The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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That's terrible.  So sorry to hear that.  I hope they cant rent it and go bankrupt!  Sorry about the layout going into storage.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Sadly my layout is not going into storage, it's having to be dismantled, as it's 10 feet by 4 feet, so it has to come apart to get it out :thumbsdown: And as I said earlier, no room at the new place to set it up :'(
Male children never grow up, we just get older and our toys become more expensive!


Quote from: moogle on May 04, 2012, 09:35:03 AM
I believe, could be wrong, that the only way those type of landlords can get their comeuppance is if its a listed building.

A small claims suit for the carpet and other damage perhaps. At the very least they'd have to either put up, or fly over from spain 8)
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


I really feel for you mate but sadly when renting its hard to find a good landlord these days, seems all they want to do is grab your money and they couldn't give a stuff about the tenants.

Here's hoping the new place will be more comfortable and in time you will be able to get a bigger home with a caring landlord.
Keep on Smiling


Hi Dave, my families thoughts are with you. Had a similar story with my son. when he was little he was very sick, went here and there and saw heaps of experts. his headmistress at school would not let hm return to school unless we provided medical certificate to say it was ok so as to not disturb the teacher. poor kid not his fault he would just start throwing up violently. Managed to get to see a professor at "the john" who ended up doing some invassive medical tests to work out all he had was lactose intolerence. amazing how no one could work this out. And all this after he had to wait until he was one to have surgery to remove a cancer risk.

R M Williams


Real sympathy for you and I hope you can get back to the layout asap.

Had problems myself with a private landlord who used to own the place next door and rent it out - all the tenants were great till a bunch of layabouts moved in and started partying 24/7 and, the police suspected, running the place as a drug supply base and a brothel.

The landlord was not even slightly interested in the problems being caused by his tenants.

He GOT interested when they stopped paying the rent, and actually came whining to me when he found out that he'd actually have to pay court-costs and bailiff fees to get them out.  My sympathy was not forthcoming.

After I'd attended court a few times the tenants got an ASBO against them, so I hope they are not disrupting the lives of neighbours wherever they have moved to.

All sorted now, the landlord gave up on buying to rent and sold the place to a very nice family. so life quickly got back to normal.


Quote from: hairygit on May 04, 2012, 09:18:22 AM
Not Happy! Having to start dismantling my layout due to our landlord being a sneaky bit of work. In the recent heavy rain we have had water pouring into our kitchen through the cob wall, and it has spread and soaked the living room carpet as well. It stinks of damp and mould, our landlord lives in Spain and basically said "if you don't like it, leave!". >:( Environmental health has declared it unfit for human habitation, so we have to move out, only place we could find locally has 2 less rooms, so no space for my layout :'(, so just as I'd finished laying all my track, I have to dismantle it all, with no prospect of being able to use it in the near future :'(

I work in this area (lettings not devon) , and my understanding at the very least is that your Landlord must have a UK address. Also, properties that are let must be fit for letting and conform to a number of standards. Also the landlords paperwork must be in very good order regarding your deposit protection (if applicable).

I do understand that just going for your landlord is a headache, in that to some extent you rely on him/her for a reference for the next property- if that is not the case then you are in quite a good position- E P's idea of the small claims court is correct- but it isnt merely for the damage, it is also for the rent that the landlord cannot raise if the place is not fit and his paperwork isnt up to scratch (depending on the type of building).

And coming to the type of building, many fall under the beedy eyes of your councils environmental department and fall under the Mandatory or discretional liscensing- It is NOT the case that only listed buildings require the landlord to do proper repair.

If your property is unfit, and you are in contract (or out of it even- tenancies carry on even after the date ends) - I mean if a tenancy at some point was set up (i e the landlord or agent gave you the keys and he/she does not live there too) and those keys have not been returned (the tenancy has not ended- that is the only way for a tenancy to end other than the courts ending it), then it is the landlord who is responsible to house you if the property is unfit for habitation, if the reasons for that can be demonstrated as not your own.

feel free to PM me if you like, but am happy to offer advice in public too.

