Modelmaster/NGS decals

Started by trkilliman, October 13, 2017, 01:39:57 PM

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Quote from: Ben A on February 13, 2018, 09:19:45 PM

I understand the decals situation has some people vexed, but please let's retain a sense of perspective.

I totally agree with Ben. I'm not involved at all in the Modelmaster/NGs situation but am quite shocked by some of the mud slinging I've read tonight in this thread. It strikes me PLD summed things up in his reply #121 perfectly well and though we allow folks to vent their spleen to a certain extent there are limits.

Dr Al

As a customer with one outstanding item (still), I haven't been impressed with Modelmaster's approach in the last few days, but how to move forward, rather than female dog (changed by forum) too much more?

To say something hopefully constructive (hopefully) for Modelmaster if they are reading - the ways I'd sort this out would be:

1. Stop selling anything that's not in stock. IMMEDIATELY! If you don't know it's definitely in stock then don't list it - get it pulled from the website NOW. For the N gauge stock it seems likely that means all N is pulled for now.
2. Sort out outstanding (over a month say?) orders with an absolute top priority - either fulfill them, or refund them - and if that means stopping accepting any new orders in the interim, then do that.
3. Stop sending out discount emails until 2. is definitely accomplished as they just wind up customers who have not received orders more.
4. Once 1-3 are sorted, and the slate is then clean, then start to sort out the NGS stock and N gauge stock in general.
5. Only when catalogued, organised and clear knowledge of what is definitely there and sellable should these products then be opened back up for sale.
6. Indication that an item will take longer than say, 28 days, to arrive should be made absolutely clear before online or phone orders can be placed, although ideally with the above measures implemented, that should happen far less.
7. Accept that the majority of contact in the modern world is made electronically by email - like it or not, it's just the way it is. Other one man bands (BR Lines seems a good example) seem to manage, so it's just getting used to a more efficient workflow to deal with them.

I think that's the only path to regain credibility given the damage that has clearly been done - throwing the toys out the pram with threats to pull the plug on the whole business (quite obviously precipitated by this whole NGS situation) has somewhat backfired and only made irritated but patient customers increasingly irate that they won't ever get what they are long overdue. Certainly that was my second thought on reading the email - that a tenner lost and a Castle needing a new source of plates...... (my first thought was *SIGH*!).

I don't think anyone minds if the sorting and re-listing of the NGS stock takes time, and that it's a one man band so doing this is a fair task - that's fine as long as it's not being listed for sale concurrently, which seems part of the reason this mess has spiralled. Moreover, if the backlog of missing and outstanding orders was priority cleared, it's likely the email traffic will reduce from folks asking for the umpteenth time where their N gauge Castle nameplates are - a win-win situation I'd have thought!

Quote from: Roy L S
If Dr Al is online he may be able to provide a more comprehensive answer.

"We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."Dr. Carl Sagan


Quote from: Dr Al on February 14, 2018, 12:38:03 AM4. Once 1-3 are sorted, and the slate is then clean, then start to sort out the NGS stock and N gauge stock in general.

I think it's assumed that the N gauge problem was caused by the NGS shop renumbering Modelmaster products so could the NGS organise a volunteer team to help sort the mess out?

I'd help but the south west of Scotland is a long way to go to help sort things for an evening here and there.

Obviously I don't know the scale of the problem but even just making an offer to Modelmaster might be appreciated, don't ask don't find out etc.


All the blame seems to be want to be laid at the NGS door for shrinking the shop which seems to be totally 1 sided.

Yes, issues arose we know that but presumably the NGS didn't just pick all the Modelmaster stock they had and dump it at Modelmaster door and say "yeah their in a bit of a mess but sort it" im sure the task was probably underestimated but hiding from the problem isn't solving it.

Technically as the NGS shop as we knew it doesn't exist anymore SO no blame can be left with them, whoever agreed to take the stock on and to sort it out to continue selling it for their own gain had to take responsibility and if the task is too great give up.

It would seem that orders placed are all but lost and clearly this company needs my money more then I need their nameplates so if I ever get them ill obviously be happy. Till then I've accepted that I've just given my £40 to a worthless charity case and will never see the improvements my token gesture has made to them.

Rant over. Last post on the situation, I won't allow myself to be kicked off the forum for flared tempered statements.

The new diplomatic Craig


Thank you Craig for the post and I hope this quietens this thread down a little and we all stop blaming people who can't defend themselves. 
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From Modelmaster home page.....note the last sentence ?

