The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Thanks to every one I am on the mend now but still feel very tired very easily
Hope you are coping well that was what the original message was try to say


Quote from: GeeBee on July 15, 2015, 11:10:41 AM

Hope you are coping well that was what the original message was try to say

Hi Graham,
I think it's more frustration than anything else. My symptoms started to show after a bout of bronchitis in December 2014 and, going on them offering me a follow up appointment in 4 months time, it looks as if it could be one year on I might get sorted ::)
I'm also concerned that, having had 2 hernia operations in the past and a replacement hip op last year, I'm not confident in doing too much exercise wise and am piling on the timber, as they say :uneasy:


Sounds like they are trying to turn you into the bionic man in easy stages, Mick.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Ewww... one of the downsides to the more subtropical areas of this planet is the insect life, particularly a certain kind which is rumoured to be able to survive full-on nuclear warfare. I was minding my own business earlier when I saw a suspiscious movement out of the corner of my eye and yup, Mr. C.R. had somehow found his way through the defences. First one in about 3 years. No potent sprays at hand alas, and I prefer not to use direct violence as the buggers are a) hard to score a direct hit on, and b) make a really nasty mess. What you need is a solid-ish box, and a piece of stout cardboard to slide under it, which luckily I was able to procure from the railway room office, during which time the offending creepy-crawly had kindly made his way onto the floor. The next part of the operation involves sidling nonchalantly in the general direction of the yucky beast while not making eye contact (antenna contact?) - you can practice that on cats by the way. One quick overarm box-drop later and it is imprisoned - carefully slide the stiff cardboard under the box and hermetically seal it with duct tape or similar (you did grab some I hope?). Carefully place the whole ensemble in a plastic bag, seal that and be thankful that tomorrow is Burnable Garbage Day.


Asphyxiation and fire are nothing to Mr. C.R. :no:
You just know he'll be back soon to take his revenge.



Sitting on hold with the irritating Argos call robot informing me that "I am in a que" and "You may continue to hold or alternatively, call us back".....30 minutes and counting. Its a good job its a free call.

Why you ask?

Because I have just found out they have taken £449.99 off me for a new cooker. Unfortunately, since the other half had a phone call from them earlier saying "it is out of stock and we don't know when it will be back in", I have effectively handed over a hill of money for :censored: all.




Quote from: newportnobby on July 15, 2015, 12:22:46 PM

Hi Graham,
I think it's more frustration than anything else. My symptoms started to show after a bout of bronchitis in December 2014 and, going on them offering me a follow up appointment in 4 months time, it looks as if it could be one year on I might get sorted ::)

Have an appointment for an ECG on 7th August, still waiting to hear about an angiogram, and have a letter confirming follow up appointment with the consultant......................on 20th November! :veryangry2: :headbutt: :headbutt:


Blimey Mick, that's awful!

Having had 3 angios meself, why don't you pop down for the day.

I've got a sharpish knife and fork, an old telly and loads of cable. I'm sure we can sort something out!

How difficult can it be?  :D

Dave G


Quote from: newportnobby on July 20, 2015, 09:14:42 PM
Quote from: newportnobby on July 15, 2015, 12:22:46 PM

Hi Graham,
I think it's more frustration than anything else. My symptoms started to show after a bout of bronchitis in December 2014 and, going on them offering me a follow up appointment in 4 months time, it looks as if it could be one year on I might get sorted ::)

Have an appointment for an ECG on 7th August, still waiting to hear about an angiogram, and have a letter confirming follow up appointment with the consultant......................on 20th November! :veryangry2: :headbutt: :headbutt:

Sorry to hear they are still mucking you about lets hope somebody gets their act together fairl quickly


Quote from: railsquid on July 19, 2015, 03:22:35 PM
Ewww... one of the downsides to the more subtropical areas of this planet is the insect life, particularly a certain kind which is rumoured to be able to survive full-on nuclear warfare. I was minding my own business earlier when I saw a suspiscious movement out of the corner of my eye and yup, Mr. C.R. had somehow found his way through the defences. First one in about 3 years. No potent sprays at hand alas, and I prefer not to use direct violence as the buggers are a) hard to score a direct hit on, and b) make a really nasty mess. What you need is a solid-ish box, and a piece of stout cardboard to slide under it, which luckily I was able to procure from the railway room office, during which time the offending creepy-crawly had kindly made his way onto the floor. The next part of the operation involves sidling nonchalantly in the general direction of the yucky beast while not making eye contact (antenna contact?) - you can practice that on cats by the way. One quick overarm box-drop later and it is imprisoned - carefully slide the stiff cardboard under the box and hermetically seal it with duct tape or similar (you did grab some I hope?). Carefully place the whole ensemble in a plastic bag, seal that and be thankful that tomorrow is Burnable Garbage Day.

They really are quite beautiful creatures so I kill them with reluctance. Better to catch them then throw them over the fence into your neighbours yard.

However, a few months back I noticed what looked like small chew marks on my Sculptamold scenery only visible because the grey colouring of my rocks showed white specks. I suspected Mr C.R. and he is getting the blame whether guilty or not. Several anti-insect bombs released in my shed sorted out the problem along with knocking off the daddy long legs spiders as well. These spiders leave 'specks' which are also a nuisance. It may be time for another bomb application as I saw a small cockroach just the other day. Chemical solutions aren't the greatest, but I've had my kids so I'm not too worried about genetic damage any more.



AAARRGGGGHHHHHH whoever invented those plastic blister pack things, should be encased in one.


Quote from: paulprice on July 21, 2015, 09:30:15 AM
AAARRGGGGHHHHHH whoever invented those plastic blister pack things, should be encased in one.

Totally agree!

Hate the darned things and I thought they were to be banned as recycling was/is a problem if not impossible.

Dave G


With regard to the argos situation, you're probably savvy to this already but working in a phone hole myself, I'd advise that if at all possible get someone's name and a reference number and be more patient with whoever picks up than they deserve. It's all about distinguishing yourself from the professional complainers/scammers who are a thorn in the side of customer and staff alike ...

Full respect to those undergoing heavy surgery, remember the body has resistant qualities. 


Thanks Trent, sound advice.

I do follow it as I have had many dealings with call centres in the past, I never ever allow myself to swear for example as that looses the high ground.

They have 24 hours of their own deadline left before I speak to them again. They are playing the "speak to the manufacture" card which I won't swallow as I ordered it from Argos and they took my money. If no delivery date tomorrow will be cancelling.



You did pay by cc, didn't you ...  :uneasy:

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