Started by acko22, September 11, 2016, 08:47:41 PM

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Hi All,

Just a little bump the Raffle for the cab ride finishes online a week today at 16:00, this is a rare oportunity if not near impossible to get these days.
As they say "You have to be in in it to win it" and at five pounds all to ABF - The Soldiers Charity its more than worth it if I do say so myself.

Once the tickets finish online there will be a finla chance to purchase a ticket from myself in cash at Warley where I am been hosted by Revolution trains on stand C31 where I will also have the first deco sample of PATRIOT and the model sales will go live.
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Hi All,

Last Chance to get online raffle tickets for a Freightliner Cab ride between Crewe and Carlisle only £5 a ticket with all the money going direct to the ABF - The Soldiers Charity.

For any of you going Warley come and see the first deco sample at stand C31 where Revolution Trains are hosting me and Project Railway Honour where you have a final chance on the Saturday to get a raffle ticket, you never know you could get some models a first look at what Mike and Ben announce (I have no idea either) and possibly a cab ride on a real operational freight service! You never know it could be PATRIOT itself
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Quick BUMP

The Dapol Limited Edition Class 66418 "Patriot" is now on sale via Revolution Trains web site. Only 250 available, have just ordered mine. Well done @acko22, what's the next one up and which charity supported?




Can you put a link on I can't find it

Quote from: mickd247 on November 26, 2016, 11:15:25 AM
Quick BUMP

The Dapol Limited Edition Class 66418 "Patriot" is now on sale via Revolution Trains web site. Only 250 available, have just ordered mine. Well done @acko22, what's the next one up and which charity supported?




Thank you my iPad was not updating the page correctly.

Now duly ordered.

Well done Gareth @acko22 cracking job and good luck on getting them to sell out and the next 2 named locos.



Set the alarm early for a Saturday... order placed.

Good luck on the sales Gareth.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Managed to get my order in even from where I live in the middle of nowhere - the internet was behaving itself today, only took me about 20 minutes! I had to try as I did not want to wait until I got to work tonight and risk missing out, (hopefully they are well on the way to selling out by tonight  :thumbsup:). Well done Gareth, roll on the next one.  :beers:
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Quote from: dannyboy on November 26, 2016, 12:54:21 PM
I had to try as I did not want to wait until I got to work tonight and risk missing out, (hopefully they are well on the way to selling out by tonight  :thumbsup:)

I was thinking the same... best to get on the ordering early while everyone else is arriving at Warley and fighting over bargains and joining the bustling crowd at the RevolutioN stand.
I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


Hi All,

Thank you all for your continuing support, been an intersting day to say the least!!!
Fair to say I am not a natural salesman, I have to first deco sample from dapol with me and there are a few corrections to be made but nothing major!!
When I get a chance to I will get some pictures online. Again thank you all for your support

Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Order placed. Not that I need another 66 to add to the dozens already stabled in the loft! But, if I have the opportunity to support a very worthy cause while enjoying my hobby, then fortunate me. Fortunate us.


Hi All,

Well I am just back (don't you just love rail replacement buses!!  :veryangry: ) firstly it was great meeting as many of you as I could this weekend even if it was for a fleeting moment fair to say it has been a very busy weekend!

A huge congratulations must go to @Ben A and @red_death on been awarded the Gwyn Humphrey Award today although I missed that bit while I was getting some 'Fresh air'

And back to "Patriot" I received the first Deco Sample on Friday and their are some mistakes and things that need cleaning up the basic design is their. The new G & W markings are on the sample and looking good and perfectly done already its just the things that make "Patriot" different amongst its 66/4 classmates which we are now working on to make the model identical to the day it was named at Crewe

I have the sample with me and will get some picture up in due course for everyone who wasn't able to make Warley get a peek at it this first Deco Sample to get a taste of what the final model will look like when it arrives on your doors in due course.

I will finally be getting around to working directly on the Project website updating it and getting a newsletter out to keep you all informed of the news relating to "Patriot", (A very full time Military Career, the real loco naming and working with the model has taken up all of my time until now) so within the coming week now the naming is done I can get to concentrate on the website and the model alone (well around work anyhow).

The model sales are live at:

This is a limited edition model and very much a first come first served model, this will never be produced again so if you want one please get your order in for this unique model in support of and directly raising funds for ABF - The Soldiers Charity.