UPDATE 8th February 2018
The range of brand new 'Warship' class nameplates have now arrived and are being listed, along with the 'Western' Class nameplates to the same high standards.  It will take a few days to list them, but in the meantime if you wish to purchase any which aren't listed in either Black or Red, you can order by 'phone at 01292 289770 during business hours from Monday 12th February.  Other plates will be listed very soon along with decals.  All back orders will be resolved before the end of the month.


Quote from: PLD on February 13, 2018, 06:11:51 PM
Fact is Modelmaster is a 1-man business. Yes he did underestimate the shambolic state of the stock he was taking on from the NGS; Yes communication standards may have slipped (he admits below the standards he wants to maintain) BUT...

1. he has to choose how to use his time. answering 1 e-mail might take 20 minutes. In that time he could instead pack 4 or 5 orders, or sort-out 100 or so items of the returned ex NGS Shop stock. What he can't do is all three at once.
2. from what has been said, 2mm scale orders are taking longer to process than others due to additional checks because the ex NGS stock can't be trusted to be what it says on the packet. He could cut out those checks but at the risk you would be sent the right packet containing the wrong item. What would you prefer??

Undoubtedly the present situation is less than ideal, but the root cause seems to me to be the additional workload taken on as an indirect result of the maladministration of the Society Shop.


You appear to have an axe to grind with the NGS which is regretful, however some of the points that you are posting as gospel are not the exact truth.

I'm not sure where this statement has come from that the stock was in a shambolic state when returned to Jim - having seen the state of the stock just prior to it being given to Jim that is categorically not the case.  Huge amounts of effort had been put into getting things in some sort of order.

I don't know whether things had been given a different code, though having done re-coding exercises professionally it is not rocket science to have a translation list.

It would probably be helpful if the NGS Committee made a statement on their side of things - there were certain commitments made by Modelmaster that do not appear to have been maintained, but I suspect they are very reluctant to do so as they want the situation with Model Masters to be resolved (and not to break down).

Cheers, Mike


I think a statement from the committee would be both welcome and helpful.


I would have thought something from the proprietor of the company would be even more welcome and helpful, other than the "trolls" comment ? Only as an innocent bystander of course ......


Quote from: trkilliman on February 14, 2018, 11:36:07 AM
I think a statement from the committee would be both welcome and helpful.

I think that would be most welcome to clarify their position on this and how things more on from here.



Isn't the Yahoo group the correct forum for that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIK there's no official link between this forum and the NGS. As such I always feel a bit uneasy when I read demands for the NGS to make official statements on here. I'm as keen as the next to see a resolution to this mess. But we aren't the Parliamentary Select Committee on Model Railways so I don't think we ought to demand and expect anything official from the NGS on here.

Let's try and spread a little bit of love today.

[mod]Original quoted text removed at the request of the OP[/mod]


May I suggest that you read my one line comment again RailGooner, because there is no stated or implied 'demand' placed upon the NGS by me and I do not say that and statement made should be placed on this or any other forum. Indeed the correct place for it to be published, as and when any such statement may be made, would be in the Journal and the Society website. Please do not try to read into my words something that is demonstrably not there.



Ok, enough is enough, we've asked for your cooperation in keeping this thread within bounds but as the warning has not been heeded it's been locked.  If the NGS or a representative wish to make a reply we'll happily allow it to be posted.
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Thread unlocked at the request of Scott to enable a reply to be posted, any problems and it will be locked again.
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This for information purposes, from the NGS Chairman:

"The N Gauge Society entered into an arrangement with ModelMaster whereby the latter would sell and distribute those transfers and etched nameplates that were manufactured by ModelMaster exclusively for the Society and wholly owned by the Society.

Having reviewed this relationship after 12 months, the committee feel that it would be favourable to bring the storage, listing, selling and distribution of these transfers and nameplates back under the complete control of the N Gauge Society. Therefore, with immediate effect, we have asked ModelMaster to cease selling these items. We would ask members not to place any orders for N Gauge Society owned transfers or nameplates with ModelMaster, and to bear with us while we organise the transfer back to the Society. Any member who has placed an order with ModelMaster which has been paid for and is still awaiting fulfilment of that order is advised to contact ModelMaster for a refund."



If you know someone who's depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn't a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they're going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It's hard to be a friend to someone who's depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do."

(PLEASE NOTE: Unless where obviously posting on behalf of the NGS, all posts and views are my own and not connected/endorsed by the Society.)

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