Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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The Q

The last time I was in the sound proof box I complained I couldn't hear the beeps because they were discussing the cricket outside.
They said you can't hear outside the box, so I repeated the details of what they were talking about.

I passed....


I've been in anechoic chamber used for testing microphones and it is surprisingly eerie. All you hear is the pumping of blood in the veins near your ears and the occasional rumble of tube trains on the Central line . Not too bad as long as the lights don't go out.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Its Friday at last, soon to be BEER O CLOCK  :D :D :D


Quote from: paulprice on April 21, 2017, 09:15:36 AM
Its Friday at last, soon to be BEER O CLOCK  :D :D :D
I've been retired now for five years but still don't quite know why the Friday pint tastes better than those during the week



Today I have won an ebay auction for a Farish 372-800 with my unchallenged opening bid. The model seems complete and near mint, with the seller claiming to have done little more than running-in.

I am so happy. :bounce:

[mod]Sorry but unless you have proof of a successful fraud prosecution the NGF cannot be used for such a statement as accusing someone of said offence[/mod]


Doubly happy then, with this afternoon's result!


Just had a great two days in the Leeds/Bradford area (with another still to come before we get home.)

Yesterday a childhood friends 65th birthday surprise bash with other old friends, preceded by a drive around the Yorkshire scenery visiting Harrogate and the little preservation railway here:


And today a fine afternoon in the sunshine here:


followed by a fish and chip supper with friends at the birthday boys house.

A perfect weekend. :thumbsup:

(photos of train related stuff later in the week on another thread once I sort out my energy levels and iPhone photos.)

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: newportnobby on April 24, 2017, 09:55:35 AM
If you can get to this one it would be good to meet up, Mike.


Thanks for the heads up Mick. :thumbsup:  I'll put it in the diary I keep between my ears, but as it's my own 65th on the Friday I have no idea where I'll be. Might be in for a surprise!  Switzerland maybe? :hmmm: :D

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: scotsoft on April 18, 2017, 06:41:19 PM
I had an appointment to have my hearing assessed today. The results were I have slight hearing loss at high frequencies the rest of my hearing is within acceptable parameters, therefore I do not require a hearing aid at this moment in time  :claphappy:

Cheers John.

Wot ! Thats good news John.   :thumbsup:

Quote from: dannyboy on April 18, 2017, 06:51:09 PM
I too have a problem hearing some frequencies. I had to go to the hospital for a test once a year for 5 years and was always told that there was just a slight deterioration and finally asked if I wanted a hearing aid. When I asked if a hearing aid would amplify all frequencies and therefore make some sounds loud, I was told that it would. I declined the offer and they have not called me back since!  ??? Glad things are okay for you John. (Do you have the problem where you turn the TV volume up and SWMBO turns it down  ??? ;D).

Quote from: Ian Bowden on April 18, 2017, 11:23:00 PM
Quote from: dannyboy on April 18, 2017, 06:51:09 PM
I too have a problem hearing some frequencies. I had to go to the hospital for a test once a year for 5 years and was always told that there was just a slight deterioration and finally asked if I wanted a hearing aid. When I asked if a hearing aid would amplify all frequencies and therefore make some sounds loud, I was told that it would. I declined the offer and they have not called me back since!  ??? Glad things are okay for you John. (Do you have the problem where you turn the TV volume up and SWMBO turns it down  ??? ;D).
modern digital hearing aids are tuned to amplify the frequencies you have a problem with. There is only a marginal amplification in other frequencies. The downside is in a crowd it can become a bit of a babble. The upside is telling people you don't want to talk to (pushy salesmen for example) that you battery has failed and keep deliberately misunderstanding them.
I have to 2 of them, mainly because of the machines i used to set in the engineering firms i worked for.

Thats exactly what i do with people who are annoying me, pity i can't do it on here sometimes lol.   :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:



As some of you are aware, I have been having tests/investigations for over three years after it was found that I had an abnormally high PSA count. After three different biopsies, an MRI scan and a few 'examinations', I was told last December by the specialist that it probably was not cancer, although they could not say exactly what the problem was. He decided that he would change my tablets and see me again in May, after I had had a blood test. The very first PSA count showed 12.5, (should be about 4.5 for a man of my age  :goggleeyes:). Various blood tests since then have shown the PSA count between 12 and 25. I called in at the Doctors today to get the result of the last PSA count. It showed  (drum roll) ............ 4.7:smiley-laughing:. Ask me if I am looking forward to my hospital appointment in three weeks.  :thumbsup:. I have decided, by way of celebration, that I will go to TINGS this year!! If I could, I would buy you regulars on this 'ere forum a drink - but if I did that, I would have no money left for TINGS, so, whilst having a wee dram shortly, I will think about you all.  :beers:

As an afterthought, can I recommend that all you gents who are not in the 'first flush of yoof' get yourself tested - as I have proved, an abnormal reading is not necessarily bad news.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


David, I was wondering, are you looking forward to your hospital appointment in three weeks? :D

Wonderful news for you! I will raise a glass to you. :pint: and wish you well for TINGS and things. :thumbsup:

My next visit to the Docs will see a request for a PSA test as the last was nigh on twenty years ago. Hopefully she will not require a digital test as a precursor.  :no:  :o

Sufferin' succotash!


Quote from: daffy on April 28, 2017, 08:40:15 PM
Hopefully she will not require a digital test as a precursor.  :no:  :o

No that usually comes after the PSA test shows that there might be something there  :D. Actually, the digital test is not in any way painful, just, how can I put this? A bit strange  :goggleeyes:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

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