The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Quote from: owl729 on April 14, 2011, 10:12:09 PM
Quote from: findus on April 14, 2011, 09:48:51 PM
Massive cow pat  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:

Makes me feel a little better now  :thumbsup:

Thats two days in the row now involving poo. The way it's going I reckon it's gonna be a sh#t weekend for me.............. :(

I hit a turd today wile out on my bike  :thumbsdown:   will look strange to anybody passing by as there is a massive skid mark heading straight for it  :smiley-laughing:


I've just finished an awesomely s****y day, and am sitting here at home angry, going on for furious, (not like me) and wanting to break things (really not like me). The Sky remote nearly found itself through the TV about 10 mins ago, and I'm seriously considering taking myself off out for the night before I really lose my temper.

Haven't even a railway to play trains on. F***!!!!  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


Serves you right for subscribing to Sky anyway  ;)  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:

We all get them mate (you want to try moderating a forum for a few days, sheesh  ::) )  you'll get through it, you have, you've got a layout to build  ;)


Got put forward for an interview with Virgin Media today for tech support. Now, I've had approaches from agencies about similar roles but had do decline, as I just don't have the high-level TCP/IP / Cisco networking knowledge they're after.

Asked the agency, "does this need high-level networking knowledge, cos I don't have it", "oh, no - not this one", they say.

So I roll up to Virgin today all suited and booted and the first thing they do is present me with a technical test.

Guess what...all questions about TCP/IP, Cisco and a lot of stuff I've never even come across. I sit there like a lemon for 15 mins, not even going to embarrass myself by trying.

"I think I was sent to this interview by mistake", I told the interviewers. After apologies all round and opinions of recruitment agencies exchanged, we decided to go our own separate ways, rather than prolong the agony.

Anyway, my wife picked me up, we got home, when she went to open the door, our Staffie leaped up in excitement and slammed the door on her hand. 25 kilos of flying Staffie can cause quite a whack and we're hoping that a trip to A&E isn't on the cards.

Awful bloody day, really.  :thumbsdown:
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


@ Lawrence - I know.. I really should know better, but there's a story involving Battlestar Galactica and Virgin Media. Feeling a bit better now, off to bed soon. Bit scared / annoyed with myself I was so angry though, could really have had someone's head on a stick outside the front door earlier on, and was hoping for a telesales call so I could reduce them to tears.

@ captainelectra - that is a bad day. I know a fair bit about TCP/IP, but nothing of Cisco and their demonic ways. That said, I had a big, long chat with some incompetent f***wit at Virgin Media support earlier today ("it's your cable modem" "what, all three that I've tried, including two that I know work?" "no, it must be your modem, or maybe its your PC") so could be you had a lucky escape.

Bad news about the mrs though, Staffie's are a lovely dog, and awfully friendly, but sometimes a bit too keen. Is she OK since?
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


Still very sore, I'm afraid... >:(

Grappa, our 4-yr old Staffie is a lovely beastie but very full-on and bouncy. We just need to leave the house for an hour and it's as if we've been away for a year when we return...

Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


Did you escape the visit to A&E?

That's a beautiful dog, though. A Staffie would be my dog of choice, but I haven't the room to do one justice, so I spoil other people's instead. I love it that they're always happy. Thanks for posting the pic.
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


Come on guys - don't get me started. Repeats on TV and the attitude 'you're going out anyway so we'll put a load of s**t on your telly'. Am I alone in thinking that repeating Dad's Army at prime time on a Saturday night shows a 'don't care' attitude? An entire evening filled with Come Dine with me? The person who schedules TV should be made to watch it all. Still, at least we have the best coverage in the world of Formula 1 and the coverage starts soon for the Isle of Man TT on ITV4. I am really glad I have plenty of Railway DVD's to watch (even if they are repeats 'cos I've seen them before). At least they provide inspiration for modelling. Poor driving, national companies who scale the heights of incompetence, Alex Ferguson chewing gum so politely, etc etc - I should be on the Grumpy Old Men programme - the repeat of course! Now then, where did I put those industrial strength Valiums? I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?


There are currently six things I watch on TV; I record them and watch them at leisure. All the rest is a big load of poop.
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


Ahem - we seem to be back to the poop again. One of my favourites is Midsomer Murders but as it turns out to be 2 hours of adverts interspersed with bits of MM i agree with you - use the recording equipment and blast through the adverts. Unless of course it happens to be the Adios ad - another one for the guys from Adios - it can be seen on YouTube if you think I've had the wrong sort of mushrooms for breakfast!


On the subject of TV, consider yourselves lucky!  Canadian TV is so crap its not funny, 200 channels of either American dross, or "canadian content" rules drivel about hockey or anne of green bloody gables!  Oh and all of those really crappy sit coms / reality TV shows that get invented in the UK, we take, take any good bits out, add even worse people and put that out at prime time.  I'm looking forward to the 5% good TV in the UK when I get back, its still 100% more than I've had here for the last 16 years

Mind you I shouldn't complain, I got rid of cable 2 years ago! :) :)  just have an apple TV and a bunch of DVDs now



Dunno woy yor awl copaynin abowt !!!
When I wer a lad we drawed a picher on a box and watched that !! At least you get mooving pichers and edyoucashunal progs two !!
Disgruntled of Maidstone


The absolute bestest thing ever to come out of Canadian TV has to be the Trailer Park Boys, which got an airing here a few years ago. I now have it all on DVD  ;D always makes me laugh.
Malice in defeat; revenge in victory


Quote from: m1racleman on June 02, 2011, 03:49:19 PM
Dunno woy yor awl copaynin abowt !!!
When I wer a lad we drawed a picher on a box and watched that !! At least you get mooving pichers and edyoucashunal progs two !!
Disgruntled of Maidstone
Been there, done that and got the Tee shirt but I`m told that colour TV is even worse. I`m not looking forward to it getting to to our area  next year >:(  
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


That's wear myne is soo gud! I doo my pichers with colored chawks !

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