3907 Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit

Started by guest311, March 08, 2021, 09:08:47 PM

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I am sure this is a silly question, but I am totally baffled with this problem.

having recently freed myself from Virgin, I need to send all their kit back, and this included an extender kit.

both of the extender plugs worked no problem, but I needed to replace them with a similar system as the wi-fi from the EE hub will not connect to the desktop in the spare bedroom, same reason that I needed the Virgin extenders.

I have connected the BT extenders as per their instructions, but they will not connect with each other, so no internet on the desktop.
initially I thought it was because I had both connected into extension leads, although the virgin ones worked fine on the extension leads.
I therefore bought a pair of longer ethernet cables so I could plug both of the BT extender plugs into main sockets, but still no joy.

I'm sure it is something simple, but I just can't work it out.

any suggestions for the ID-10-T  :-[


Do the BT extenders need to go through a pairing process?  I've had various speeds of Solwise ethernet-over-mains units over the years, and whilst a boxed pair would be pre-configured, when adding more devices to an existing network they sometimes required pairing.

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I'll try that tomorrow, according to the instructions they should find each other.

I haven't tried factory reset, would that be the same as unpaired ?


The other thing to do when setting up is have them plugged in adjacent to the router to get the initial connection sorted, then you should be able to move to wherever they are needed. That way you have a good signal to set up and then they can hang on to the signal once moved.

Are they true WiFi extenders as in they link by WiFi to the router - I know there are others that use the house mains to pass data and then go to WiFi or ethernet out - they only work on the same ring main so if the bedroom or whatever was for some reason on a separate circuit that wouldn't work.

I have a friend who has terrible WiFi but this is because her builder partner used foil encased insulation in the house throughout when doing it up, so the rooms are a bit shielded, she has had success with WiFi extenders that I believe pass the signals down the mains.


hadn't thought of different ring mains.
hub is on downstairs ring main,
computer is on upstairs ring main.

I'll try linking them on a double socket downstairs, then see if the second one will move to the upstairs ring.

many thanks for the suggestions / explanation.


sorry, they use the mains wiring to link themselves, then just provide either an ethernet socket or wi-fi in the second location.


Yes had a look myself - so they should work as long as the wiring is all from the same consumer unit so separate rings should work if coming from the same CU but maybe that is where the issue may be.

I think trying downstairs and getting working is the way to go then move them to wherever and they should just reconnect.


One other thing is that they will work best in the mains sockets and will work in basic extensions. However, if the extension is antisurge protected and filtered that may well stop them working well or at all.

Think they have a front socket so normal setup would be extended into mains wall socket and then extension into extender front socket so you don't lose the use of the extension.

Are you using them to provide Wifi/Ethernet or both at their final location? If you can start with Ethernet even if temporary as that will rule out other issues.
I guess for WiFi though you would be connecting to the extended and not the Wifi for the router so would be a separate WiFi network name and password?


Quote from: Fardap on March 09, 2021, 10:49:58 AM

I guess for WiFi though you would be connecting to the extended and not the Wifi for the router so would be a separate WiFi network name and password?

not professing to be an expert but I have a (not a BT one) WiFi Extender on a different level to my router but it only requires the usual router password. I also have the BT plug in adaptors and I believe they are self pairing. Still best to pair them in the same room as the router initially and as has been previously advised, best plugged straight into wall plug sockets and not extensions.
hope this helps.
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With my wifi extender, I had to plug it in near the router and press a button on the router to pair them.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


The home plugs don't like being plugged into mains extender units - direct into a mains socket is best
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