Every cloud has a silver lining in Market Deeping

Started by Railwaygun, May 20, 2019, 08:38:41 AM

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An excellent response from the principal and students.  :thumbsup:

As a retired high school teacher, it is exactly what I would expect of most young people.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Would agree with points raised. The headteacher did what she did with dignity and a purpose. Good on the pupils and hopefully we can add positive comments

Doc Pye

A good response from the Head Teacher, and hopefully the good students and staff will work with those who were effected by the vandalism.

On that note, while I always treat the Sun newspaper with a degree of skepticism (not for its political views, as all the papers have them) but for its journalism...but this recent post caught my eye:


Now if the 'Mother' of one of the vandal youth is legit...and as I said, I am not sure...well, the comments speak volumes what is wrong with the world we live in. In reading the 'Mother's' quotes, the whole story doesn't make any sense. Four boys get 1 bottle of Vodka to celebrate the end of their GCSEs, then break into a school to crash for the night, and then end up deliberately destroying the railway exhibits and traders stands (over a period of time, as this didn't take a few minutes)! Okay, the input of the alcohol is meant to be some sort of mitigating circumstance...please...if you drink you accept your actions. Also, 1 bottle between four 15-16 year old males these days wouldn't necessarily get them drunk and regardless doesn't excuse any such horrendous behavior.

The 'Mother's' story goes on with the actions of the parent to taking away the vandal's game console and phone...oh, and ground him...and then speak of how his own dad couldn't speak to him for days. Really...that's it. Is this the state of play today??? Why didn't the parents call the police when their son didn't come on that night or check in? Wow, what parenting these days...

The 'Mother's' saga continues making it clear that her criminal son is only really concerned about how his wanton destruction and illegal acts will effect his life and future. The line about writing a letter of apology just stinks of being imposed on him by parents and not much value.

Again, not sure this is all legit reporting but if it is, well, we as a society are really messed up.


The mods have already issued a warning here - one more strike and wel will lock the thread..

The issues now are what is the club going to do with the money ( they are talking about supporting other clubs / shows,), and how will they safeguard their windfall ( and cope with the begging letters.).

There is the old adage , that there's is no such thing as bad publicity - news thAt locos could be worth £8k may attract a new sort of visitor...

However it may help promote interest in the hobby.


Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
Ecclesiastes 2:11

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It may contain alternative facts

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Doc Pye

So I just checked and the amount raised was £102,188, which shows how many people felt for this tragic story. From that amount you should take off at least 10% that goes to the website running the campaign and you have around £92K left. Given the nature of the damage done to displays and traders stands and stock, will this really be enough to cover it all? I am not counting the time involved, or the fact that those involved may not have the time, or will, to redo their work due to age and other considerations. For example, the PD Marsh example cited was for a considerable loss, and the figures given were modest I think. Hence, if the money is really distributed to the affected parties based on loss I am not so sure they will have enough.

In any event, I am glad to have given something and wish the club and traders involved, as well as the good staff and students at the Academy, can overcome this dire situation.

Now back to talking about making, fixing, etc trains!  :bounce:


As has been discussed the damaged items should be covered by the insurance (either from the club or the individuals), indeed the club's already had a payout, but I still maintain they're not the big loser in this. I doubt more than a couple of the exhibits belong to the club, with other clubs, companies and individuals losing out equally.

I'm also not sure that effectively acting as an insurance company and paying out the raised funds to the parties who have suffered losses is their role either. How do you do that? What value on time, what's worth more, trade stock or a layout? Do you do it proportionately once everyone has submitted a claim? What about their own insurance claims etc etc? As has been said the bulk of the 'cost' attached to items actually relates to time. If I considered my hourly rate of pay and assigned that to my layout then it would be worth a small fortune, despite being rubbish, but that doesn't really work, nor would having that sum of money actually replace anything.

I actually think the club are in a slightly invidious position, they now have a huge sum of money, but what do they do with it without appearing unfair or biased?

The Q

It would be normal for a club to get it's own stuff in the night before a show as well as anyone else who wants to.
Now they may have been lucky and had their stuff in the other hall. But it would easily be possible for them to have had two layouts , a secondhand stall and may be a club advertising stand already assembled in the hall.


Yes I'm not saying they've not lost anything, as I said, I'm sure a couple of the exhibits were theirs. But that's about it. But they've got £100k, plus an insurance payout. They don't have to give any of that to everyone that's lost stuff. To me that doesn't really feel right though, which is what I mean.


As to the layouts, the money raised will allow the clubs/individuals to order all the wood, track, cable & electrical bits, buildings, rolling stock & locos, and scenic materials they need to rebuild without restriction. I am sure the layouts will be well photographed so reproductions can be produced without having to worry about where the money is going to come from.
Yes it is heartbreaking to see you hard work destroyed by stupidity but, to try and apply a positive spin it does give them the opportunity to build even better versions of their layouts and, who knows, perhaps it may encourage some of the kids from the school to get involved in the hobby.


Quote from: Lawrence on May 24, 2019, 01:27:54 PM
perhaps it may encourage some of the kids from the school to get involved in the hobby.

Now that really would be a silver lining! :beers:

Doc Pye

Okay, now I am confused...I thought the fund was there to cover everyone at the show that incurred loss/damage? Am I right/wrong on this account?


@Doc Pye  I think the gofundme stuff is an attempt by the community to express their solidarity and to try and help out.

The insurance cover should be initial source of "official" financial recompense.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


I'm quite sure that is what the intention is but some poor soul has to decide who gets what slice of the fund and I don't envy them that task.
Until something solid is heard from the organising club or press, anything we come up with is just speculation.


Quote from: Doc Pye on May 24, 2019, 03:38:07 PM
Okay, now I am confused...I thought the fund was there to cover everyone at the show that incurred loss/damage? Am I right/wrong on this account?
To be accurate, this is what they are raising funds for :

'Weʼre raising £75,000 to Help Market Deeping Model Railway Club recover from vandalism'

They go on ...

'Market Deeping Model Railway Club needs your help to rebuild. We have held our annual show in Stamford for the last 12 years. Months of planning goes into the show and years of work goes into building the layout. Imagine our horror and grief when we were greeted by this scene of absolute devastation on the morning of 18th May 2019.

Some of the models on display are irreplaceable and whilst money cannot possibly replace the hours of painstaking effort that has been so wantonly destroyed, we would ask that you make a donation, no matter how small, to help us get back on our feet. Please accept our thanks in advance.

We originally hoped for £500 to fund some of our rebuilding costs. The response has been out of this world and overwhelming. We are truly grateful for everything that has been donated both money and gifts. We weren't the only ones to suffer and our thoughts are turning to those others affected.

Brian Norris, Secretary, Market Deeping Model Railway Club'

Nowhere do they talk about covering loss or damage incurred, instead they talk about rebuilding and getting back on their feet.
Northallerton will make its next public appearance will be at Perth model railway show https://smet.org.uk/show/layouts/
June 24/25 2023.

Layout: Northallerton: http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=1671.msg16930#msg16930


Cleveland Model Railway club website: www.clevelandmrc.club


And they also say that it's just for the club, with the addendum adding "our thoughts are turning to those others affected", which is not the same as 'we're going to spread the funds among all exhibitors2.

I think a lot of people think they're donating to help all of those who lost things, but they're not. Obviously the club could distribute the funds, but that's not what they intended (which is fine). This is why I think it's an invidious position. If they sit on all that money and say "well it did say it was just for us" that likely to drive some ill will among those who thought they were donating to generally help everyone sort stuff out, whilst distributing it is fraught with issues.

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