4000 Members

Started by guest2, January 29, 2015, 06:13:30 PM

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Our membership is now over the 4000 member mark!  Fantastic! :thumbsup:

Many thanks to all of the members who contribute to the forum in so many ways to make this a great online resource and community. :NGaugersRule:

:A1Tornado: :Carriage: :Carriage:


Quote from: Tank on January 29, 2015, 06:13:30 PM
Our membership is now over the 4000 member mark!  Fantastic! :thumbsup:

Many thanks to all of the members who contribute to the forum in so many ways to make this a great online resource and community. :NGaugersRule:

:A1Tornado: :Carriage: :Carriage:

But special thanks to you for setting this forum up!!

ozzie Bill.

An incredible effort Tank, and all the mods. Well done and thank you. Cheers, Bill.

port perran

Great news and well done to Tank and the team for keeping it all going.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

Bob Tidbury

Wow that's amazing I bet that exceeds even Tanks expectations I'll add my thanks to him and all the Mods ,This forum has been such a help to me I was really down in the dumps after loosing my best mate and then our pet dog Buster ,but now thanks to the forum I feel that I've got friends all over the world
And it's given me something to look forward to every day.


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on January 29, 2015, 07:06:23 PM
thanks to the forum I feel that I've got friends all over the world
And it's given me something to look forward to every day.
From another Bob - I agree with that sentiment
Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


It keeps me off the streets and out of the pub (sometimes) so thats no bad thing.

It's been a real pleasure being part of this forum, and nice to meet some of you around the shows and meets.

mr magnolia

Many thanks and congratulations to you, tank, and the team!
I've just looked at the cycling forum that I've been a member of since the internet was invented (it feels like) and that's standing at 3725 members.
I used to think I lived in an obscure subset of society - maybe cycling railway modellers are going mainstream!


The forum is bigger and better thanks to Tank and the moderators plus not forgetting the members.



Quote from: mr magnolia on January 29, 2015, 07:11:23 PM
maybe cycling railway modellers are going mainstream!

... perhaps we are! Nice there's some of us 2-wheelers / 2 mill-ers out there.


Would like to add my congratulations also.

Not been a member all that long, but found it really friendly (on the whole), and informative, and being as it is international with members all over the World, only makes it that bit more interesting.

Keep up the good work everyone - Tank, Moderators, and contributors, and keep the photos and videos coming as love seeing and viewing them.

Well done.


I read in the NGS Journal today they have just over 6000 members. I wonder how many of them are NGF members :hmmm:
Won't be long before they get overtaken anyway :P


Many thanks everyone. :)  Always great to see so many people enjoying the forum.  I know we do get the odd negative comment/argument on here, but in my near 15 years of being an Admin/Moderator on various forums, this is by FAR the most behaved one.

I must also thank all of our past moderators who have helped me greatly with the forum as well. :thumbsup:


Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


I'm amazed! Who would have thought there were so many of us not locked up yet??

I'd be interested to know how many of those 4000 are actually active on the forum. What happens if you don't post anything for say a year or more? Do you get shunted off into a sort of digital siding and have the track pulled up behind you?

Anyway, I'll add my thanks to those of everybody else to Tank and the team, and to all of you who post so entertainingly. I find myself reading threads about aspects of the hobby that are nothing to do with what I am modelling, simply because they are so interesting. It's no wonder I never get anything done...

Thanks everybody.


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