The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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A shocking tale, hope your daughter recovers ok. Not a surprising story though , a friend of
mine went into the RAH Paisley for a hysterectomy, the operation was only over by a few
seconds when the surgeon dashed off to a private hospital a couple miles away, my friend was wheeled into an open ward and developed internal bleeding due to some botch and was
lucky to survive. There are a lot of good people in the NHS , but there are some who shouldn't be allowed to treat a dog never mind a human.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


Oh blimey Dave.

Hope you're able to get things sorted in the morning. Make a lot of noise and make sure they not only hear you but listen!

Dave G


Like Mick I am virtually speechless.
You are right in thinking  that you  really have to get to someone senior who knows about your daughter’s case and can sort things out and order others as to what to do.
Just don’t let your frustration / anger make you incoherent.
Hope you get things sorted quickly.


Doctor says Mrs. JC and I arnt to do anything for 'several' days.
Our viruses have got worse and we are to rest completely.yeah right that's going to work.
Son doesn't drive........we live out in the country......... buses sometimes run.......sometimes not.
Oh and I cant do any modelling  >:(
Its going to be a great week
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


I'm really sorry to hear from you guys having such trouble with the NHS. I hope your various problems get sorted out asap. My very best wishes to you all.

Just to put the other side of the story, though, my 94-year-old mother had a stroke 2 days after Christmas. She's not paralysed, but her speech has gone to pot. She was taken into our local hospital, the Princess Royal in Haywards Heath, and I have to say she has had exemplary care. She is getting physio and speech therapy, as well as treatment for her kidneys, and they are reassessing her diabetes treatment. To top it all, she has been promised a new wheelchair when she comes out. I am absolutely astonished at the amount of effort they are putting in for someone who, to be brutally frank, doesn't have a massive amount of quality of life left. And all this from a hospital that has, to say the least of it, a mixed reputation.

It's inevitable that, in an organisation as big as the NHS, you are going to get parts that are better than others. It is always the bad news that hits the headlines, and justifiably makes people angry, but there is plenty of good stuff going on beneath the radar which should be recognised.




my bloody cars exhaust has fallen clean off!!! :veryangry: and to top it off somethings bitten me in my ear great  week !
James Beeston(aka mrjamestrain)

Bob Wild

In the middle of wiring 20 point motors and 40 LED's to my mimic panel via 4 off 25way connectors. Points all worked fine and the first LED as well. But when I connected the second LED the first one started to flash. Aha, I thought a short circuit somewhere. After hours of continuity testing and voltage measuring I was stuck and issuing more expletives than Gordon Ramsey.

All of a sudden it dawned on me - the 20 LED connections on one of the connectors were all connected from pins 20 -> 1 rather than 1 -> 20 as it should have been. The wrong way round completely.

What a plonker!


Been feeling a bit rough, so went to the GP today. He checked me over, and noticed I had a boil under my right armpit (which I thought was just a sore spot), and diagnosed Bubonic Plague!!! Thankfully he was joking (I hope), and I am just run down and need a tonic - so that's a new bottle of single malt, then.


QuoteThankfully he was joking (I hope), and I am just run down and need a tonic - so that's a new bottle of single malt, then.

I use Schweppes Slimline Tonic personally.  Trouble is I prefer the Gordons + ice with it.

ozzie Bill.

fell off my motor scooter on way to work. 40c heat, so not wearing proper protection. Bit smashed up. Trauma surgeon said I could go home if I could walk. Fell over! Home last night after 3 days. Internal bleeding in some joints, made worse by fact that I am on blood thinners. To cap it all off, the bloody scooter is bleeding as well. Got home and saw oil all over the drive. Bit of a nuisance really. Anyway, could be a lot worse so not really complaining. Cheers, Bill.


Sympathies OB!

Came off my Lambretta more times than I care to remember. Mind you that was back in the 1960's when tyres were total poo and there was oil and diesel all over the roads, especially at roundabouts.

Hope you and your transport are back on the road soon.

Dave G


I feel for you Bill, not only having to contend with that heat but now having been bashed up.

I hope you feel better soon  ;)

cheers John.

lil chris

No work on the railway today, the ruddy shower packed in yesterday, mind we have had it about 12 years so can't complain. But what with the washing machine packing in just before christmas and now that, whats next, they say things go in threes.......
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


Sanctimonious experts who think are always  right and >:( know best
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Quote from: jonclox on January 19, 2014, 10:32:23 AM
Sanctimonious experts who think are always  right and >:( know best

Don't let him get to you, it's not worth it  ;)

cheers John.

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