Feedback about the forum

Started by guest2, December 01, 2012, 12:42:38 PM

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Many thanks NeMo. :)

There are still a couple of members who are in 'training', but generally everyone is friendly!   ;) :smiley-laughing:


I've found NGF so friendly and helpful. Most posts are not "don't be a fool you must do it this way" more "You may want to try it this way". They say the same thing but I know which is most helpful.*

Together with a light hand on the moderation it makes it a pleasure to log on.

*For those in doubt the second option :smiley-laughing:

I want to add my thanks to Tank and the mod crew. Thanks guys and girls.
I keep forgetting to add Cheers Mike on the end of my posts....

So.....  Cheers Mike


Quote from: Tank on November 04, 2013, 06:22:45 PM

There are still a couple of members who are in 'training', but generally everyone is friendly!   ;) :smiley-laughing:

Sorry Boss - I'll get the hang of it soon :-[ :D


Out of all of the forums I've been involved with this is by far the most enjoyable....not just in content but also in the people on the forums......I've said it before but I'll say it again.....great job here everyone!

If you like it run it......


Many thanks for the kind comment.  Always great to read something positive. :thumbsup:


I really enjoy the forum, everyone is friendly and helpful. The only problem I have is that SWMBO keeps whingeing "your on that **** forum again" Can any one recommend a quick fix--- a legal one that is! :smiley-laughing:
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Quote from: steve836 on November 13, 2014, 03:33:59 PM
I really enjoy the forum, everyone is friendly and helpful. The only problem I have is that SWMBO keeps whingeing "your on that **** forum again" Can any one recommend a quick fix--- a legal one that is! :smiley-laughing:

Encourage SWMBO to find a hobby  >:D

cheers John.


I am a member of 4 Forums as follows (in alphabetical order)

1. LibreOffice Forum (I use LibreOffice as a "free" alternative to MS Office)
2. NGF
3. SOC Forum (For Stag Owners Worldwide)
4. Tenerife Forum (For all things relating to life in Tenerife)

The 1st one I use rarely, only when I have a problem or need information.
The NGF I only joined relatively recently and now use it daily.
The 3rd one I use maybe 2 or 3 times a week.
The 4th one only now and again, usually when I need some new information.

The Stag Forum I have been a member of for many years and it used to be very friendly and quite humorous, but about 12 months ago the posting of jokes and "funnies" was  banned from the Forum, and it has now lost it's sparkle and become too serious. 

THE NGF I think have got things just right, and I have found it to be both informative and friendly, and I don't think I have upset too many people with my posts, although I have had the odd "negative" comment.

The only thing I would say is - is it necessary to have to always scroll down more than half a page of advertising etc., before you get to the nitty gritty (ie. Posts). I would like to see a re-design of the opening page to make it quicker & easier to see the latest posts. The advertising and selected photos could go at the bottom.

Just my opinon


the change to a new server has made the site faster and more reliable.

the review function for replies was always slow but now pops up quickly.

COngratulations ( and you can uncross your fingers and toes now)

Nick R
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
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Bob Tidbury

Just to keep Tank busy he said he would fix the problem of the adverts covering part of the calendar .

SORRY TANK  I know you are working hard only joking .


Graham Walters

Can we have a like system ?

Thanks is ok, but at times I need to "like" something, and a "thanks" doesn't sound right
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Been there before ;)

Opinions ranged from "why copy other places like Facebook?" to "do we NEED more buttons?" among the less savoury suggestions. How exactly is "Like" any different from "Thank You", as in "thank you for posting something I like"? ???



Sorry to post straight after Sprintex,  but it is not a case of mods ganging up here, just coincidence  that I clocked onto the forum and found this.  :thumbsup:

Sprintex has a very valid point. If someone clicks "Thank you" then it means that the post was indeed "liked."

We often get queries as to how to do this and how to do that, and have even had complaints that things are too complicated.

Another click button makes things more complex, and as Sprintex says, surely if you click thank you, it means you like it.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Like it  :claphappy:

Could have run 100 meters in the time taken but hay ho.

Cheers Linford  :beers:


Things have changed just a little since I made post #202 earlier on this Thread.

The NGF is now the Forum I use (and like) more than any other, and the one that I click on each day I am at home.

I still stand by the comment I made in the last paragraph of post #202 though, but that withstanding I don't think much, if anything else needs to be changed, and it remains as friendly as ever, and I can't remember the last time a Moderator pulled me up for going "off topic".

One of these days I will get to meet up with another NGF member for the first time, if not in the U.K., then if any of you take a holiday in Tenerife please contact me if you would like to meet up for a pint and a chat, and I might even show you my layout (regardless of what state of change it is in!).



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