Happy thread

Started by Deleted Member, March 30, 2011, 06:08:29 PM

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The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try



hi all  :wave:

just had my first trial go with my airbrush and all seemed to go well  :-\

just need to change the lightbulb in the room. and no i didn't spray it by accident, its one of those energy saving jobs so i cant see exactly how i did

may post some pics later if all went as well as i think

anyway im feeling happy for now  ;D

dave  :thumbsup:


Quote from: davieb on December 12, 2011, 08:14:02 PM

just need to change the lightbulb in the room. and no i didn't spray it by accident, its one of those energy saving jobs so i cant see exactly how i did

My local maplin have the SAD light boxes for £6!!

The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try


thanks for the reply polo 2K

will have to have a look i thought about either a daylight simulation bulb or raiding my dads stash of 100W bulbs

dave  :thumbsup:


if they are 100w incandecants, it might be worth snaffling a few and ebaying tham in a few years as they are no longer made.
The SAD boxes are specifically designed for daylight replication.
If you have any friends who keep repltiles, their bulbs loose the UV filter after about a year. Often I throw out tubes that still light, but wont guve the snake the light he needs. Aslo available in different wavelengths.

Cracking online retailler for bulbs: Lyco.co.uk

The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try


hadn't thought about a reptile bulb  :-X

we have loads in the shop where i work will have to have a work in the bosses ear tomorrow  :angel:  :angel:

thanks for the tip  :thumbsup:



you work in a reptile shop?

IO have a corn myself: Bruce

And used to have another called sheila:


The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try


no i don't work in a reptile shop

but i do work in an aquatics shop which used to sell reptiles but due to curcumstances beyond our control we can no longer sell livestock
but we still sell the equipment  :)

the first pic would have my boss running for cover he hates mice, if someone comes in and asks for frozen mice ,etc ,he goes white and gets someone else to serve them  :smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:

dave  :thumbsup:


the seccond has the end of a pinkie too :)

The only way to guarantee failure, is not to try

Pete Mc

How do,I'm doing my last shift later today before finishing for my holidays from work for 10 days.

I'm gonna fill in the time I'm off with doing some work on the layout,playing with it,doing a bit of chrimbo shopping,sleeping,playing Xbox and eating a bit of christmas dinner.Oh,and spending a bit of time with the family then a bit more playing trains.Happy days ahead then. :beers:

Gonna drink some beer as well. :NGaugersRule:

Its my train set and I'll run worra want!

Pete sadly passed away on the 27th November 2013 - http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=17988.msg179976#msg179976


away to the bell rock restaurant with the family for a big dirty fish supper ;D ;D ;D ;D happy days :thumbsup:
Where our songs are challenged we shall sing them all the louder!!!!!


Quote from: gwrwill on December 18, 2011, 01:04:43 PM
away to the bell rock restaurant with the family for a big dirty fish supper ;D ;D ;D ;D happy days :thumbsup:

What's it like there, never usually get past Gayfield  ::)  not been for a while but the way Raith are playing this season I might be back up there next season  :(


lawrence it is marvellous :thumbsup: had the all you can eat buffet  ;D ;D £7 a head and as much fish,chips,puddings,sausages etc as you manage.oh and theres salads for the wimps ;D ;D ;D and ice cream for pudding :thumbsup: so i'm now sitting here suffering ;D ;D ;D
Where our songs are challenged we shall sing them all the louder!!!!!

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