RCD tripping

Started by Coyote, November 02, 2023, 08:51:21 PM

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It would be good to have a new consumer unit and a better ovarall design. At the moment every visiting plumber/electrician has done want they needed to do and left.

Sunday morning I had the solar isolated and the RCD did not trip. Monday morning I isolated the solar fed immersion and the RCD did not trip. Today nothing was isolated, a sunny morning and no RCD tripping.

Now I am confused/worried, I was going to contact the builder with the evidence of mis-wiring but I am now wondering if taking the cover off the CU has disturbed something as it has not gone wrong since then? I have seen too many bunrt terminals and I do not want one in my house.

I had the last piece of Lemon Drizzle cake today, very moist, worth keeping the power on for.

Visit Mossdale's YouTube channel for a view of a 1920's LMS railway in North Yorkshire or Mossdale Road for some shunting



It may be worth tweaking all the terminal screws in case 1 is loose. Still check the neutrals are in the right place though. Intermittent faults are just as frustrating as neutral faults.
A new fuseboard is not too expensive either. Generally these days you can buy one with all the MCBs and RCBOs included. Usually supplied as split units but they can be changed to get rid of the main RCBO to have singles. Sadly it's often cheaper to buy a populated board plus the individual RCBOs and throw the MCBs away. That's the world we live in unfortunately. Nothing wrong with your board though and you could change it to have individual RCBOs.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



An update on the RCD tripping:

Almost every morning the house sockets RCD has tripped at sunrise, but has reset at first or second attempt, some mornings we have isolated the solar beforehand until a more convenient time to go through the power disruption routine. Today the electrician returned, "moved some wires in the consumer unit" and left. Curiosity got the better of me and I took the cover off to see what he had done. I discovered by comparing to previous photos that he had moved an earth wire in a terminal block and tightened the screw down on the insulation so that the conductor was not touching the terminal. I explained this to our builder, he made the electrician return to correct this. He has also replaced the RCBO for the solar with an RCD as it had before. It does seem that someone has rearranged the circuits in the consumer unit so that the labels are incorrect, I need to check which MCB/RCBO does what and relabel them. Hopefully that is the end.


Visit Mossdale's YouTube channel for a view of a 1920's LMS railway in North Yorkshire or Mossdale Road for some shunting



If the electrician has worked on the installation which it sounds like he has then he should be producing a test certificate and checked the circuit schedule is correct. Not sure I have much confidence in this sparky especially after seeing the way he terminated the earth sleeving.

To follow the construction of my layout "Longcroft" from day 1, you'll have to catch the fish below first by clicking on it which isn't difficult right now as it's frozen!



I have some one in today replacing ours so i showed him the pic he has a student working with him he showed him the pic and told him that's not the way to do it all the wires have been left to long and fault finding will be very hard to do


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