Politics, Religion and Prices

Started by Yet_Another, May 05, 2016, 12:12:41 PM

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Quote from: Snowwolflair on May 05, 2016, 03:17:17 PM
Quote from: Karhedron on May 05, 2016, 03:14:14 PM
You mean you don't read every thread on the forum as a matter of principle? What if someone gets something wrong?!?!?


No I leave that to you. :angel:

Reading all the threads or getting stuff wrong?  :hmmm:
Quote from: ScottyStitch on September 29, 2015, 11:28:46 AM
Well, that's just not good enough. Some fount of all knowledge you are!  :no:  ;)


Ok, I've made Just an observation on the price of things into a sticky so, like some of our layouts, we can go roundy-roundy on prices :laugh:
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


Quote from: Karhedron on May 05, 2016, 03:14:14 PM
Quote from: Snowwolflair on May 05, 2016, 03:05:36 PM
You don't have to read them  :D

You mean you don't read every thread on the forum as a matter of principle? What if someone gets something wrong?!?!?



So... ban a totally n gauge related discussion on a n gauge FORUM.
not quite brilliant uh?  :scowl:
Next station...


Chiang Mai, a nice place to live, but not been there for over twenty years.


I think the politics and religion rule is good for good reason :thumbsup:  Last week on checking my favourite modellers website and very well known modelling magazine article writers has posted quite stiff political views very different from my own.  Having found this I can't see past it and won't ever look at his articles or website ever again nor even recommend him for very useful information.  This is entirely my own choice and totally down to my own morals, but I fear dragging politics into things like hobbies is just not good and not knowing his statements I would have been perfectly happy to have remained oblivious day-in day-out.

...I think the propensity of pricing posts definately echos my own beliefs that there is unrest in the force and allot (if not all) proletarians are not so happy.  It is an essential part of the hobby.  The more the subject comes up the better in my own oppinion but I fear we are not being heard by the lack of presence of the two big manufacturers on this forum.  I absoulutely hold the likes of the smaller manufacturers and private companies in the very highest regards and their experience is very well received.  But bear in mind -with all the posts with people unhappy about pricing I only read one (full page) article in one of the mags (I can't find now), saying while we are sat looking at our sub-standard or non-working loco out of the box which may have already had some detail fall off, consider it lucky we landed with the occasional dud as it's not acceptable for every one to be tested first.  We have never had it better and we should have paid more for it in the first place :confused1:

...there I turned it into a pricing thread again :doh:  However if we ban this then we should also ban the following because there's just so much info already out there and constantly repeats every week or so:

Code 80 vs 55
Insulfrog vs electrofrog points
DCC vs DC, what decoder is best
Foam track bed underlay vs ballasting
What track cleaning method is best
What lubricating oil is best

I have been pointed out before, debate and recoccurence of the same question in the hobby is good no matter how often it occurs.  As long as religion and politics are omitted then it's fine.



Get your drift, I know that the same topics crop up
frequently , DCC, track type,ballast etc. With these there
are usually replies with practical information which is helpful.
Problem about discussing prices is the talk just goes round
and round, there's no final answer , you can moan and groan
about prices but in the end you either buy it or don't buy it.
BenA has quite an informative post in the prices thread.
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


QuoteAs long as religion and politics are omitted then it's fine.

But surely N gauge model railways is a religion. :admiration:

joe cassidy

This topic is clearly of interest to quite a few members of this forum.

I don't think it should be killed off because some self-appointed arbiter deems it vulgar/unworthy.

Best regards,



I do wonder why anybody would want to ban all discussion of a persons health as it can be very relevant to what they are able to achieve and so affect the advice given on a particular point , for sanities sake I would personally avoid anything even remotely religious and as far as Politics goes I would simply love to see a worldwide ban on Politicians themselves albeit that I am basically opposed to banning anything other than things that cause harm to innocent people .Bans in my opinion are most favoured and called for by those who wish to hide things and should be resisted as much as is reasonably possible .


Quote from: joe cassidy on May 05, 2016, 09:04:26 PM
This topic is clearly of interest to quite a few members of this forum.

I don't think it should be killed off because some self-appointed arbiter deems it vulgar/unworthy.

Best regards,

:sorrysign: which particular topic are you referring to? Pricing, politics, religion, a person's health as all have been discussed on this thread?

The OP suggested that N gauge pricing should be on the list of subjects not to be discussed. Whilst I understand the frustrations about discussions sometimes going round in circles, N gauge pricing is absolutely relevant to this forum and the only way a topic on it will be deleted/locked is if the discussion gets out of hand. However we may merge very similar topics that are started at a similar time as duplication can be counter-productive.

Our Code of Conduct makes it very clear which topics are off limits.

Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy


I don't think any of these types of topic should be banned, just that they should be in the appropriate area.

If a topic offends you, then don't read it. It really is that simple. There has been one thread in particular in recent weeks which  :censored: me off no end - I could have posted in it, expressing my dislike, but that would have achieved nothing except offending and possibly upsetting other members. Instead, when I see the aforementioned topic in my unread items list, I just don't click on it.

There are much bigger things in this world to spend your time worrying about!


Quote from: jrb on May 06, 2016, 08:56:29 AM
There are much bigger things in this world to spend your time worrying about!

I quite agree like :-

Who's going to be the next James Bond ?
Can you still get Wrangler jackets ?
Why doesn't my local have Spitfire on draught ?

Happy days !
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


Quote from: Agrippa on May 06, 2016, 09:28:04 AM

I quite agree like :-

Who's going to be the next James Bond ?
Can you still get Wrangler jackets ?
Why doesn't my local have Spitfire on draught ?

Happy days !

!. Don't know.
2. Don't care
3. When you get the answer to this let me know and I'll come and drink some!

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