class 24, Graham Farish's "Newspaper Express set"

Started by zero, June 22, 2014, 01:04:10 PM

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Not sure if anyone has noticed this or posted it before, but the loco in the set is DCC ready.

I was looking at the Bachmann site yesterday, and noticed the class 24 loco in this set retails on there site at £99.99.

I had a look on Ebay, and the cheapest one the same was still over £80+ pound, yet the sets on ebay are selling for just under £100 pounds. I did a lot of seaching, many sites were sold out, but I found one for £90 pounds and £7 pound for next day carriage.

In the set if you look on it as I did, you get:

A Class 24 loco  (worth at least £80)
2 carriages,         (worth at least  £20 each?)

In my case I don't have a analogue contoller, so this was why I ended up looking in these sets!  ie to be able to run in DCC ready locos before fitting a chip.

The loop of track is of no use to me at all as I already have a loop of track in my DCC commuter set to make a running loop. But if you didn't need the track or the controller,  you might be able to get £20 or so back on it, on ebay.

In my case, I got a class 24 loco, 2 carriages and a analogue controller for just £90 pounds, if I knock the track out on evilbay at £7.00 pounds  That lot if bought separately would have been at least £130 pound at cheap prices, so it was well worth me buying this set.

Also worth noting than other farish sets do have DCC ready locos too, ie both the Eastern Freight set, and Regional Commuter sets and can be worth looking at, if reduced to clear.



It is very regular to see the class 24 set being split up and sold on the separate parts being auctioned on eBay as both the full brake and parcels van are blue riband models and not that easy to find at the north Wales retailer regularly lists the set in piece's.. Not sure if bachfar are happy about this but if they make more money doing this then that's their perogative..


thanks for the info.

Seemed like a bargain to me,  Ie I was only looking for a DC controller, but then Realised if I bought a set with a DCC ready loco, I was basically getting the Carriages and controller for free.  So I went looking for the cheapest one I could fine. 

I'll certainly be looking at what Bachmann and Farish set have in them more closely now seem you can save money even if you bin the track and controller. However these sets are priced to get people in to the hobby.



I pre ordered two of these as soon as they were announced from one of the box shifters for £79 a pop, an absolute steal at the time, and they sold out very quickly. Even my local model shop sold out of their allocation of them as pre orders before they arrived in stock. Which reminds me, I should get around to that 24/1 conversion at some point... If you can find one at a reasonable price, which won't be easy so long after their release, its probably one of the best value sets we've ever had.
Like a Phoenix from the ashes...morelike a rotten old Dog Bone


I was really looking forward to this set being released, I got an extra GUV from RoS as, predictably, the GUV wasn't released as a separate black/yellow box item. Come to think of it, I wish I'd ordered an extra BG while I was at it as I've never seen a blue ribband one for sale anywhere! The 24 is one of my best running models, so much so, I'm not that bothered about the upcoming class 25 as this fits the bo-bo needs of my layout very nicely!


Having 4 x Class 24's I can certainly agree with you.
If you choose the Farish sets carefully you can actually get a bargain deal. It's one of the reasons I've ordered the Cumbrian Mountain Express packs as you get 3 coaches and a signal box free, in effect, when compared to the cost of the loco alone :thumbsup:


I bought one of these sets before Christmas and it seemed like great value especially when I sold the controller and track on ebay for over £40.  It is a really nice set though I have yet the chip the loco though.  I like the little blue locos my favourite colour

I bought another set the coal board one from a local shop a few weeks back because I wanted the loco, again I sold the controller and track on ebay this time for £34 I think


D.a.n .....Cheltenham models centre still have one in stock £18 split from the set...they did have quite a few..last one left


I bought 2 of the 24's plus 2 of each of the coaches (4 total) from sets a vendor split up. It worked well for me as I didn't need the track or the controller especially as the controller is the wrong input voltage for the US. Plus the fact shipping would have been a lot more expensive with all those added items I didn't need.

I got the 24's for 59.50 each and the coaches for I think it was 12.95 each. Less VAT of course and plus shipping. As previously mentioned the class 24's are superbly smooth runners on DC and I cannot wait to see how well they run with a Loksound decoder on DCC.   I have 3 class 25's on pre-order and I hope they are as good.



I was in the Pecorama model shop over the weekend and they had one of these train sets for sale.  The price was something around the £90 mark.

Just an FYI in case anyone is searching.

Kind regards

London Midland Region



i have noticed this and the set will be my next purchace


C&M in Carlisle had at least one set in last week for 80 - something quid.

I made the modeller's schoolboy error of having a large glass of wine with lunch BEFORE going to the shop and despite only popping in for a browse, ended up walking out with another blue 86.  :doh:

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