Started by acko22, September 11, 2016, 08:47:41 PM

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The project aims to have 3 main line locomotives named "PATRIOT", "VALOUR" and "REMEMBRANCE" replicating locomotives which the LNWR, GCR and LB&SC Rly named after WW1 to honour their fallen employees of the war.

Each locomotive will be owned a separate company just as happened after WW1, Dapol will then produce 250 limited edition models of each after they are named these will be available from at a price of £105 each with the proceeds going to one of 3 service charities which his also named on the locomotives.

FREIGHTLINER are the first rail company to be naming a locomotive on the 11th November this locomotive will carry the name "PATRIOT" and will be in support of ABF THE SOLDIERS CHARITY

There will also be 2 money cannot buy raffle prizes on the website:

A day driving tanks with the ARMY
A cab ride from Crewe to Carlisle on a freight service courtesy of FREIGHTLINER.

For more information and to keep up to date please go to:
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Sounds like a worthwhile project.

p.s not being funny but do you spell it "Rememberance" or "Remembrance"? I always use the second spelling but don't know if it might have changed over time.

Also found this


Thanks Tyler corrected now!

That's why I am in the army  :P
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


"I believe in positive, timely solutions, not vague, future promises"


Owe I know GC  ;)
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!

Ben A

Hello all,

I just wanted to publicly pay tribute to Gareth in managing to get this ambitious project off the ground.

He has convinced Freightliner to name a full-size locomotive, in a new variant of their livery, and Dapol to produce an exclusive model, with proceeds going to a very good cause.

Frankly I am amazed at what he has achieved, and we at Revolution are very happy to offer the modest support we have.


Ben A.

robert shrives


I will definitely be having all 3, especially after our chat on Saturday.



Like Ben, I can't emphasise enough what a great job Gareth has done. To get one company to rename a loco is a mammoth task, to be well on the way to convincing others AND to get limited editions produced is just incredible.

Cheers, Mike


Well done Gareth.  I remember well when you said to me that you hoped to get these models off the ground, but then it went silent.  So, I'm amazed by what you've achieved so far. :thumbsup:



What a great idea and you've done a fantastic job!

As I can only afford one I'll have to wait and see which locos are selected before committing.

But one will be coming my way.


Paul Evans

Can I add my voice that this is a great idea and what brilliant raffle prizes. Incidentally the spelling is "Remembrance" - I play for a Remembrance Festival every year. There is of course a history if misspellings of locomotive names the GWR in braod gauge days was a culprit.


Hi all,

Thank you very much for all your kind comments and support you have all shown on here and at TINGS, it has been personally overwhelming.

@MacRat spoke about livery on the Revolution Pendolino thread - Originally all three of the locomotives were painted in the same colour scheme in an agreement between all three rail companies, when the liveries were removed to be inline with each individual companies liveries there was uproar from the public especially from within the ranks of railway employees who had served in the trenches.

This livery was Black with from what I understand was gold lining. While I would love to have had the ability to persuade the rail companies to  recreate this unfortunately the costs are so high that the money raised would not even meet the cost of repainting.

The one thing I can assure you all is that each of the nameplates will be an nod to the original nameplates carried by the steam locomotives after world war one.

Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Quote from: acko22 on September 13, 2016, 08:06:31 PM
Hi all,

Thank you very much for all your kind comments and support you have all shown on here and at TINGS, it has been personally overwhelming.

@MacRat spoke about livery on the Revolution Pendolino thread - Originally all three of the locomotives were painted in the same colour scheme in an agreement between all three rail companies, when the liveries were removed to be inline with each individual companies liveries there was uproar from the public especially from within the ranks of railway employees who had served in the trenches.

This livery was Black with from what I understand was gold lining. While I would love to have had the ability to persuade the rail companies to  recreate this unfortunately the costs are so high that the money raised would not even meet the cost of repainting.

The one thing I can assure you all is that each of the nameplates will be an nod to the original nameplates carried by the steam locomotives after world war one.

Have you managed to persuade Dapol to do the livery as well or just the plates??
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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Hi Railwaygun,

Dapol are doing the model identical to the loco with the new Genesse and Wyoming markings as well as the Zero Injuries logos not just the namplates.
As far as we are aware this will be the first model in the N gauge market which will carry this new livery alteration which is an added bonus although by no means intended but who am I to argue it the loco Frieghtliner offered nd i was more than willing to grasp for a number of reasons!

On the artwork note I can happily reveal the card sleeves that are going to be the packaging for the models, thanks must go to @Ben A who designed these and i think it look spot on! I was hoping to have this to show at TINGS but had to check the price of doing it before giving it the go ahead:

Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!

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