the end of the drive to suggest that she either wait a couple of minutes or go through the next road. At that point her male passenger jumped out and tried to assault the delivery driver, but thought better of it when the driver took a swing at him in self-defence (and missed) and the woman started turning her car around and shouting that the van had CCTV (whereupon the passenger put his hood up) and for them to get back in the car.

In the midst of turning, she jumped out to shout again, leaving her car in drive and having it hit my car! I tried to get my camera on on my phone, but was too slow. Then she drove off, but I had memorised her registration.

About 90 minutes later, I saw her outside and went out. She was very apologetic and had already left her phone number under my wiper, but too late, the ASDA driver had reported them to the police for assault and I'd spoken to them on the same call about her leaving the scene of an accident.

The insurance company can chase her about the repairs.

Some further information - it's with the insurance companies now and the police are not taking it further, because she came back. However, we have since found out that she is the headmistress of a primary school! What chance have the kids got with staff like that?


A sad day in the Trainfish household.
We had to make a big decision on Wednesday evening. It wasn't an easy decision by any means but it was 100% the right decision. We can now remember the good times with Buki. She hasn't been well for a little while but she still had lots of love and care from us and most importantly quality of life. Once we knew she was about to lose that there was only 1 decision to make. We took her to the vet on Thursday morning and I have to say that Tomasz the vet was great. He had all the time in the world for us and even when we left Buki looked so peaceful and exactly how I will always remember her little face. She was a great little friend for over 19 years, spoilt rotten and always got her own way. One good thing to come out of this is that we will save a fortune on Lick-e-lix. RIP Buki my little friend for so long  :*(


To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!


Bob Tidbury

 :sorrysign:  To hear that sad news ,people like us regard our pets as important members of the family .
Wehad the same decision to make a few years ago with our little dog Buster he had the dog equivalent of Dementure and lost the use of his back legs as well ,the decision came after he bit my grandsons arm when he went to stroke him something he had never ever done before .
I was like a bear with a soar head for about a week after leaving him with the Vet who was really kind and we stayed and held Buster ro the end .
Bob Tidbury


Hi John,

Unfortunately, dogs and cats don't live long enough. I know very well how you are feeling about your loss.

Best wishes


So sorry to hear your tale John. Having gone through the same, with cats and dogs, I know how you must be feeling. As Bob says, they are members of our family. A sad day, but you have your memories.  Our dog 'Blue' is losing the use of his back legs and, half the time, is walking almost sideways - we have tablets from the Vet', but I dread what is coming, probably sooner rather than later.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


When we had to have our male cat put to sleep, the vet told us not to bother with his bill as we were obviously upset.  A few days later we got a condolences card from the practice with the bill attached.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Thanks everyone. Just to fill you in a little more, Buki had had thyroid issues for around 18 months and was on an increasing dose of Thyronorm twice a day. She was also on Metacam which is a strong painkiller once a day. Then for the past week she was on another painkiller. In May last year she weighed 3.05kg, 3 weeks ago she weighed exactly 2kg and on Monday she was 1.63kg. From this you can see she was in decline even though she was eating anything and everything (sometimes my fingers if I wasn't quick enough) and there was only 1 option. The amazing thing is that she was almost in the same pose when she was put to sleep as she is in the original post with her eyes open and it didn't seem real to know she was no longer with us, she just looked like she was resting.

Here she is at 7 weeks old with her big brother Bruce from the same litter. Bruce sadly had to be put down 9 or 10 years ago as his asthma got really bad and he was spending a night in the oxygen tent at the vets on a monthly basis.

We do still have Bella though. This is her (the black & white cat) 9 years ago with her brother Boris (grey) who sadly got run over 5 years ago, I think I may have posted about him previously.

Before them we also had Brian (anyone spotted the trend yet?) who got so spooked 1 night that he came through the cat flap at about 200mph, smashed it off the hinges, shot upstairs and collapsed with a head injury. He was taken to the vet at about 2am and didn't come home. Here's Brian.

We will look to have 2 more kittens after our holiday in October just as we always do when we're down to 1 cat. It's great to see 2 grow up together and I would never do it any other way. Maybe closer to the time we will have a competition on here to decide names using the same trend used previously  8)

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



So sorry to hear another good cat has gone, but she lived to a good age.

Quote from: Trainfish on August 12, 2022, 01:17:42 PM
In May last year she weighed 3.05kg, 3 weeks ago she weighed exactly 2kg and on Monday she was 1.63kg. From this you can see she was in decline even though she was eating anything and everything

Our cat Jasmine has gone this route too, but amazingly, 2 years later, she is still with us! Her weight has hovered around 2kg for ages, but the vet gives her an antibiotic every 2 weeks which has kept her going. Her back legs hardly work, but she still eats well and has quality of life. We let her out if she wants - if she succumbs to heat stroke, it's probably a good way to go.

All the best,



Quote from: Trainfish on August 12, 2022, 01:17:42 PM
Before them we also had Brian (anyone spotted the trend yet?)

We're like that - we currently have Josie and Jenna (both 13 years old, but not sisters) and Jaffa (3 years old and a ginger male). Jenna was a replacement for Jemimah (Josie's sister), who died under the anaesthetic during neutering - we needed a replacement, as each cat belonged to one of our toddler sons and we didn't want one of them losing out. Jaffa belongs to our third son.

The cat prior to those though, was Felix - I hadn't got married then and so the J naming hadn't started!

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