Modelmaster/NGS decals

Started by trkilliman, October 13, 2017, 01:39:57 PM

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silly moo

As my order was placed in August 2017 and I have sent them four emails that have gone unanswered since then and I have posted on this forum I suppose I fall into the troll category.

I do think that if they supply an email address they should be prepared to answer emails. I would have thought answering phone calls would be more time consuming than emails but that's just me. I have asked a friend who lives in the UK to phone them and a I will send an email the new address to find out what has happened to my order.


Quote from: silly moo on February 13, 2018, 03:38:07 AM
As my order was placed in August 2017 and I have sent them four emails that have gone unanswered since then and I have posted on this forum I suppose I fall into the troll category.

I do think that if they supply an email address they should be prepared to answer emails. I would have thought answering phone calls would be more time consuming than emails but that's just me. I have asked a friend who lives in the UK to phone them and a I will send an email the new address to find out what has happened to my order.

I don't consider your behaviour to be that of a "Troll". If people are running a business there is a certain expectation that matters/orders be dealt with in a timely manner. If there are delays then there is also a expectation that customers should be kept informed. I think your emails have been proportionate to the issue of waiting four months for an order.

I think it is unfair of Modelmaster to use language like "Troll" when the truth is that customers have a right to know what's going on with their money. If they've got email issues then that's their issue and they need to deal with it. Changing the email address from "Sales" to "Jim" isn't going to make a blind bit of difference as they both go through his website "".

I've had no dealings with Modelmaster, but I dislike the misuse of language such as that, when what @silly moo is trying to do is find out information that they are entitled to.

Bad form.
Brookline build thread:

Sometimes you bite the dog...

...sometimes the dog bites you!


I can explain it to you...

...but I can't understand it for you.


I am not in business , I receive and process somewhere in the order of 15,500 emails in a 8 month period so I do not see how a business can complain about 8000 in that time span, and a few months back whilst still working I would also have to processes another 30/40 emails a day at work with a similar number of phone calls and snail mail . his mail load works out at 35/day at about being generous 5 mins each to handle  less 3 hours/day so probably actually less 2 hours.
Diane Tape

Bingley Hall

It seems there's plenty on here think they could do a better job than you Jim..............if I was you I'd take that holiday and not bother looking back.

Let 'em get on with it.

silly moo

I think the main problem has been communication, if they were unable to cope with emails and sorting out orders, a simple notice on the website stating that they were very busy and some orders were taking longer to process would have been sufficient for most modellers. Transfers and nameplates are not a matter of life and death, most people would be prepared to wait but customers do get upset when they are totally ignored.


I think the main problem is someone's attitude to the job. He obviously agreed to take back control after the NGS dropped them from their shop.

Do the 4mm and 7mm decals and nameplates go uninformed for 6 months? ? Most probably not.

Seems strange how after weeks of questions and 'rumours' of it being brought up by the NGS committee that an email gets sent announcing retirement. Presumably on the assumption we'd give up chasing orders and not bother ordering any more.

Let's be honest if we ordered our weekly food shop online and the supermarket took our money and failed to acknowledge anything about our order would we wait 6 months and just accept their busy? No. So why just because the orders are fews of pounds is this an acceptable way to do business?
If he's allowed to refer to unhappy customers as "Trolls" surely this CLOWN deserves to loose all his business.



Interestingly the 2mm decals have vanished from the website so you can't actually order them anyway.


Procrastination - The Thief of Time.

Workbench thread

silly moo

Most of the people on RMWeb are very happy with their service and have received their orders within in few days , it does seem as though 2mm modellers have been ignored.


It's all the manufacturers fault, putting their prices up on the RTR stuff, therefore people are having to do this thing called Modelling  ??? ??? Therefore the Cottage Industries are having to do more work, inconsiderate Manufacturers  ;D ;D



P.S. Or it could be Brexit's fault  ;) ;) ;)


I don't think for one moment that the "troll" comment applies to anyone on this forum who have in the main stuck to facts and reasoned comment, however there has been some absolute ill-informed vitriol elsewhere that does qualify. Elsewhere Modelmaster have been painted by some as the devil responsible for all the ills of the NGS, accused of grabbing "their" decals, being wholly responsible for the ruin of the Society Shop and a multitude of other sins against the sainted society.

