Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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It's so dull and dark.
It's teeming with rain.

But I'm cool! Yay! :claphappy: :laugh3:


We have music in the house again!

About 5 years ago, my wife suffered a minor accident at work, which injured her hand but she didn't think much about at the time, but it became clear that she was starting to have difficulty playing her flute. It got to the stage that she couldn't play more than a minute or two without pain, so she more or less gave up. It wasn't until she was chatting to a surgeon friend at summer school last year that she became aware that the problem was fixable. Cue minor surgery last year and a long period of recuperation, and last night she dared herself to pick up her flute again. She was a little rusty, but she managed several minutes, without pain! We decided that was worth a small celebration with a sloe royale...

Onward and upward.




That's great news, Chris. Ian Anderson - eat yer heart out! ;D ;D


over the last few weeks, idiot husky has taken to going outside and laying in the sun, thick double layer coat and all.
came the other morning, wet stuff finally falling at last, and had a h**l of a job getting him to go out in it.

is this another result of global warming ?


As Mick says Chris - excellent news. Hopefully things will keep on improving and the music sessions get longer.  :thumbsup:.
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


As my name suggests I like a pint, so on Wednesdays I meet with 3 like minded friends starting in the "Investment lounge" (Jo Corals) we have a little bet £2 each on the footie. Last season not a bite! but this week our both teams to score 6 matches all correct  :claphappy: £85 beer money. The other half of our bet 3 matches both to score and pic the away winner was not so successful  :o Talking of getting the season off to a good start I see one forum member should be pleased @Bealman 2-1 win and the largest crowd of the day, lets hope it continues  :thumbsup:
Cogito Sumere potum alterum


Quote from: Papyrus on March 16, 2018, 06:02:27 PM
Marco, our old dog, was a rehome who came into our lives just before his 8th birthday. He is now 15¾ and not in the best of health. He contracted bowel disease and the vets tried him on a variety of special diets and ferociously expensive drugs which gave him the runs and made his fur fall out. In the end we unilaterally took him off the drugs and managed his diet ourselves and he started to perk up a bit. Then on Tuesday morning, he wasn't able to get up. I carried him into the garden to do his business, but he couldn't bear his own weight. Wednesday was the same and we were getting worried, although he still had an appetite. That evening, we had The Big Conversation and decided this could no longer continue, so we decided we would phone the vet for the last time in the morning.

Thursday morning we phoned the vet and made an appointment for 2pm. I gave him a bit of breakfast and carried him into the garden. As I put him down, his head came up, he set off along the path, had a little potter about, and walked back up the steps and into the house! We were open-mouthed. We kept the vet appointment so the she could check him over and by the evening he was almost back to normal. It's not the first time we have wondered if he was on his way out, but this is the first time we have made the decision to send him on his way and he has done the dog equivalent of giving us a rude gesture and saying "Up yours, sunshine!"

He really is the most remarkable dog. He's been through a lot in his little life and is one of life's survivors. He's still frail, but he ain't ready to go yet.



Damn me, the old b****r's done it again!

Marco's been struggling a bit with the heat, but we've kept him cool by spraying him with water and he's been coping. Then on Saturday, he refused food again, not even a sausage, so we knew he was suffering. He developed conjunctivitis and both his eyes gummed shut and he was blundering about looking thoroughly miserable. We treated his eyes with saline solution but he was no better Sunday morning - I managed to get him outside for a toileting event, then he slumped in his bed and gave every sign of never getting out of it again. If it had been a weekday we'd have been on the phone to the vet as his quality of life looked to have gone.

Early afternoon, Lazarus's head came up and his eyes were looking better. "Do you think he could manage some food?" we asked. Could he manage? I should think so. Best Sainsbury's sausage? Tick. Lamb heart? Tick. Quarter of a tin of dogfood? Oooh lovely... He's still very weak and wobbly, but he's eating little and often and no longer looks as if he's about to join the choir invisible. He's worked out that there's a few miles left in the emotional roller-coaster he's put us on. We love the old boy to bits.




That's quite amazing pooch you have there, Chris!

Our big cat, Blue, gets conjunctivitis and our vet suggested a gentle bathe of cold tea - old fashioned remedy for sad eyes but it does seem to help.

Dave G


Bob Tidbury

I am very happy that I have some great friends ,one of my best mates has just spent over two hours fitting an extractor fan in my railway shed .
It has been so hot down the shed that we havnt had a running session for quite a few weeks but now I can open the windows one end and put the extractor fan on the other end and create a through draught the fan can also suck air in as well if needed , in the winter we have two mobile gas fires .
He did all this even though he is planning his wedding and is also in the middle of packing to move into their own house .
So a big Thankyou goes to Graeme Woodall for doing all that ,I did act as foreman and cracked the whip over him and Val .
Bob Tidbury


Quote from: daveg on August 06, 2018, 05:55:38 PM
That's quite amazing pooch you have there, Chris!

Our big cat, Blue, gets conjunctivitis and our vet suggested a gentle bathe of cold tea - old fashioned remedy for sad eyes but it does seem to help.

Dave G

used Teabags are a good alternative for H Sapiens
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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The Q

Yesterday it rained all day while I was in at work in the lab at 23C+-0.5C   :)
Today it's forecast to be dry all day while I work on my sailing boat outside   :)

I must admit I don't like those mobile gas fires,  they put out a gallon of water into the air for each canister of gas used,  in a shed that's a huge amount of humidity  affecting track and scenery..  It's humid enough here between the Norfolk Broads and the sea.
Electric heating for me,  eventually a reversible air-conditioning unit for the cost of 3 locos

Right, my furry friend is staring at me,  time for stroll round the garden :)


Wahey! I've just found out I qualify for £200 Winter Fuel Allowance :claphappy:
That's maybe 1½ locos or 4 coaches from Farish >:(


Yeah, and freeze to death  :D
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


There are worse ways to go, I believe.
Let's face it, I use the CH as and when I need it so to be paid extra is just a Brucie Bonus. Even if I put the allowance towards the heating it still releases equivalent funds for something else ;D

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