I sadly now have to make a point clear after reports that were made to me over the course of the weekend which went as follows:



Dapol, Revolution Trains and Freightliner have all contributed their time and expertise to this project knowing full well that there is no profit in this project for them and they have all volunteered to be part of this project to HONOUR THE PAST AND HELP TODAY, I think it is very disappointing that individuals not linked to this project feel the need to spread the false comments and should they wish to come forward and make them publically then I will happily deal with their comments.

Finally on a happy note, congratulations to JAMES EDMUNDS who was the winner of the FREIGHTLINER cab ride between Crewe and Carlisle, your details have been passed on to my contact at Crewe who will be in contact in due course to organise this rare opportunity.


Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!

Ben A

Hello all,

Gareth has told me about a couple of comments that were made to him.  I am posting what follows on RM Web too.

It seems very sad to me that such a wonderfully altruistic and inspiring project should be leading to unfounded rumours and negativity, and it almost beggars belief that I have to write this, but for avoidance of doubt and to scotch any more of this nonsense let me just say this:

1). Revolution Trains is providing free web hosting to Gareth for Project Railway Honour. This doesn't really cost us anything, and therefore is not diverting away any monies from our crowdfunding supporters, but means PRH does not have to fund a website or pay for merchandising software. So more money goes to the ABF Soldiers' Charity. To avoid such costs and the necessary set-up expertise Gareth could've chosen Paypal but that would incur fees and so less would go to charity.

2). Revolution Trains has hosted Gareth at both TINGS and Warley, absolutely free of charge, to give him a platform for PRH. Warley and TINGS are arguably the two most important shows in the model railway calendar and offer by far the most effective way to generate interest and instil confidence in PRH. My experience is that engaging with customers face to face - at these major events - builds confidence and credibility infinitely more than just working from behind a keyboard. If not, the shows would rapidly lose serious manufacturer support!

3). My personal contribution so far is to design the PRH presentation box and leaflets, and to pay for the latter to be printed. I chose to pay for the printing as a gesture of my personal support and to ensure not a penny of Revolution Funding was used for anything not directly related to the business. Also, and I can't believe I feel the need to write this, I will also be paying the same as everyone else for one of the locos, which I have already ordered. Adding all this together means that I will be supporting this project with around £250 of my own money, which I am delighted to do as I will be getting a fantastic and unique model and doing something I believe to be right.

And let me add this personal note: I have a huge respect and admiration for those who serve our country. I have had occasion to work with British Forces at various times in some unpleasant and dangerous places in my "day job" and found them to be incredibly professional, decent and honest in conditions of extreme stress. Some may also know that I have written a book detailing incidents of supreme bravery by police officers, proceeds of which go to the Police Dependents Trust and only last week was invited to their 50th anniversary reception as a thank you for the money that book has raised.

My personal view is that the treatment of wounded servicemen or emergency service personnel - or those suffering the scars that cannot be seen - can be disgraceful and I am happy and proud to offer what little assistance I can. They do a job that is far more important and dangerous than waffling into a microphone! Or, indeed, making model trains.

And let me add to anyone weighing up the veracity of these claims: Would a respected company like Freightliner, or a manufacturer like Dapol, have got involved if there was even the tiniest aspect that was not above board? Would the Briitsh Army have sent an honour guard to the dedication service that saw the loco named at Crewe?

Of course not. The rumours are utter rubbish.

Furthermore, I think that sniping and making utterly baseless allegations about PRH is, frankly, very poor form and if it puts one person off supporting this project is truly despicable.

I do not know where the rumours came from, who started them, or what their motive might be. But whoever they are, I think their behaviour says a lot more about them and their own integrity than it does about PRH.

Here endeth the rant, and can we now please get back to enjoying in a spirit of comradeship and co-operation this hobby we all love.


Ben A.



Not sure if Gareth enjoyed being hoisted at both TINGS and Warley, probably not :laugh:

Joking aside, I for one totally agree with both Gareth and your sentiments towards whoever started this slur on such a worthy cause. @acko22 carry on the good work, you will continue to be supported by those who care and have integrity.



Ben A

Quote from: mickd247 on November 28, 2016, 03:51:57 PM

Not sure if Gareth enjoyed being hoisted at both TINGS and Warley, probably not :laugh:


Hi Mick,

Thanks for spotting the typo - normally I would leave it as it was quite amusing but as sadly it is a serious post I have amended it!


Ben A.

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