Fact is Modelmaster is a 1-man business. Yes he did underestimate the shambolic state of the stock he was taking on from the NGS; Yes communication standards may have slipped (he admits below the standards he wants to maintain) BUT...

1. he has to choose how to use his time. answering 1 e-mail might take 20 minutes. In that time he could instead pack 4 or 5 orders, or sort-out 100 or so items of the returned ex NGS Shop stock. What he can't do is all three at once.
2. from what has been said, 2mm scale orders are taking longer to process than others due to additional checks because the ex NGS stock can't be trusted to be what it says on the packet. He could cut out those checks but at the risk you would be sent the right packet containing the wrong item. What would you prefer??

Undoubtedly the present situation is less than ideal, but the root cause seems to me to be the additional workload taken on as an indirect result of the maladministration of the Society Shop.
We are where we are, and the only real way out is patience and time...


PLD it seems you are Model master spokesperson at this moment in time and clearly very close friend or associate of the aforementioned company. So if the bad press he is receiving from his basic ignorance to all that is wrong with 2mm ONLY why not go give him a hand?

Patience is all he had had over the last 6 months and clearly expects more. 1 man bands are all over this country I can't dither around on any of my communication for 6 months id never make or receive any money. Unless he's had 14 million nameplates returned from the NGS shop I can't see how hard it is to catalogue and count everything. If im not mistaken HE produced them for the NGS so would have knowledge as to what he was getting back.

Absolute shambles of a situation and hiding behind a lame excuse of lack of time to sort it is a joke!!


Quote from: exmouthcraig on February 13, 2018, 06:43:00 PM
PLD it seems you are Model master spokesperson at this moment in time and clearly very close friend or associate of the aforementioned company. So if the bad press he is receiving from his basic ignorance to all that is wrong with 2mm ONLY why not go give him a hand?

Patience is all he had had over the last 6 months and clearly expects more. 1 man bands are all over this country I can't dither around on any of my communication for 6 months id never make or receive any money. Unless he's had 14 million nameplates returned from the NGS shop I can't see how hard it is to catalogue and count everything. If im not mistaken HE produced them for the NGS so would have knowledge as to what he was getting back.

Absolute shambles of a situation and hiding behind a lame excuse of lack of time to sort it is a joke!!

Wow. This is out of order. Seriously.


So is
1, taking people's money off them
2, taking 6 months over basically nothing
3, not replying to questions about where orders are
4, blaming everyone for sending an email
5, calling customers "Trolls" for emailing you
6, announcing retirement
7, a week later withdrawing retirement threat
8, withdrawing 2mm stock from website

Not out of order??

Clearly if that's the way to run a business I have made some serious mistakes.


Quote from: exmouthcraig on February 13, 2018, 06:43:00 PM
PLD it seems you are Model master spokesperson at this moment in time and clearly very close friend or associate of the aforementioned company.
No personal direct connection other than as a very satisfied past & likely future customer; but I do know someone with more regular contact in relation to another part of the business so have had some third hand reports of the situation...

Quote from: exmouthcraig on February 13, 2018, 06:43:00 PM
HE produced them for the NGS so would have knowledge as to what he was getting back.
He did indeed, but as I understand it the NGS Shop in their infinite wisdom renumbered the stock in their own system so a packet labelled "AB1234" could contain whatever AB1234 originally was in the Modelmaster numbering or it could be whatever was AB1234 in the NGS numbering system which could be something completely different!

Quote from: exmouthcraig on February 13, 2018, 06:43:00 PMAbsolute shambles of a situation...
... is a perfect description of the NGS Shop in the last few years...

Ben A

Hello all,

Exmouthcraig's last comment has been removed as no one was prosecuted and therefore the description he used was libellous, and in my view unnecessary.

I understand the decals situation has some people vexed, but please let's retain a sense of perspective.


Ben A.

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