The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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On the positive side, things are not always as bad as they might at first seem. I got as far as actually being diagnosed with Lymphoma and sent for a camera down to my lungs and also through the chest wall to determine grade and stage. It happened at a very bad time, immediately before Christmas, so they could not see me for a fortnight and when my wife was 7-1/2 months pregnant with our third child. We spent Christmas alone, with our two other children, in a cottage in the French countryside, worrying that it could be our last holiday. In the end it turned out to be sarcoidosis (which my wife had suggested, but they ruled out!), which cleared up over 14 months or so with no treatment.

Good luck to the pair of you.


another update ....

the doctor who phoned yesterday afternoon phoned again today at lunchtime.
they have had another meeting to discuss SWMBO's case, and want her to have a face - to - face consultation before deciding further on the Pet scan and CT biopsy.
so we are up to the PRH this thursday morning  :worried:

when you hear so many stories of people waiting months or even years, everything seems to be moving very fast. is that good, as in they want to get things done quickly and over with, or bad as in there is not going to be good news ?

we also had a call earlier this morning re an appointment for the PET CT scan, but that has been cancelled for now pending the results of thursday's face - to - face.

so another couple of days of uncertainty, but hopefully we will know on thursday what the situation is, and how they are going to deal with it going forward.


I think with all the kerfuffle over delays to consultations/treatments for cases other than Covid much effort is being put in to get things back on track.
I do hope all the worry is just for a minor illness, Alan.


the problem is, some areas will look at some cases, say oops, never going to get that within target, and head to newer cases where they might be able to be within target.

I know, cynical of me isn't it ?

you might then get a group of forgotten cases, where to deal with them, having missed the targets, would cause later cases to also miss the targets.

not in any way suggesting the front line would look at it that way, but we all know that the trust bosses need to hit targets to get their nice bonuses !

remember a tv series many years ago, IIRC Trigger from fools and horses played a consultant, and a Maggie look alike was the administrator.

when asked if she knew what a placebo was, her response was on the lines of '£2.50 a 1,000'  :'(


Yes,Alan. Let's hope they are being over cautious. I must say that my leukaemia treatment has never faltered. As I was on a haematology ward, while I was there, although he wasn't treating me, my consultant kept an eye on me. He phoned me to tell me my bloods looked a lot better. Then when I came out he phoned again and arranged for my chemo to be delivered. Can't fault the NHS. The only down side is that when they discharged me, because I was so weak and walking was difficult, they issued me with 2 Zimmer frames. One for upstairs and one downstairs. I can't get shot of them.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


It is a strange situation when it comes to medical aids.
Some years ago I had a hip replacement and got all sorts of FOC kit from a Mobility shop to help me but, can I return it? No, they just don't want to know. In the garage I have
2 crutches
1 walking stick
1 tea tray c/w trolley
1 surgical cushion
and maybe some other stuff I can't remember.
Still, they may be needed in the future :uneasy:


Mick, maybe a charity shop would take them.
Cheers MIKE
[smg id=6583]

How many roads must a man walk down ... ... ... ... ... before he knows he's lost!


Quote from: Dorsetmike on March 24, 2021, 11:45:37 AM
Mick, maybe a charity shop would take them.

there is a country wide charity that collects and refurbishes this type of kit.


AgeUK webpages indicate that local shops/branches will accept used mobility equipment. I suspect other charitable groups like the Salvation Army will do the same.
Maybe need to call a local shop who may give details of their donation process.

Sufferin' succotash!



Sufferin' succotash!


When SWMBO had her hip done, the local health board organised for her a comode and two assist frames for around the loos, from the council.  When she'd finished with with them, we rang the number supplied and they came and collected them for disinfection and re-issue to someone else.
Cheers, Trev.

Time flys like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana!


I rang the number taped onto the frame and they told me that because the hospital hadn't registered them before I was discharged, they couldn't pick them up. I made several phone calls to the hospital, got passed around various departments and the last person I spoke to asked me to drop them off at reception. Fortunately I have an appointment in a couple of weeks. If I don't get shot of them then, I'll use them to grow runner beans.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


today's visit to the hospital was a bit like the curate's egg, good in parts.

arrived early, drove round various car parks, then found someone just getting into their car, and parked as soo as they were out of it.
went to main reception to find out where RAMU was, found out and headed to their reception, where we stood around for over five minutes before a passing nurse asked if anyone had seen us.

said no, so she booked us in and told us to take a seat, did so waited.
after nearly 40 minutes, with not much sign of people going in and out, went back up to the receptionist and asked if she had any idea how late Dr xxxxx was running.

he's not based here.
well this is where my wife was told her appointment was.

checks her computer

she's not on our system
funny a nurse booked us in while you were not here, so how did she do that if there wasn't an appointment ?

just take a seat and someone will get you.  :veryangry:

waited, gave up and went for a coffee

finally the doctor arrived, he had been on the ward and got held up, no problem with that, and yes an appointment had been made for SWMBO.

as usual, pen pushers nil points for efficiency, and less than that for being helpful.

into the consulting room, and the Dr went through SWMBO's x-rays and CT scan, pointing out what was showing, and explained it all in great detail.
then explained what they wanted to do, and then examined her lungs and neck, apparently where signs can appear. all well, so he explained about her PET CT scan, what it would show, her lung function test, arranged for her bloods to be done straight away, and explained what was involved in the CT biopsy.
follow up appointment made for a month's time, 'but we can bring that forward when the test results are back.
and off we went home, front line as usual 11/10.

half an hour after we got home a phone call from the Pet scan department to arrange her appointment, next wednesday, and she's got a blood glucose test arranged for monday to check that the number is ok for the scan.
e-mail arrived five minutes later with letter, parking voucher, map, briefings on the scan and instructions re her diabetes meds and fasting before the scan.

SO SOME ADMIN STAFF ARE ON THE BALL  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

so now it's a case of waiting, and trying not to worry too much.

and best of all, HB doesn't have to have a scan, though I'm not sure he is really a PET  ;D


more activity this morning, with a call to make an appointment for a lung function test at Sussex County, and a drive through covid test 72 hours before at PRH.

this is really cracking on, with vistits to doctors or hospitals just about every day next week.

but a very helpful guy making the appointments, followed by e-mails with all the info and advice sheets etc. and he even gave advice on parking off site for the Sussex County appointment.

so todays 'pen pusher, another 10/10  :thumbsup:


is it me being a grumpy old git, or is anyone else fed up with and disgusted by the double standards of TV companies ?

last night, ITV news was 'exposing' Deliveroo as a exploitative employer, paying below minimum wages and generally treating their employees badly ....

tonight, ITV is happy to air deliveroo adverts, well obviously their money is as good as anyone elses,  even if last night they were the spawn of satan.

talk about double standards :veryangry:

no doubt this will extend my time on the naughty step.

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