A British domestic train from Kato? 800 series available from May 2021

Started by woodbury22uk, February 09, 2019, 10:39:55 AM

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Squiddy, I can only hope and pray that you are wrong!!

John P
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marco neri

waiting for it!

...never turn you back on the ripper (judas priest)

Claude Dreyfus

The 800, and for that matter the 395, are based on the A Train concept - which as 'Squid says, is not a Shinkansen base. The closest you will find physically is the 'White Sonic' series 885 of JR Kyushu. Anyone remember David Lunt's conversion of one to a Javelin? Whilst from the same family, it has very little in common in appearance. It is also a reasonably old model - it is at least 15 years old - so I really don't believe Kato would use the existing tooling.

It is an interesting announcement from Kato, given the small market, and a great way to enter the UK domestic market (along with the Ffestiniog locos). I strongly suspect they will approach this as a brand new model, as opposed to a reworking of an older model.

Also, unlike the Eurostar, the 800 is an entirely UK domestic train, so the chances of it being built to 1/160 are low (and would certainly need to be fed back to Mr Kato should the matter come up for discussions at any of the forthcoming shows he attends - you would probably lose more UK modellers than gain European buys with this approach). Would it be 1/150? If, as I suspect, it would be an entirely new design, then I cannot see the benefit of building it to anything other than 1/148.


Quote from: marco neri on July 27, 2019, 05:54:09 PM

waiting for it!


One hundred and eiggghhhhty! :D


Have to agree with @railsquid I can't imagine them making it in anything other than 1/150, it is to all intents a British train albeit based on Japanese design and built by Hitachi, and it is not a Shinkansen. I am fairly sure there are a variety of high speed Japanese trains already made to 1/150 so to make this in any other scale wouldn't make sense, sorry @Ben A perhaps you can get another word with Mr Kato at TINGS, I'm sure you could wangle it as a works trip, rising crime rates involving high value model trains  ;)


148 (N) to 150 (Kato) or 152 (2mm) the difference is marginal.


Over the length of a 9-car train it adds up though - nearly an inch different.

I disagree that 1:150 is nailed on, tooling can't easily be 'modified', so I can't see them destroying the existing White Sonic tools to make a compromised version of a different prototype.

IMO if they want it to be a serious entry to the market (and I realise the market needs them more than they need the market) they need to make it 1:148.


9 coaches = 8 couplings, with a variability of 3mm a coupling = 24mm, as you say nearly an inch different.


Hi All,

I think it is great news that Kato have gone for the 800 Series, it appears that they are aiming this model primarily at the British Market (makes sense really) as well as a number of models for other gauges.
As to what actual scale it is I know that will remain a point of conjecture for some until we have further details including scale, variations and liveries. But if they do it in 1:150 (which would make some business sense considering Japan is their largest and primary market) it is good enough for me seen as under the licence Hornby had it appeared as if we would never see one.
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Quote from: njee20 on July 27, 2019, 07:27:38 PM
IMO if they want it to be a serious entry to the market (and I realise the market needs them more than they need the market) they need to make it 1:148.

Don't forget that the market for a British train based on a Japanese model and made by a Japanese model maker will have as much, if not more, appeal in Japan than it will here. And what percentage of British modellers prefer steam or blue era etc to modern image.
Yes they are entering the British market but they know they would never get their money back if they didn't make it globally acceptable and wont have based their figures on guys like Hattons or Rails moving some boxes for them.
If it's not 1/150 I'll be amazed.


I disagree, as I've already said. There's already the Japanese model available, it doesn't have the cachet of the Eurostar or Glacier Express sets, which sell well among the Japanese tourist market. There won't be people in Japan desperately clamouring for an LNER and a GWR set, these are for the UK market. The limited number of Japanese enthusiasts who happen to want one are far more likely to accept a 1:148 model than the UK market will accept a 1:150 IMO.


Whether it's 1:148 or 1:150, I think the 800 is a great choice for Kato. Broad geographical spread, lots of liveries already, derivatives can work under and away from the wires and probably more orders from other TOCs to come.

Plus this is a train that could be around for the next 25+ years (or more if it can emulate the HST!). So plenty of time for Kato to make a decent return.

I just hope it's the start of a long list of new models from Kato... Fingers crossed that their use of a BR Western Region totem for the 'Kato British Railways' logo hints at future models that would be more useful for my layout :D

See my layout here Chetcombe
Videos of Chetcombe on YouTube


Yes it's hard not to be hopeful when they're almost designing a whole brand for it, one hopes it's more than dipping a tentative toe in.

I fear the UK market just isn't big enough, which is a real shame as I think they'd be a great brand to hoover up many of the MUs that are missing from current ranges.

cornish yorkie

 :hellosign: YES the best news I`ve heard since the Pendelino
     regards Derek.


If I want models in my collection representing the current Transpennine livery and LNER because of where I live I'll go for Kato 800s if they're being produced  :claphappy:

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