Just to simplify things-

If you moved in after 1997 then it is very likely that you have an Assured Shorthold Tenancy. In most situations that gives the landlord the right to ask you to leave (without stating any reason) and the courts will uphold that provided proper notice is given. However that doesn't mean that the landlord does not have responsibilities.

It doesn't matter if there is a piece of paper, just handing you the keys after a verbal agreement of rent is good enough (just- better to have the bit of paper)

An assured shorthold tenancy has to last at minimum 6 months. If your agreement has ended, the main provisions of it still apply- the tenancy reverts to what is called a statutory periodic tenancy- so even if yu are out of the original timeframe, both sides have legal recourse to statutory and / or the original terms of the agreement

If you moved in after 6th April 2007 and you paid a deposit, then that deposit must have been protected by the landlord - either insured or given to a government scheme for safekeeping - and it is the landlords responsibility to have informed you. Failure to have done so puts you in a rather good position - the landlord has lost the right to remove you for no reason- he/she must now state reasons and it is for the courts to decide.

Regarding repairs much depends on what is reasonable or not and by reasonable I mean what the courts think is reasonable. But the landlord is responsible for keeping the property in a habitable condition.

During any repairs that prevent you from living in the property, it is the landlords responsibility to adequately house you if the tenancy has not ended- and remember the tenancy ends with either you handing over the keys or the bailiffs removing you.
running in is so you get used to the noise, oops, to bed the gears down properly

Jerry Howlett

I was going to moan that my Satellite internet (Italy) was taken out by a thunderstorm yesterday so missed out on what I thought was an e-bay bargain. Now having read the previous thread I realise what a wonderful group exists on this forum. Offering help in all sorts of diverse situations. Hats off to tgv_obsessed.... :thumbsup:
Some days its just not worth gnawing through the straps.


hairygit -

I guess your landlord is paying tax on in rental income, isn't he?


Well I've got nothing to really get angry about compared to you guys but I'm saving this smiley for when I find something non political (they're all as bad as each other!)
Cogito Sumere potum alterum


I to have had enough of those models!


Annoying as they are some can be of use to the modeller. I have recently acquired a delprado SNCF elec loco model converted onto a motorized chassis which now means I have a RtR N gauge model that not many people have for under £20!

If they are annoying you then click advance search options and omit delprado from the search then you won't have to wade through tons of static models so you can get down to what you really want. Hope that helps :thumbsup:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Very annoyed at the idiots that leave the pub up the road at 2am in the morning and chuck their mates on top of the hedge at the front of our place, what used to be a nice level hedge now looks like a serrated saw blade, not game enough to go out and tell them to knock it off because I would most likely get bashed up or something.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: oldrailbug on May 09, 2012, 02:32:31 AM
Very annoyed at the idiots that leave the pub up the road at 2am in the morning and chuck their mates on top of the hedge at the front of our place, what used to be a nice level hedge now looks like a serrated saw blade, not game enough to go out and tell them to knock it off because I would most likely get bashed up or something.

I hate vandals and yobs who wreck other people's property. Best thing to do Dave is weave some barbed wire amongst the hedge so it's hidden and camouflaged. Next time some clown decides to go 'bush surfing' all you have to do is phone the cops as the moron who tried to wreck your bush is wrapped up in the barbed wire that you hid. You won't even have to wait up for them, the screams should alert you that some giant twerp has decided to mess with your foliage.

Just tell the police to bring some wire cutters so they can cut him loose before arresting him for breaching the peace and vandalism.

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Thanks for the replies lads  :thumbsup: love the barbed wire idea so I may shove a few strands across the top of the hedge  :thumbsup: that is while Daves suggestion of planting pyracantha into the hedge, Dave I was pleased to find out that pyracantha grows over here in Oz so thanks for that  :thumbsup:
Keep on Smiling

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