The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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For twenty years, I kept returning mail that was sent to the previous occupants here and informing companies that they had moved. Most of it was from the Halifax, offering loans and credit cards and they would not stop - despite me buying the house from the Halifax, when the previous owners were declared bankrupt and the house was repossessed! They refused to stop for ages, as this was the registered address and I was not the customer. I pointed out that they were a) inconveniencing me and b) sending someone else's confidential data to me and I threatened to start charging for handling their mail, before they finally stopped it. They eventually gave me 25 pounds for my trouble.


Way back I managed to snaffle the email address "" and since then get a whole variety of email for people with the same surname. A particularly bad offender was an Australian telecoms company called Telstra, who assumed I was one of their customers and kept sending me billing information etc., without so much as a hint of how I could tell them they had the wrong person (this happens quite a lot with various companies). Anyway said person became delinquent with their bills and I was the recepient of a bunch of increasingly strident reminders, so I screenshotted the latest one and put it on their public Facebook page with the sincerely worded hope that if someone knows that particular lastname, maybe they could let her know as Telstra are obviously incapable of doing so. The post was gone in about 2 minutes and I never got another email.


 :censored: :censored: :censored:
picked up SWMBO's repeat prescription today, got home, sorted it out and found that a medication she has been on for years has been removed from the repeat prescription........

so now I've got to phone the surgery tomorrow and sort it out, ha, ha

listen to long spiel, once you get through, about covid, then get through all the options till you get prescription queries, then chance as to whether they actually bother to answer.

then there is the 'we can't deal with queries over prescriptions'

hang on, that is the  :censored: option I just selected....

then no doubt tons of utter  :poop: before I'll get told I need to speak to the doctor ..

yeah right....

so what utter  :censored: decided to remove medication, with no reference or notification to the patient ?

looks like tomorrow will be one pile of  :poop: after another.....

and you never get any sort of apology even when they have  :censored: up.

due to 'covid' she hasn't seen the doctor for over two years, what a surprise, even though 'reviews' of medication have passed without any attempt to see her.

off to Tesco for a bottle of water, scottish, calming, idiots for the use off  :beers:


Petty minded bureaucracy is doing my head in. After leaving my exam invigilator job 3 months ago as a jobsworth twisted a Kenny Everett quote into I was going to murder all the students they still haven't hit the necessary button to say I left so I can't get a P45 not that I need one at the moment!
I'd been a postie for years so secured a part time job back with them delivering covid testing kits on Sundays which was ideal but, oh no, that would be too simple. I survived the interviews and the mountain of paperwork required but the final thing was providing a copy of my perfectly legal paper driving license. Sorry, we only accept paper licenses if issued before 1997 whilst yours was issued in 1999. You will need a photo license.
Hold on, my paper license was perfectly acceptable to you for the 14 years I worked for you but not now? No, job offer withdrawn.
And they wonder why they struggle for staff.


Quote from: class37025 on January 25, 2022, 06:57:44 PM
:censored: :censored: :censored:
picked up SWMBO's repeat prescription today, got home, sorted it out and found that a medication she has been on for years has been removed from the repeat prescription........

so now I've got to phone the surgery tomorrow and sort it out, ha, ha

listen to long spiel, once you get through, about covid, then get through all the options till you get prescription queries, then chance as to whether they actually bother to answer.

then there is the 'we can't deal with queries over prescriptions'

hang on, that is the  :censored: option I just selected....

then no doubt tons of utter  :poop: before I'll get told I need to speak to the doctor ..

yeah right....

so what utter  :censored: decided to remove medication, with no reference or notification to the patient ?

looks like tomorrow will be one pile of  :poop: after another.....

and you never get any sort of apology even when they have  :censored: up.

due to 'covid' she hasn't seen the doctor for over two years, what a surprise, even though 'reviews' of medication have passed without any attempt to see her.

off to Tesco for a bottle of water, scottish, calming, idiots for the use off  :beers:

update .....

actually got through to the prescription query option, and got hold of [not literally] someone helpful 

it appears that at her on the phone review it was decided to reduce her from a 40mgm to a 20 mgm tablet daily....

after a month I contacted them and said ther was no recurrence of the problem on the lower dose ....

so some  :censored: decided to take her off the reduced dose.

no advice of course, left till it disappeared off the repeat prescription and was questioned...

so glad I only have two items, statins, and pain killers for my back, on my repeat prescription, so much easier to keep track of, and when I had my telephone review, pointed out that a. statins were decided by the doctor, and pain killers were as a result of a long term back problem.

