Scarcity of Second Hand N at Shows

Started by jmupton2000, January 14, 2023, 01:35:41 PM

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Just come back from an excellent local show, spent quite a bit on modelling materials but once again I found virtually no second hand UK outline N scale models on sale.

OO scale items are piled high on table after table and there were a few brand new locos at the back of one traders stall out of reach but it seems that overall, I keep coming away from shows empty handed despite a decent list of second hand RTR I would be happy to hand over my cash for.

Is this the case just down my way (South Coast) or is this a nationwide issue?

If so, I may not bother scouting around the trade stands first at any shows I visit in the future, there seems little point anymore.


It's a case of feast or famine when it comes to second hand N gauge.

I tend to focus on the smaller shows with club sales stands as I find the prices are fairer but does depend on their members having stock they want to dispose of. There will always be more 00 stock than anything else unless you go to a show that concentrates on N gauge.

Murphy's law will also apply of course in the the show you don't go to will be awash with what you want  :*(
Tonbridge MRC Member.
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The issue with relying in the second hand market for specific items is that your search has to coincide exactly with someone wanting to sell...

Perhaps also if there is more generally less N gauge available it reflects that N guage tends to be chosen by more dedicated modellers with a long-term commitment to a layout or theme, so they change their minds and their stock less often, and cling on to what they have. 00 on the other hand is still the go-to for someone dabbling in what might turn out to be a passing interest, so they build up a collection and sell on relatively quickly...


Quote from: PLD on January 14, 2023, 01:57:04 PM
The issue with relying in the second hand market for specific items is that your search has to coincide exactly with someone wanting to sell...

Perhaps also if there is more generally less N gauge available it reflects that N guage tends to be chosen by more dedicated modellers with a long-term commitment to a layout or theme, so they change their minds and their stock less often, and cling on to what they have. 00 on the other hand is still the go-to for someone dabbling in what might turn out to be a passing interest, so they build up a collection and sell on relatively quickly...

I am sure there are all manner of reasons but I suspect you have made a valid point.  I have been working in N since 1976!  Though my leanings in terms of locos which were one pure LMR became LMR/WR in Wales  and for the last 15 years LMR/ER in Scotland.  I noted at Warley used N gauge was not as plentiful as in earlier years .  I had also expected the usual box shifters to have more.  But There does seem to me to be less  new around at present, esp coaches.   Though at Maidenhead on 7 Jan one trader had a reasonable amount of used on display.  Albeit not cheap!  I could have bought an N Class for its chassis (I was pondering buying a 3D printed K2 body.)  But I was not prepared to pay c £100 for it.  And a K2 was only  a rule 1 loco rather than important for my current layouts. Even on EBay it can be a wait for very specific wants to come up.  Last year I was building up 2 short rakes of blue/grey Mark 1s.  It took a few months to accumulate what I wanted. 

I had a major thinning out at my own club show last May (3 years worth because of Covid).  And there will be more this year in April.


Quote from: PLD on January 14, 2023, 01:57:04 PM
Perhaps also if there is more generally less N gauge available it reflects that N gauge tends to be chosen by more dedicated modellers with a long-term commitment to a layout or theme, so they change their minds and their stock less often, and cling on to what they have.

I agree with Paul. I also think collections sold (sadly normally after a death) tend to go to the big box shifters rather than to smaller traders, and those big box shifters only do certain major shows like TINGS or Warley. I tire of seeing stands with several older coaches at current prices and just take the attitude of "take 'em back with you"


As someone who has bought a lot of stuff at shows in the last five years or so I'm not sure if things have changed. It's always been feast or famine. From my first time in N in the late 80's to mids 00's the same applied, but there;'s obviously more old stock around now. I've had some fabulous bargains at shows, but also on ebay and in shops. It is just the luck of the draw.......

Don't stop trying though, you'll find what you want if you keep looking I'm sure.


Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.


This is just my view and of course others will no doubt disagree.

I'd say many people are hanging on to what they already have instead of changing or upgrading. This filters through to what is available 2nd hand.  I have looked at ebay daily for years, and a lot of what is currently on there appears to me to be oddments.

For many in the current economic situation hobbies will have to go on the back burner.
If you have been modelling for decades like myself you have likely stuff put away in a drawer or cupboard for another day. I am discovering items I'd forgotten about and using them rather than spend on even more.

The last locos I bought were from Union Mills last Autumn. I was so impressed with their ruggedness, reliability and pulling power, an initial purchase led to four more. Well pleased I did given Colin's recent retirement!
I have no plans to buy or sell anything in the near future, but that of course could be famous last words...


As a Continental N modeller I find even fewer decent second hand models at shows compared to UK N models.   

I tend to see the same trade stands at different shows around the county, with little of interest to me that I don't already have.  I see the same old stuff put out on the stand for years, overpriced so no wonder it doesn't sell.  Sadly my "go-to" trader who I bought from since the 70s seems to have called it a day.

We have a toy and train fair in our town hall 2-3 times a year, I go along every time "just in case" but frankly you'd be lucky to spot a single N item of any sort. Before covid there was a trader at the fair with some good bargains on occasion but not seen him for a long time. 

Ebay is my prime source nowadays, I appreciate the wider market coverage and the bargains that can be found if you're patient and careful with what you buy.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Whilst I don't go to shows much I am an ebay addict! You have to keep an eye out but there is still the occasional deal to be had. These days I decide what the item is worth,  to me, bid that much and no more. Lately had a Dapol A4, chipped, in good condition for 90 quid.....


I suspect people hang on to their N scale models if they give up modelling because they don't take up much storage space in attics.
In the past I've bought items off eBay which made clear they had been stored for years at home. Several Fleischmann N items not easily obtainable now are in my hands because of that.
"I believe in positive, timely solutions, not vague, future promises"


I have been pretty much daily checking eBay for years now, and I have actually noticed a couple of things in the last 6 months or so:

1) More of what are clearly collections or at least large parts of collections coming up (sometimes via a box shifter).
2) Prices are softening a bit.

Both of the above are I suspect a sad result of recent tough times and makes me a bit sad.

This trend is also reflected in Facebook selling groups.

I recently saw a pair of CJM WIA Arbel wagon sets for sale, something I haven't seen in at least 10 years. And I couldn't afford them, firmly on my "Unicorn" list though they are.

I think the difference must be WHAT people are after.

Locos, seem to be a fair few of those, especially Diesels.

Very specific steam engines (original livery Tornado anyone?), less so.

Coaches? Forget it. Unless you want a brake.

Just my musings.



You are so right on coaches, trying to get Farish MK2 for a decent price.....



Only 1 carries a Blue Riband label but, I agree, a decent rake for a decent price which would save a month of Sundays searching for otherwise.

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