'could you do without the pain killers ?"

yes, but I would obviously be in pain !

"err ok we'll continue with them"

cost cutting exercise ??????????????????????????


6 months or so ago my doctor told me he was changing my statin as my BP was raised, and he changed it to one he took me off as it was giving me pains in the lower legs. Sure enough, after just a week I had to cease going to the gym classes as it was too painful. I have tried contacting him but am starting to disbelieve he ever existed. At my next review I will take great delight in informing them I have put on weight and lost muscle tone as a direct result of their action. I will also inform them I suffer from 'white coat syndrome' and my BP rises every time I visit hospitals or GP surgery.
This is known by both establishments. As it is, there are far too many things going on that raise my BP anyway.


I have white coat syndrome as well, Mick. So I went to Lloyds chemist and bought a decent BP monitor. Now I do my own BP for a few days before my review and the nurse just records them.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Quote from: Malc on January 28, 2022, 10:55:49 AM
I have white coat syndrome as well, Mick. So I went to Lloyds chemist and bought a decent BP monitor. Now I do my own BP for a few days before my review and the nurse just records them.

I have one too, Malc. I did give the practice receptionist data from 2 weeks of tests but haven't a clue if it got to my GP as I heard nothing.


I also had leg pains with the first statin they tried, usually at night. I am now on Atorvastatin and I take it first thing in a morning. I have been on this for the last 5 years and no problems.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Quote from: Newportnobby on January 28, 2022, 11:08:43 AM
Quote from: Malc on January 28, 2022, 10:55:49 AM
I have white coat syndrome as well, Mick. So I went to Lloyds chemist and bought a decent BP monitor. Now I do my own BP for a few days before my review and the nurse just records them.

I have one too, Malc. I did give the practice receptionist data from 2 weeks of tests but haven't a clue if it got to my GP as I heard nothing.

It's the same at my GP Practise when I give any BP data, I get a "No news is good news" response. It's the same response when they draw an armful of blood into test tubes. I'll use the NHS App, where I can check my GP notes for test results and other data entries  :)
Today's Experts were yesterday's Beginners :)


Quote from: Malc on January 28, 2022, 11:17:33 AM
I also had leg pains with the first statin they tried, usually at night. I am now on Atorvastatin and I take it first thing in a morning. I have been on this for the last 5 years and no problems.

My leg pains first came about with Simvastatin so he changed me onto Atorvastatin which didn't help any so he then prescribed Pravastatin. All was OK until he moved me back to Atorvastatin owing to slightly raised BP :doh:


ok, so where do these idiots come from ?
on the news tonight, some 'boss' from Tesco said he expected prices to rise 'by low to mid single figures' which when I was at school would be around 5%....

on friday, with our eldest grandson down for the weekend, I got, among other items, some bottles of Tesco's own coke.....
was 50p, now 60p ..

err, when I was at school that equated to a 1/5th, or 20% increase  :censored:

obviously, he hasn't either been in one of his stores or shopped there for a while  >:D

typical CEO, treats customers as though they are idiots, collects his massive pay, and couldn't give a toss about staff or customers.

and lies like hell on tv to cover it up.

ok, bag packed, and ready to head to the naughty step, yet again  :-[

Bob Tidbury

The people like him dont do any shopping they have servants to do menial tasks like that he has probably never actualy been shopping and has never seen the household bills for himself .
Bob Tidbury


nearly two decades ago, when I spent a year or so working nights at Tesco, the then CEO, Sir Terry Lehey, would turn up, unannounced at stores, and have a wander round to see what was going on...

and he'd stop and chat to the shop floor staff, never mind the managers, who would finally realise he was there and try to head him off  :D

of course, by then he had an idea of how the store was doing, and how the staff felt  >:D

this  :censored: presumably sits in his office checking his portfolio and pension rather than actually getting out and seeing what is going on.

as usual, probably a university degree in economics and never done a real day's work in his life, like mos company bosses these days.

oh for the days when bosses were promoted from the shop / factory floor and knew what they were talking about.

mind you, you couldn't pull the wool over their eyes  :hmmm:

I remember when the AA recruited a pile of senior managers, one from a brewery, presumeably to prove they could organise a  :beers: in a brewery.

you could run rings round them, cause they didn't know  :poop: about the real job. :smiley-laughing:

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